
Last completed movie pages

Ashes to Ashes, UK TV Series, 2008-2010 IMDB

Pictures provided by: antp, walter, sunbar, blue-jackal

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Also known as:

  • Popel k popelu (Czechia or ex-Czechoslovakia)
  • Ashes to Ashes - Zurück in die 80er (Germany)
  • Pepeo pepelu (Croatia (Hrvatska))
  • Porrá leszünk (Hungary)
  • キケンな女刑事〜バック・トゥ・80's〜 (Japan)
  • Powstać z popiołów (Poland)
  • Пепео пепелу (Serbia)
  • Прах к праху (Russia)
  • Popol k popolu (Slovakia)
  • 新超時空警探 (Taiwan)

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Comments about this movie

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atom SE

2008-01-30 07:59

Pictures from trailer provided by walter.

walter IT

2008-01-30 14:23

antp BE

2008-02-08 18:27

And now pictures from first episode.

Nice series, with late 70s / early 80s car & music :)

dudley UK

2008-03-18 02:37

There was a Maestro LX in last week's episode, and a MkIV Escort.

antp BE

2008-03-18 11:16

As background cars? Or with a role?
I remember a Maestro seen passing in background but not very visible.

Sunbar UK

2008-03-18 11:43

...true these did appear in episode 1.06, however getting usable screen captures was difficult. I know as I considered posting some. However it is useful to note it here in the comments in case they appear again later in the series.

The Maestro was in the same scene as the LXI taxi but only parts of it were seen as it passed in the background.
The Escort was outside the Sub-Post Office behind the police car and again only part of the side and rear of the car were visible.

-- Last edit: 2008-03-18 11:45:53

dudley UK

2008-03-20 23:17

Yes, they were just passing or parked. Nearly one star. No obvious errors this week, apart from modern buildings in the background again.

antp BE

2008-03-20 23:47

I'll add pics Friday, as usual :D

mini95 EN

2008-03-21 15:42

Will someone add pictures of the Dinky Ford Transit and Ford Mustang from Ep. 1.07 ?

-- Last edit: 2008-03-21 15:43:12

antp BE

2008-03-21 16:08

Yes, today, as I said just above

-- Last edit: 2008-03-21 16:09:00

mini95 EN

2008-03-21 16:28

The only reason I asked was because I didn't know if toys were allowed on listings.

antp BE

2008-03-21 23:34

Indeed these are usually not listed on individual vehicle pages. I was planning to simply include them in the comments. So here they are:

[Image: 001430ct4.323.jpg] [Image: 001432ar0.3869.jpg] [Image: 001438em4.3015.jpg] [Image: 001439jn8.4198.jpg] [Image: 001441ek3.7783.jpg] [Image: 001442km0.2593.jpg] [Image: 001457ut6.254.jpg] [Image: 002530ll1.7627.jpg]

stronghold EN

2008-03-21 23:59

Transit van looks like it could be a Dinky one, but the mustang looks too new (possibly Ertl? made late 80's/early 90's? or even a 90's matchbox (dinky branded) model? )

mini95 EN

2008-03-23 16:31

Now seeing it up close I think the Mustang is a Johnny Ligtning model.

antp BE

2008-03-23 23:13

Johnny Lighting are usually about 1/66 scale, Dinky Toys are 1/43, but here the scales seem to match.

mini95 EN

2008-03-24 22:19

I've been searching around and can now confirm that the Mustang is a Matchbox Dinky model seen in the following ebay listing. :)

Link to ""

-- Last edit: 2008-03-24 22:33:20

antp BE

2008-03-28 18:46

"IT WAS MADE IN 1990" one more anachronism then :D

antp BE

2008-03-28 20:06

Season 1 finished.

Dav UK

2008-11-16 09:13

i love the quattro

mini95 EN

2009-04-20 21:35

NEW SERIES STARTS TONIGHT!!! :) :) :) :) :beer:

-- Last edit: 2009-04-20 21:36:08

Sunbar UK

2009-04-22 19:00

Antoine, are you planning to add the vehicles for series two?

I have screen captures for the following, as seen in episode one of series two, but I don't know if I will be able to complete the whole series.

Daimler Limousine DS420 (HPR222)
Ford Transit Pickup Truck
Ford Granada Saloon
AEC Routemaster
Rover SD1 VandenPlas (GFM75X?)
MAN truck with extending-boom crane (looks too recent to me)
Talbot/Chrysler Alpine
Leyland Sherpa Police van
Others too small, not seen clearly or seen before,
Ford Capri, Ford Cortina Estate, motor-bike, Vauxhall Cavalier Saloon (Police), Austin/Rover Metro and M-Benz saloon, plus a photograph in Alex's flat of an American sedan from about the 1950s.

Also seen in the trailer for episode two.
Princess (Leyland motors) XHP867S?
Ford Escort Mk.I 'L' registered

antp BE

2009-04-22 22:35

I do not know yet if I will watch it (too many things to watch), so if you have pics, you can add them ;)

-- Last edit: 2009-04-22 22:36:31

Sunbar UK

2009-04-24 22:45

Thanks, I will be adding all that I can for series two as I get them.

I still have quite a lot of uncompleted movies or TV series to do when I have more time, but Ashes to Ashes is relatively less time consuming for me.

paul4990 EN

2009-04-30 17:47 <princess from s2e2
now animated!

Sunbar UK

2009-05-10 12:06

A bike seen in episode 2.02 [*] and a Volvo saloon seen in episode 2.03 [*]

[Image: bike2.9068.jpg] [Image: cap078.5125.jpg] [Image: bike00714.3994.jpg]

Sunbar UK

2009-05-28 20:31

A Ford Cortina estate Mk.II and the rear of a van that looks too modern for the 1980s?

[Image: cortinaest.9858.jpg] [Image: vanw.737.jpg]

Episode 2.06 [*]

chris40 UK

2009-05-28 21:31

Sunbar wrote the rear of a van that looks too modern for the 1980s?

Not necessarily; I think it's an old-model Renault Master, which was introduced sometime in the late 70s.

Gag Halfrunt UK

2009-05-28 21:38

The Master was introduced in 1981, according to the German Wikipedia.

The English article is useless, as is the French one. :(

twingoman EN

2009-05-28 21:58

Looks more like the back of a flatbed lorry cab to me (white vehicle on the right)

Rover Fan UK

2009-06-09 02:03

Did anyone notice the Rover 600 in the latest episode? (Series 2, episode 8) That Rover is a big error, since it didn't come out until 1993.

bent8rover UK

2009-06-09 16:48

Yes, background car 1995 Rover 620 Si, index (probably) N530 VVN

Sunbar UK

2009-06-11 13:40

... for anyone that knows the programme in depth the fact N indicates it as a '96 model year car could be quite significant.

The number '96' is repeated in some episodes in the second series.

Quite possibly deliberate.

Sunbar UK

2009-06-11 17:00

Series two completed. A third and final series to be shown in 2010.

Part seen truck in ep. 2.07 and other vehicles in ep. 2.08

[Image: cap00614.466.jpg]

[Image: 00957.9841.jpg] [Image: cap121.9875.jpg] [Image: cap110.6185.jpg]

Weasel1984 PL

2009-06-11 17:38

The other vehicle from thumb #2 looks like an Alpine GLS. I would list it there are only two vehicles of this type on the site.


2010-02-12 22:59

I can give you a Mk3 capri and a Mk5 cortina etsate from Ep 1 S 2

[Image: ashestoashes.jpg]

And an SD1 and a Mk2 LWB transit from the same episode.

[Image: ashestoashes2.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2010-02-12 23:02:35

Sunbar UK

2010-04-07 13:24

Third and last series of episodes, so the Quattro is back...

[Image: aa317.9734.jpg]

Episode 3.01 other vehicles seen. A red van, a Transit without an engine, a Rover SD1 police car...

[Image: aa39.4784.jpg] [Image: aa313.4364.jpg] [Image: aa38.453.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2010-04-07 15:31:01

Sunbar UK

2010-04-11 18:59

Episode 3.02 1972 Chrysler 180 [*] only very briefly seen during the start of the episode. Its not really well visible.

[Image: aa3increased180.4431.jpg]

The vehicle details for CVJ 948L are:

Date of Liability 01 10 2010
Date of First Registration 12 03 1973
Year of Manufacture 1972
Cylinder Capacity (cc) 1981CC
Vehicle Colour GOLD

Also the red van appears again in the background, obviously in series three they shot the scenes for episodes one and two at the same time.

[Image: aa3cap054.3388.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2010-04-12 11:28:27

Sunbar UK

2010-05-24 12:07

All episodes in the three series completed I believe, any other background vehicles were, I think, not well seen.

JordyEmonds93 EN

2010-05-26 16:06

Link to "" - this looks to me like a modern Vauxhall Astra estate or even a Zafira?

antp BE

2010-05-26 17:03

To share a pic of one of your albums, you have to copy the link at the bottom of the page: "Share this photo with anyone by sending them this public link"
Else the link works only for you and who has you as friend :D

JordyEmonds93 EN

2010-05-26 23:03

My appologies for that, this is my very first day on here :L I'll get used to it, well I did as you told me @antp and heres the link :) see what y'all think... Link to ""

JordyEmonds93 EN

2010-05-26 23:05

Also, what looks to me like a MK4 Transit Tipper? Link to ""

sorry about the naff quality :P

FredTransit EN

2010-11-17 14:33

Sunbar wrote
A red van, a Transit without an engine
[Image: aa313.4364.jpg]

The scrap engineless transit is ours. Not our finest you understand!

garco NL

2013-10-01 09:13

Your picture of the BMW 7 is not validated because only a rear light was seen on the picture.


2021-03-25 14:49

[Image: kjhghgyf.jpg][Image: kjhghgyf2.jpg][Image: kjhghgyf3.jpg]
Police BMW at the start of 1.01

The big lightbar means this could be P171 LCR or R893BHJ from Silent Witness, /vehicle_368543-BMW-520i-E39-1997.html

Not sure if it's worth adding?

-- Last edit: 2021-03-25 14:50:18

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