
Last completed movie pages

Walker, Texas Ranger, US TV Series, 1993-2001 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Booster, Wampa-One, walter, Sandie, galloper, mister car from 971, Purzel89, JB, night cub

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Also known as:

  • Уокър, тексаският рейнджър (Bulgaria)
  • Chuck Norris: O Homem da Lei (Brazil)
  • Walker, Texase korravalvur (Estonia)
  • Walker, ranger de Texas (Spain)
  • Texas Ranger (Finland)
  • Texas Ranger: Vaaroja varjoissa (Finland)
  • Walker, Texasista (Finland)
  • Chuck Norris: Stin ypiresia tou nomou (Greece)
  • Chuck Norris:Στην υπηρεσία του νόμου (Greece)
  • Walker, teksaški rendžer (Croatia (Hrvatska))
  • Walker, a texasi kopó (Hungary)
  • Walker Texas Ranger (Italy)
  • Honô no tekisasu renjâ (Japan)
  • 炎のテキサス・レンジャー (Japan)
  • 시티 레인져 (South Korea)
  • Volkeris, Teksaso reindžeris (Lithuania)
  • Strażnik Teksasu (Poland)
  • Walker, o Ranger do Texas (Portugal)
  • Walker, politist texan (Romania)
  • Вокер, тексашки ренџер (Serbia)
  • Крутой Уокер (Russia)
  • Walker, texaský ranger (Slovakia)
  • Вокер, техаський рейнджер (Ukraine)

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Comments about this movie

See all comments about this movie and its vehicles


antp BE

2007-07-06 16:35

:??: Le dernier épisode, de 2001, s'appelle pourtant "final showdown", et d'autres sites donnent 2001 aussi comme fin.

Wampa-One US

2007-12-18 04:40

[Image: capture9vv5.1489.jpg] [Image: capturell1.2950.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2008-01-11 00:50:16

stronghold EN

2008-01-11 02:57

Great series (I have alot taped from TV) and Chuck's a great American hero.! ;) (unlike the musclebound "I'll be back!" you know who! :) )

poor quality animation on Youtube, but you get the Idea :D

-- Last edit: 2008-01-11 03:03:15

Wampa-One US

2008-01-11 15:28

"Chuck Norris has two speeds: Walk and Kill."

-- Last edit: 2008-01-11 15:28:14

mister car from 971

2008-01-31 04:58

C'est une des séries américaines que je regardais à la fin des années 90 ainsi qu'au début des années 2000 avec ma famille! Même si j'ai pas vu tous les épisodes de cette série! Chuck Norris est un pro des arts martiaux! Respect!

mister car from 971

2008-05-07 00:51

Il manque des voitures ayant apparu dans divers épisodes de cette série: par exemple y'a une Chevy Chevelle blanche de 1970 qui entre en collision avec une SAAB 900 bleue marine au terme d'une course-poursuite avec le pick-up de Cordell Walker, ou encore une Cadillac Eldorado bleue avec un hardtop noir des années 1979 à 85 qui explose avec une grenade durant une course-poursuite.Y'avait aussi une Chevy Caprice bleue marine ou noire qui lors de l'explosion d'une maison fut ejectée par la violence de cette explosion!

-- Last edit: 2008-08-14 05:45:50

Red Grant US

2008-07-17 21:07

I'm surprised the show lasted so long. i didn't know there were episodes made in 2001!

mister car from 971

2008-08-14 05:49

Y'a aussi une Cadillac Sedan DeVille datant d'entre 1980 et 84 vue dans l'épisode ou une bande de jeunes provoquent des incendies. C'est un épisode qui date de 1999, et qui fait donc, partie de la 7e saison.

truck man US

2008-11-18 03:14

I remember an episode where a Ford Econoline bus full of kids was kidnapped and the bus was then burried in a large hole in the ground that was dug by the kidnappers. Walker and Trevet later find the buried bus before it runs out of air and fills entirely with mud, dig a hole, break the window and rescue the children traped in the bus and hide under a bridge from a tornado, someone please find that episode and post that bus on here.

-- Last edit: 2012-10-11 23:21:31

Dust Cloud BE

2009-12-13 00:54

I have that episode, truck man. Here are some screenshots for you.

Ford Econoline bus:

[Image: 9740750-cad.png] [Image: 9740751-eed.png] [Image: 9740752-e0b.png] [Image: 9740753-b25.png] [Image: 9740754-69e.png]

From Season 5, episode 10. Cyclone.

-- Last edit: 2009-12-13 15:34:08

Sandie SX

2011-04-12 01:32

Episode numbering on IMDb is strange. Everything from 'Series One' apart from the initial three eps is listed as Series Two.

Also... The episodes listed here as 1.1 and 1.2 are in fact just one double length episode despite regularly being aired as two.

My first American contribution.

-- Last edit: 2011-04-12 01:35:50

Sandie SX

2011-04-14 01:16

Are any of these rare enough to be added?:

MX-3?, Coupe (Supra?) and a truck
[Image: 298576-Mazda_RX-3.jpg][Image: 298577-Unknown_Coupe.jpg][Image: 298578-Truck.jpg]

night cub US

2011-04-14 01:31

The first pic you have a choice of the MX-3, a 1992-94 Mazda Protege, or a 70's Dodge Ramcharger

The 2nd pic is a 1978-79 Toyota Celica GT Liftback

The 3rd pic is an Isuzu P'up and Toyota Camry

Sandie SX

2011-04-22 18:01

From 2.01:
[Image: Walker.jpg][Image: Walker2.jpg][Image: Walker3.jpg][Image: Walker4.jpg][Image: Walker5.jpg][Image: Walker6.jpg]

Other stuff:

Train, RV and a Streetcar/Tram
[Image: 299712-Train.jpg][Image: 299713-RV.jpg][Image: 299714-Streetcar.jpg]

IMPDb - Walker, Texas Ranger

-- Last edit: 2011-06-30 02:20:51

deepbluemx3 BR

2011-05-13 19:04

Sandie wrote Are any of these rare enough to be added?:

MX-3?, Coupe (Supra?) and a truck
[Image: 298576-Mazda_RX-3.jpg][Image: 298577-Unknown_Coupe.jpg][Image: 298578-Truck.jpg]

-Certainly are a MX-3, and a protegè on first pic!

-- Last edit: 2011-05-13 19:05:03

rjluna2 US

2011-05-13 19:07

Sandie wrote Are any of these rare enough to be added?:

[A] truck
[Image: 298578-Truck.jpg]

A truck is Isuzu something.

carcrasher88 US

2011-05-13 19:10

rjluna2 wrote
A truck is Isuzu something.

That would be an Isuzu P'up. Pretty rare these days. I actually know someone who owns a blue one, in pretty good shape, with only a dent on the tailgate and a tiny bit of rust.

-- Last edit: 2011-05-13 19:18:12

Sandie SX

2011-06-01 20:01

Triumph TR7 seen in 2.11:

[Image: 307549-Triumph_TR7.jpg]

Sandie SX

2011-08-21 00:30

Series two completed.

NOTE: Episode 2.22 'The Reunion' is listed on IMDB twice as an episode and as a telemovie - .

-- Last edit: 2011-08-21 00:49:03

Sandie SX

2011-08-26 17:28

From 3.01:
[Image: Walker-1.jpg][Image: Walker2-1.jpg][Image: Walker3-1.jpg][Image: Walker4-1.jpg][Image: Walker5-1.jpg]

Part seen coupe in 3.03:
[Image: UnknownCoupe-3.jpg][Image: UnknownCoupe2-1.jpg]

For IMBDb ;) all [*][*][*] and from 3.07:
[Image: Boat.2.jpg][Image: Boat2.1.jpg][Image: Boat3.jpg][Image: Boat4.jpg]
[Image: 2Boat.jpg]
[Image: 3Boat.jpg]
[Image: 4Boat.jpg][Image: 4Boat2.jpg][Image: 4Boat4.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2011-08-26 17:29:30

Sandie SX

2011-09-09 20:48

More boats (3.17):
[Image: Boat2-1.jpg][Image: Boat3-1.jpg]
[Image: 2Boat-1.jpg][Image: 2Boat2.jpg]

Jet Pack in 3.21:
[Image: JetPack.jpg][Image: JetPack2.jpg][Image: JetPack4.jpg]

mister car from 971

2013-03-24 02:09

In the episode " A Matter Of Principle" from Season 8, there's a chase with a 2nd-generation Camaro, more precisely a 1975-77 model which leaded to a spectacular crash!!

-- Last edit: 2013-09-18 09:27:06

mister car from 971

2013-03-24 02:11

And on the episode " Faith " from Season 9, there's a chase between a Ford Econoline ambulance and a 1980-90 Buick Estate Wagon and this wagon didn't avoid a Chevy (or GMC) truck from the 90's, and the wagon rolled over before landing on its wheels and ending up in flames!!! There's also a dark green '70 Chevelle used by bank robbers, and it t-bones a sedan just before these robbers hijacked an ambulance carrying a liver!

-- Last edit: 2013-12-30 12:12:24

Ddey65 US

2015-05-02 15:40

Sandie wrote Other stuff:

Train, RV and a Streetcar/Tram
[Image: 299712-Train.jpg][Image: 299713-RV.jpg][Image: 299714-Streetcar.jpg]

That streetcar is owned by the McKinney Avenue Transit Authority, a heritage streetcar in Dallas.

BTW, the season 6 premiere had a character misidentify a GM SUV as a "late-model Bronco." I'm watching it right now, and I can't tell if the thing was a Blazer or a Jimmy, but I know it was a GM from the 1980's.

UPDATE: It's the Chevy Blazer.

-- Last edit: 2015-05-02 15:52:37

jpts AU

2016-03-15 12:00

Some of the episodes had featured archive footage of real events that occurred in history:

The Soul of Winter (Series 5, Episode 22)- Feature archive footage of Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers' Party (known as the Nazi Party) coming to the power in Germany on the 30th January 1933 and their war crimes committed against the Jewish Population in Germany and other Nazi-Occupied Countries from the 12th March 1938 through to the Second World War from the 3rd September 1939 to the 8th May 1945.

Second Chances (Series 6, Episode 8)- Featured archive news footage of the IRA attacks and the rioting that occurred during the Troubles in Northern Ireland from 1966 to 1998 and the Ceasefire Peace Treaty.

-- Last edit: 2019-07-19 17:02:15

antp BE

2017-11-16 22:25

posted on the Facebook page:
some vehicles to add, if someone has time.
Sent as ep 73 "Blackout", which is listed as ep 72 on Wikipedia, and 3.21 using season/episode numbering.

Ncis2018 US

2018-04-22 23:53

What was the car trevette has on season 7 episode 8 the widow maker? He called it a purple blur, but didn't say what it actually was.

night cub US

2023-02-09 21:56

Ncis2018 wrote What was the car trevette has on season 7 episode 8 the widow maker? He called it a purple blur, but didn't say what it actually was.

I know this question is now 5 years old, but they just added season 8 on Pluto and I saw that it is a Plymouth Prowler

I just added it here:


-- Last edit: 2023-02-11 05:38:25

night cub US

2023-03-20 01:11

JB just added Season 5. Not sure if he was finished, as he reached the limit.


2023-07-23 12:05

Season 8 Complete several changes in comments.

night cub US

2023-07-24 11:27

JB wrote Season 8 Complete several changes in comments.

The replacement pics with the "TFI" logo in the upper right still aren't the greatest pictures. They look like they come from a videotape transfer that I'm guessing is on YouTube. Considering that the series is available on PlutoTV/Paramount, better sources are available.


2023-10-30 00:54

Several changes in comments.

-- Last edit: 2023-11-01 19:10:20

night cub US

2023-10-30 14:29

Some of the "better pictures" from season 9 really are not better pictures. PlutoTV (Paramount) has this series to stream in the US in at least a DVD quality video. So the pics with the TFI logo seem to be an inferior quality video (I'm guessing from YouTube?). I capped Ep 9.04 to see the quality difference and replaced the pics from that Ep.

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