
Last completed movie pages

30 pripadu majora Zemana, TV Series, 1974-1979 IMDB

Pictures provided by: wickey

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wickey SK

2010-01-18 00:51


wickey SK

2010-01-19 20:09

episode list with years in which the plot is set:

Gag Halfrunt UK

2010-02-12 21:17

According to the IMDB the series was made between 1975 and 1980:

wickey SK

2010-02-13 01:19

lot of anachronisms in this series - lots of cars appear in episodes in which they shouldn't be - as they are newer than plot timing.

Gag Halfrunt UK

2010-05-31 01:14

Episodes 27 and 28 were also released as a film, Rukojmí v Bella Vista:

Filming took place in Cuba:

...standing in for Chile:
Link to ""

Weasel1984 PL

2010-05-31 12:10

Quite a lot of Argentinian vehicles like for the Cuba.

wickey SK

2010-06-20 02:14

all 30 episodes completed

sixcyl FR

2010-06-20 11:07

Nice set of cars, with some very unsual seen from here :)

walter IT

2010-06-20 13:39

So many Skodas! :wow:

wickey SK

2010-06-20 14:34

who would expect that in czechoslovak series, right? :lol:

walter IT

2010-06-20 21:13

Yes, I forgot that :D

Dmitry_P RU

2021-01-16 14:49

Remember watching this series in my Soviet childhood.

-- Last edit: 2021-01-16 14:49:28

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