
Last completed movie pages

The French Connection, US Movie, 1971 IMDB

Pictures provided by: mozinor, philr, IRT_BMT_IND, sixcyl, achiu31, Robi

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Also known as:

  • Contacto en Francia
  • French Connection
  • Френска връзка (Bulgaria)
  • Operação França (Brazil)
  • La filière française (Canada)
  • 毒网惊魂 (China)
  • 法国贩毒网 (China)
  • Francouzská spojka (Czechia or ex-Czechoslovakia)
  • Francouzská spojka/Francouzská spojka: Štvanice (Czechia or ex-Czechoslovakia)
  • Francouzská spojka: Štvanice (Czechia or ex-Czechoslovakia)
  • Brennpunkt Brooklyn (Germany)
  • French Connection - Brennpunkt Brooklyn (Germany)
  • Lovens skrappe drenge (Denmark)
  • Contra el imperio de la droga (Spain)
  • Hårdhänta män (Finland)
  • Kovaotteiset miehet (Finland)
  • La filière (France)
  • Ο άνθρωπος από τη Γαλλία (Greece)
  • 密探霹靂火 (Hong Kong SAR)
  • Francuska veza (Croatia (Hrvatska))
  • Francia kapcsolat (Hungary)
  • Rabet-e faransavi (Iran)
  • Il braccio violento della legge (Italy)
  • フレンチ・コネクション (Japan)
  • Prancūzų ryšininkas (Lithuania)
  • Brennpunkt New York (Norway)
  • Francuski łącznik (Poland)
  • Os Incorruptíveis Contra a Droga (Portugal)
  • Filiera Franceză (Romania)
  • Француска веза (Serbia)
  • French Connection - Lagens våldsamma män (Sweden)
  • Francoska zveza (Slovenia)
  • Francúzska spojka/Francúzska spojka: Štvanica (Slovakia)
  • Французский связной (USSR)
  • Kanunun Kuvveti (Türkiye)
  • 霹靂神探 (Taiwan)
  • Французький зв'язковий (Ukraine)
  • Kẻ Đầu Mối Pháp (Viet Nam)

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Comments about this movie

See all comments about this movie and its vehicles

See the 5 comments from this page that were archived


philr CA

2007-03-30 07:08

A few other background cars I have seen...

1966 Buick Riviera
[Image: sanstitre23xg0.1267.jpg]

1967 Buick Electra 225
[Image: sanstitre22je2.385.jpg]

1962 Olds 98 six window hardtop sedan, 1966 Olds Vista Cruiser

1969 Buick Wildcat 2 door hardtop

1967 Buick Wildcat 2 door hardtop

-- Last edit: 2007-04-04 17:58:59

sixcyl FR

2007-04-07 14:13

[Image: thefrenchconnectionuc3.4197.jpg]

Excellent film, that I saw for the first time few weeks ago :)

[Image: aviondc9ds7.3281.jpg]
Douglas DC8 of Eastern Airlines

[Image:] [Image: com2gz3.6897.jpg] [Image: com3dr0.5195.jpg]
..not many actress in the film, though :/

[Image: marseille1rr7.7765.jpg] [Image: marseille2pj9.4671.jpg]
Marseille-La Joliette (the harbour name)

[Image: metro1wo9.3703.jpg] [Image:] [Image:] [Image: metro4nu5.1503.jpg]
the subway train much as stars than the Pontiac LeMans

philr CA

2007-04-09 09:22

sixcyl wrote You're welcome! et bien venu au "club de la photo d'arrière plan" ;)

Tonton Antoine? pourquoi tu tousses ...? :lol:

(joke hein? ;) )

On est combien de membres présentement?

En passant, ce film est basé sur une histoire vraie mais la voiture dans laquelle était cachée la drogue n'était pas une Lincoln mais une Buick Invicta 1960.

[Image: sanstitre100xo5.8900.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2007-04-09 09:29:51

aussiemuscle308 AU

2012-03-12 01:22

they featured the chase sequence in a movie making documentary and said they filmed it with undercranking (ie speed up the film) to make it look more frantic.

-- Last edit: 2012-03-12 01:22:41

achiu31 CA

2012-08-21 00:04

Background vehicles. Some may have been worth listing but because of the sheer number of one-star vehicles on the page I decided to leave them here.
[Image: 0754.jpg] [Image: 1634.jpg] [Image: 1639vw.jpg] [Image: 1913.jpg] [Image: 3557.jpg] [Image: 4344.jpg] [Image: 10510.jpg] [Image: 10844.jpg] [Image: 11109.jpg] [Image: 11113.jpg] [Image: 11400.jpg] [Image: 11410.jpg] [Image: 11421b.jpg] [Image: 11425.jpg] [Image: 11425b.jpg] [Image: 11556.1.jpg] [Image: 12014.jpg]

Background truck/vans
[Image: 2418orgtruck.jpg] [Image: 11429cwhtvan.jpg] [Image: 11400.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2012-08-21 16:18:09

achiu31 CA

2012-08-21 00:13

[Image: _title.jpg]

- Replaced current captures with HD ones
- Added timestamps
- Cleaned up/fixed vehicle nomenclature and star-ratings
- Added new vehicles

A Nikon F SLR for the Internet Movie Camera Database.
[Image: vlc-00005.jpg]

achiu31 CA

2012-08-21 00:19

Lighting for rjluna2:

NYC traffic light post from the Ford Custom page, and

NYC pedestrian signal:
[Image: vlc-00017.jpg]

Various old-style NYCTA lighting:
[Image: vlc-00001.1.jpg] [Image: vlc-00002.jpg] [Image: vlc-00004.jpg]

Q-Ball JP

2012-08-21 01:42

I think that after achiu31's updates, this is one of our best pages. Our flagship, if you will.

ProwlerX US

2012-08-21 02:35

achiu31 wrote A Nikon F SLR for the Internet Movie Camera Database.
[Image: vlc-00005.jpg]

Is there really an Internet Movie Camera Database?

achiu31 CA

2012-08-21 02:44

ProwlerX wrote

Is there really an Internet Movie Camera Database?

Nope, just an excuse to post a pic of an old camera. :lol:

rjluna2 US

2012-08-21 04:21

achiu31 wrote Lighting for rjluna2:

NYC pedestrian signal:

Various old-style NYCTA lighting:

Nice :) The second and third thumbnail has the incandescent light bulb is probably made exclusively for the New York City Transit Authority.

One of the member do have the actual incandescent light bulbs as posted at NYC transit bulbs.

My comments at Internet Movie Light Bulb Database.

-- Last edit: 2012-08-21 04:22:23

antp BE

2012-08-21 17:55

ProwlerX wrote
Is there really an Internet Movie Camera Database?

In parallel, in comments :D e.g. some Panasonic Lumix:

CougarTim US

2012-08-22 04:59

achiu31 wrote Background vehicles.
[Image: 11556.1.jpg]

The old black car is a 1954 Chrysler New Yorker De Luxe, noteworthy for its age

CougarTim US

2012-08-25 21:30

achiu31 wrote Background vehicles.

By file name -
1639vw: Red sedan to the left is a 1970 Plymouth Satellite sedan, also visible at /vehicle_525447-Oldsmobile-98-8457-1969.html
10510: The blue convertible is a 1968 Chevrolet Camaro, my best guess for the white station wagon is 1968 Ford Fairlane 500, and the open door and interior belongs to the 1967 AMC Ambassador 990 two-door hardtop also seen at /vehicle_98789-Cadillac-Ambulance-1970.html
10844: Chevrolet Corvair 95 Corvan (if cargo) or Greenbrier (if passenger)
11113: 1967 Pontiac Tempest/LeMans on the left, 1967 Chrysler Newport on the right
11400: On the right is a 1963 Oldsmobile Dynamic 88
11421b: On the left is a 1963 Rambler Classic like /vehicle_525504-Rambler-Classic-1963.html
11425: 1964 Plymouth Valiant
11425b: 1970+ Ford Maverick like /vehicle_98852-Ford-Maverick-1970.html

unclehotrod13 US

2014-02-17 15:40

dont know if its true but i heard that some filming was done without permission, guess they figured no one would notice "just another crazy driver"!

Dan05979 US

2014-05-08 04:00

Why wasn't the R-40M and R-32 subway cars featured in the film not mentioned above?

MatthewPaanoTorres US

2024-03-23 15:15

True Fact most viewers know: The 1968 Ford Torino Hardtop Sedan that was featured into crashing the 1971 Pontiac LeMans Sedan was actually not supposed to be apart of the film since the Torino driver never knew that they were filming in that section of New York City, so they accidentally went in and crashed. However, the directors and writers kept it in because of how realistic it is.

atom SE

2025-02-27 09:32

Rest in peace Gene Hackman, his wife and their dog :wow:

Baube QC

2025-02-27 13:40

RIP :(

However , this sounds strange..

130rapid PL

2025-02-27 13:52

Ordinary Extraordinary [']...

dhill_cb7 US

2025-02-27 15:25

More than likely Carbon Monoxide poisoning from a generator or faulty furnace; if not foul play. So sad. RIP.

MatthewPaanoTorres US

2025-03-01 15:40

Rest in Peace, Gene Hackman... :(

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