Welcome to the Internet Movie Cars Database. You will find here the most complete list on the web about cars, bikes, trucks and other vehicles seen in movies and TV series, image captures and information about them.
To start your visit on the site, you can search for a movie by typing a part of its title in the search box in the top right corner of the page, or select a make in the list below.
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In its book Cars on Film, Giles Chapman provides us a different approach to the subject of this site.
Instead of systematic capture of cars with frames taken from the film itself, as what we do here, he started his tour of famous cars with a personal collection of photos from the movie sets.
One could expect to find only the very well known movie cars like what can be seen in the usual compilations of famous movie cars, but the book is more interesting than that since it also includes less obvious cars that were still quite important in their roles. The reader may make some new discoveries even if he already knows a lot on the subject.
In a different style than this site, were we are taken across the history of movie cars with detailed anecdotes, providing a good complement or ideas of which pages to navigate for more picture and cars from the same movie.
Published by The History Press, it is available for purchase via their site or via Amazon.com for example.
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