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NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service, TV Series, 2003-2025 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Germaneon, wasserspeier, luckyNCIS0178, Robi, Venomous Mink, stronghold, potter, Taco, JoshTheCarGuy, xboxcarsforza, MonkGlonk, night cub, sodala, Parrilex304

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Also known as:

  • Navy CIS
  • Navy NCIS
  • NCIS
  • Военни престъпления (Bulgaria)
  • NCIS: Investigações Criminais (Brazil)
  • Námořní vyšetřovací služba (Czechia or ex-Czechoslovakia)
  • Navy NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service (Ecuador)
  • NCIS: Kriminalistid (Estonia)
  • Navy: Investigación criminal (Spain)
  • NCIS Rikostutkijat (Finland)
  • NCIS: Enquêtes spéciales (France)
  • Omada NCIS (Greece)
  • Ν.Π.Δ.Υ (Greece)
  • Ν.Π.Δ.Υ: Ναυτικές ποινικές διερευνητικές υπηρεσίες (Greece)
  • NCIS - Tengerészeti helyszínelők (Hungary)
  • אן-סי-איי-אס (Israel)
  • Naval criminal invesgation service (India)
  • एनसीआईएस: नौसेना आपराधिक जांच सेवा (India)
  • NCIS - Unità anticrimine (Italy)
  • NCIS 〜ネイビー犯罪捜査班 (Japan)
  • Specialioji jūrų policijos tarnyba (Lithuania)
  • NCIS: izmeklēšanas dienests (Latvia)
  • Agenci NCIS (Poland)
  • NCIS: Investigação Criminal (Portugal)
  • NCIS: Anchetã militarã (Romania)
  • Маринци (Serbia)
  • Морнарички истражитељи (Serbia)
  • Морская полиция: Спецотдел (Russia)
  • Preiskovalci na delu: NCIS (Slovenia)
  • NCIS: Námorný vyšetrovací úrad (Slovakia)
  • 重返犯罪現場 (Taiwan)
  • Морська поліція (Ukraine)
  • NCIS: Cơ Quan Điều Tra Hình Sự Hải Quân (Viet Nam)

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Comments about this movie

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Buc84 US

2007-12-25 19:06

It depends on the city you are in,or possibly the State? (I think New York state either has outlawed it,or wants to??) Mostly,it's just the city or town that bans it?

Ford_Guy US

2007-12-25 20:21

Legislation to restrict mobile phone use has been proposed or enacted in 40 states in the United States.

California, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Washington, DC, and Washington state have passed such a law. The state of Arkansas voted on such a law, which took place in the last week of January 2007.

In the United States, such laws were first passed by individual cities and towns, until state legislatures began to pass similar laws. The first American town to pass such a law was Marlboro Township, New Jersey. Both California and Washington's 2007 laws require the use of hands-free wireless devices as of July 1, 2008.
In May 2007, Washington became the first state to ban text messaging while driving, effective January 1, 2008. However, the infraction is not serious enough to compel police to pull over the driver. New Jersey followed suit by passing its own text messaging ban in November 2007. On September 19, 2007, the city of Phoenix, Arizona, passed a city ordinance prohibiting text messaging while driving. Fines are $100 if caught while driving and $250 if it causes an accident. The city provided a 30 day warning period which ended October 19, 2007.

-- Last edit: 2007-12-25 20:23:09

Buc84 US

2007-12-25 21:15

Not much of Governmental regulation-type guy,but the texting ban is a good idea?? New York was the only state I could think of when I wrote it,but I knew several cities did it?? (Two are in my area-so of course some "Talking Head" on the Radio just HAD to flaunt it the first day it went in,drove around until he got a ticket....on the air....which to me was good for a laugh!! :lol: )

taxiguy US

2008-07-13 21:14

robi wrote does anybody know what type of car hit the crown victoria?

It's a 1997-2003 Chevrolet Malibu

antp BE

2008-10-21 17:20

New vehicles submission should be done in forum (cf help page)

Neptune US

2008-10-23 21:03

@ the above comments.

North Carolina has restrictions for cell phone use while driving. Minors are strictly banned from using a cell phone, up to age 18
(with the exception of using them in a emergency event)

Though I think there are future plans to increase the age – maybe even ban cell phone use altogether, even for adults. Hands-free
phone systems such as Bluetooth are recommended.

Ingo DE

2008-10-23 21:33

So it's allowed to use mobile-phones during driving in the USA?

In most European countries it's forbidden. Mostly it's similar like in Germany: mobile-phoning (incl.SMS) only when the car is standing and the engine is off. A list of fines, I've just found in the Net:

- 15 Euro Bulgaria
- 35 Euro and more France
- 40 Euro Germany
- 41 Euro Czech Republic
- 50 Euro Austria
- 50 Euro and more Greece
- 59 Euro Poland
- 60 Euro and more Ireland
- 62 Euro Swiss
- 67 Euro Denmark
- 69 Euro Croatia
- 76 Euro and more Great Britain
- 91 Euro and more Spain
- 100 Euro and more Belgium
- 120 Euro and more Portugal
- up to 122 Euro Hungary
- 150 Euro Netherlands
- up to 594 Euro Italy.

atom and DAF555 can be happy, in Sweden it's still legal.

Ford_Guy US

2008-10-24 00:06

Ingo wrote So it's allowed to use mobile-phones during driving in the USA?

There is no national law that prohibits this, it's all up to the state government to decide on the issue. California no longer allows people who are driving to use cell phones.

Neptune US

2008-10-24 00:17

I don’t use my cell while driving period. If someone is calling me and I need to take a call, I’ll
pull-over and stop (if safely possible) or wait until I reach my destination and call the person back.

I’ve never been comfortable talking on the phone while driving, accidents can happen too easily and too quickly.

LuckyNCIS0178 US

2009-03-04 17:29

My personal philosophy (and mind you, this is just personal) is that if the call is important enough, they'll call back. Now, mind you, if I have just left home, and my fiancee calls, then yes, I am going to either answer it cause I forgot something, or I am going to pull into a store, turn around, and head back. (Depends on how close I am to home.)


vilero ES

2009-05-15 13:16

Added 7 new vehicles from Season 6, courtesy of user 'Germaneon'

mister car from 971

2009-07-25 18:55

Good news: NCIS will be back in September for Season 7, and moreover, its spinoff series, NCIS Los Angeles will begin to air at the same time! And these two dramas will air on Tuesday nights at 8/7c for NCIS and 9/8c for its spinoff, NCIS L.A.

-- Last edit: 2009-07-25 19:13:04

Ford_Guy US

2009-08-19 21:36

I changed the official name of the series. Ever since season two, it has been known simply as NCIS. For season one, it was officially promoted as Navy NCIS.

vilero ES

2009-08-20 12:33

Added 52 New Vehicles courtesy of user 'Robi' (robikumpel). You know: Date added (new ones first)

CougarTim US

2009-08-20 19:50

I watch this show sometimes with my mom. It's amusing to me how they mess with DC area geography. In one episide, there was a scene set at a naval base in Norfolk, VA... with mountains in the background. There are no mountains in the Virginia Tidewater (also, the jets had the name of a California city on them).

Also, I see an abundance of fake Virginia license plates on the cars in this show.

jettalover US

2009-08-22 04:28

Cell phone limiting laws passed by the states with no federal laws to supercede the state laws. This should be more common in other areas of life. Medical marijuana advocates in Cal. wished the federal law didn't contradict the Cal. state law allowing medical marijuana storefront dispensiaries. Perhaps education should be governed only by the states and not the federal govt. Or perhaps abortion should only be governed by the states and not the federal govt. :think:

-- Last edit: 2009-08-22 04:30:04

stronghold EN

2009-11-29 02:55

[Image: ncis112.4300.jpg]
[Image: ncis114.1870.jpg] [Image: ncis115.9624.jpg] [Image: ncis116.3995.jpg] [Image: ncis117.1011.jpg] [Image: ncis118.5701.jpg]

I've recently purchased season 1 (dvd box set) and will be adding All vehicles from it.

Season 1:-
1- Yankee White......(DONE)
2- Hung Out to Dry...(DONE)
3- Seadog..............(DONE)
4- The Immortals......(DONE)

-- Last edit: 2009-12-03 23:51:47

stronghold EN

2009-11-29 10:44

in episode 1.01
[Image: ncis111.417.jpg] [Image: ncis1135.9241.jpg] [Image: ncis1114.2296.jpg] [Image: ncis1115.9554.jpg]

also in this episode- Gibbs & Ducky seen in a van** but no clear views or exterior shots
[Image: ncis1149.6447.jpg] [Image: ncis1150.7121.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2009-11-29 11:28:22

stronghold EN

2009-11-29 11:45

in eps 1.02
[Image: ncis1219.3930.jpg]

stronghold EN

2009-12-03 23:57

in eps 1.04
[Image: ncis144.9329.jpg] [Image: ncis145.9990.jpg] [Image: ncis147.9602.jpg] [Image: ncis148.9435.jpg] [Image: ncis1413.7578.jpg] [Image: ncis149.9331.jpg] [Image: ncis146.7938.jpg] [Image: ncis1411.8428.jpg]

Robi DE

2010-03-09 15:09

"Navy CIS" = German Title

garco NL

2010-04-20 21:59

Ratio is not correct.

mister car from 971

2010-05-28 20:45

Good news, CBS renewed NCIS for the 2010-11 season. There's gonna be a season 8, and its airing time won't change, since it'll always air on Tuesday nights at 8/7c.

Robi DE

2010-07-18 22:35

I´ve done mistakes with the cars from episodes 6.01 and 6.02:
Every car from Ep. 6.01 should be from Ep. 6.22, and every car from Ep. 6.02 from Ep. 6.23.
I hope somebody can change that, sorry for creating the problems.

CougarTim US

2010-07-19 02:40

Fixed. :)

Robi DE

2010-07-19 08:48

Thank You :)

potter HU

2010-12-27 16:34

I have a small problem: the 2007-inch Lincoln Navigator and the 2006 Mercury Grand Marquis for contained in the 5x18, the 2008 Buick LaCrosse and the 2008 Ford Taurus was featured in the 5x19.

-- Last edit: 2010-12-27 16:35:17

mister car from 971

2011-05-11 20:24

I think this hit drama will be back for the 2011-12 season.

khadner US

2011-05-29 03:41

What about their Major Case Response Unit?
I see it in many pictures but I do not know what it is.

Ford_Guy US

2011-05-29 03:43


khadner US

2011-05-29 03:51

Ford_Guy wrote

I do not know how I overlooked that. Thank you.

Ddey65 US

2011-07-30 16:09

Maryland has banned cell phone use while driving too. I forget whether Delaware did or not, and I drove through both states back in April.

See this tractor?
It's an Oliver.

Sandie SX

2011-10-31 20:44

I swear there was a Saabaru 9-2X in an episode of this. It was the one where they were investigating a psychiatric ward and it was a 2[*] car.

truck man US

2012-01-08 19:00

This show sucks, anyone agree?

Robi DE

2012-01-24 23:17

truck man wrote This show sucks, anyone agree?



2012-01-26 10:54

My mom loves this show. I loved Donald P. Bellisario's older shows like "Magnum, PI" and "Quantum Leap." However, I stopped watching "JAG" when it moved to CBS, and I never got into "NCIS" or "NCIS: LA."

Taco US

2012-03-25 17:51

DiNozzo, trying to guess what McGee drove back in high school, in Ep. 2.21:
"Yugo?...Duster?...Gremlin?....One of the Ford Trilogy of Dorkmobiles: Maverick? Fiesta? Pinto? If you say Datsun Honeybee, I'm gonna come over there and smack ya."
[Image: din.jpg]

Ironically, the geeky McGee's first car turned out to be an "'84 Camaro Z-28 5-speed".
[Image: mcg.jpg]

"That's a smokin' hot car, McGee," replies Dinozzo. "What the hell went wrong with you?!"

-- Last edit: 2012-03-25 17:54:34

DM-491 US

2012-12-01 01:11

Absolutely not, truck man. I love it and watch it every week.

mister car from 971

2013-03-07 20:22

Season 10 is currently aired! And it won't be the last of this drama, because CBS has renewed it for 2013-14 season! So, there's gonna be a Season 11 starting next September!

rjluna2 US

2013-04-03 02:20

Episode 10.13 "Hit and Run" shows that the young Abby character retrieved the stuff animal from the pickup truck is 1973-79 Ford F-250 due to 8-lug wheels ( [*][*] ). If someone has this capture can be used from my observation.

-- Last edit: 2013-04-03 02:21:04

DonBarto PL

2013-08-05 00:15

From episode 10.21:

Unknown SUV [Image: star.png][Image: star.png] (maybe Ford Explorer or Grand Cherokee?)
[Image: jeep1.1.jpg] [Image: jeep2.1.jpg] [Image: jeep3.1.jpg] [Image: jeep4.jpg] [Image: cad5.jpg]

1992-2002 Cadillac Eldorado [Image: star.png][Image: star.png][Image: star.png]
[Image: cad1.1.jpg] [Image: cad2.jpg] [Image: cad3.jpg] [Image: cad4.jpg] [Image: jeep4.jpg] [Image: cad5.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2013-08-08 20:00:15

potter HU

2014-05-24 12:50

In memory of Ralph Waite (1928–2014)
[Image: vlcsnap-2014-05-24-12h46m30s86.jpg]

night cub US

2017-09-18 20:13

Yikes this page is a mess. Lots that can be combined.

night cub US

2021-01-05 05:56

Finished off Season 13

Will slowly add Seasons 14-17


[Image: ncis-1308-016.jpg] [Image: ncis-1308-017.jpg]

[Image: ncis-1312-002.jpg] [Image: ncis-1312-009.jpg] [Image: ncis-1312-007.jpg] [Image: ncis-1312-011.jpg]

[Image: ncis-1314-002.jpg]

[Image: ncis-1315-057.jpg] [Image: ncis-1315-059.jpg]

[Image: ncis-1318-021.jpg] [Image: ncis-1318-025.jpg] [Image: ncis-1318-026.jpg] [Image: ncis-1318-027.jpg] [Image: ncis-1318-035.jpg]

[Image: ncis-1319-027.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2021-09-19 10:11:02

night cub US

2021-04-24 10:41

Finished Season 14


[Image: ncis-1404-002.jpg]

[Image: ncis-1411-001.jpg] [Image: ncis-1411-006.jpg] [Image: ncis-1411-011.jpg]

[Image: ncis-1423-002.jpg] [Image: ncis-1423-006.jpg]

[Image: ncis-1424-059.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2021-09-19 10:05:22

night cub US

2021-06-22 06:47

Season 18 finished

(Note to self - clean page!)

night cub US

2021-09-19 09:58

Season 15 complete

(Going to bed, don't have time to finish IDs, so go for it!)

For IMPDB (added planes above for S13 & S14):

[Image: ncis-1504-018.jpg]

[Image: ncis-1524-025.jpg] [Image: ncis-1524-031.jpg] [Image: ncis-1524-035.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2021-09-19 10:14:18

night cub US

2022-08-31 09:31

Season 19 complete

night cub US

2022-09-16 09:10

Season 19 aircraft for IMPDB:

[Image: 2-ncis-1904-102.jpg] [Image: 2-ncis-1904-147.jpg]

[Image: 1-ncis-1910-003.jpg]

[Image: 2-ncis-1911-006.jpg] [Image: 2-ncis-1911-008.jpg] [Image: 2-ncis-1911-009.jpg]

[Image: 1-ncis-1917-009.jpg]

night cub US

2023-09-20 02:04

Season 20 is complete

I have to go through the aircraft for IMPDB for this season

CougarTim US

2023-09-20 13:54

Missing burned car from 20.12 (identified in dialogue as a Ford Taurus, but it might have been a Five Hundred)

night cub US

2023-09-25 23:46

RIP Ducky :cry:

David McCallum, NCIS‘ Beloved ‘Ducky,’ Dead at 90

Link to ""

UKboy205 EN

2023-09-25 23:47

:( :cry:


2023-09-25 23:49


Terra US

2023-09-26 00:08

RIP :(

Sandie SX

2023-09-26 00:22

RIP. :(

Didn't realise he was still in NCIS right up to the most recent episodes.

Truck_Guy US

2023-09-26 00:27

Rest in peace, Mr. McCallum.

Kartkidbut US

2023-09-26 00:40

R.I.P. David McCallum... :(

1933 - 2023

-- Last edit: 2023-09-26 00:40:37

night cub US

2024-08-05 01:05

Shortened Season 21 complete

Motorcycle used in Ep 21.09 [*][*], I don't think enough is seen to ID:
[Image: 2-ncis-2109-012.jpg] [Image: ncis-2109-013.jpg]

Some sort of truck seen at an airport in Ep 21.08 [*]:
[Image: 100-ncis-2108-016.jpg]

night cub US

2024-12-10 04:55

Ep 22.04, Agent Knight is shown in a Type A Motorhome, but they never show the exterior, so it's possible it is just a studio trick:
[Image: ncis-2204-004b.jpg] [Image: ncis-2204-005b.jpg] [Image: ncis-2204-006b.jpg] [Image: ncis-2204-008b.jpg]

Raykv23 US

2024-12-14 13:23

In 22x08 “Out of Control”, I think this is the first time the team didn’t drive a Dodge sedan. They instead used 2006-2012 era Chevy Impalas.

Parker drove this.
[Image: 54199477178_9473ce92db_b.jpg]

For some reason though, Knight’s Impala is digitally manipulated in the final cut to look like a different car, even the rear lights are also digitally altered! I really don’t know why. Maybe it’s to give off the illusion of the car turning itself on? The promo trailer (see here: has unaltered footage of Knight’s car though.

[Image: 54202408112_22b295ba5e_o.jpg]

[Image: 54203745050_83d6f5d754_b.jpg]

[Image: 54203745055_c967539100_b.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2024-12-14 13:30:06

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