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America in Color, Documentary, 2017-2025 IMDB

Pictures provided by: skywatcher68

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skywatcher68 US

2018-04-06 07:34

Narrated colorized footage of rare newsreels & home movies. First episode is the 1920s; much of the first fifteen minutes is about Henry Ford and his Model T.

-- Last edit: 2018-04-06 07:47:52

skywatcher68 US

2018-04-07 01:40

Miscellaneous images from Episode 1:

1881 Westinghouse Steam Engine 5:34
[Image: i001130964.jpg]

Model T assembly line 5:46 - 6:26
[Image: modeltassemblyline546.jpg] [Image: modeltassemblyline554.jpg] [Image: modeltassemblyline603.jpg] [Image: modeltassemblyline606.jpg] [Image: modeltassemblyline612.jpg] [Image: modeltassemblyline616.jpg] [Image: modeltassemblyline620.jpg] [Image: modeltassemblyline626.jpg]

Street scenes 2:32 2:37 4:30 7:25 7:29 19:26 19:29 21:21 & 21:52
[Image: streetscene232.jpg] [Image: streetscene237.jpg] [Image: streetscene430.jpg] [Image: streetscene725.jpg] [Image: streetscene729.jpg] [Image: streetscene1926.jpg] [Image: streetscene1929.jpg] [Image: streetscene2121.jpg] [Image: streetscene2152.jpg]

Street scenes, Greenwood section of Tulsa, Oklahoma 17:00 17:11 17:30 & 17:46
[Image: streetsceneinthegreenwoodsectionoftulsaoklahoma1700.jpg] [Image: unknowntruck1711.jpg] [Image: theonlyknownsurvivingfootageofthetulsaraceriot1730.jpg] [Image: streetsceneinthegreenwoodsectionoftulsaoklahoma1746.jpg]

Cortlandt Street, Manhattan 22:36
[Image: cortlandtstreetmanhattan2236.jpg]

Street scene with traffic light, supposedly Miami 29:13
[Image: miamistreetscenewithtrafficlight2913.jpg]

Street scenes, Miami, September 1926 31:22 & 29.21
[Image: miamistreetsceneseptember19263122.jpg] [Image: miamistreetsceneseptember19262921.jpg]

French street scene with Lindbergh crowd 34:11
[Image: frenchstreetscene3411.jpg]

Traffic light, Fifth Avenue, Manhattan 36:42 & 36:45
[Image: trafficlightfifthavenuemanhattan3642.jpg] [Image: trafficlightfifthavenuemanhattan3645.jpg]

Junkyard 44:55 & 44:57
[Image: junkyard4455.jpg] [Image: junkyard4457.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2018-04-10 07:17:36

skywatcher68 US

2018-04-07 02:18

Episode 1 airplanes

[Image: mailplane3148.jpg]

Lindbergh's de Havilland, 1926 31:51 & 32:14
[Image: lindberghairmailplane19263151.jpg] [Image: lindberghairmailplane19263214.jpg]

Spirit of St. Louis 33:01 & 33:09
[Image: spiritofstlouis3301.jpg] [Image: spiritofstlouisandlindberghsmiling3309.jpg]
It does show him taking off but I didn't bother with that. :)

Sikorsky trimotor 32:33 & 32:36
[Image: sikorskytrimotor3233.jpg] [Image: sikorskytrimotor3236.jpg]

32:42 & 32:46
[Image: trimotor3242.jpg] [Image: trimotor3246.jpg]

Lindbergh on tour 35:24
[Image: usarmypan-americanplane3524.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2018-04-10 17:01:33

skywatcher68 US

2018-04-07 08:23

Miscellaneous images from Episode 2, the 1930s:

Responding to fire at the White House on Christmas Eve, 1929 2:40
[Image: respondingtowhitehousefire240.jpg]

Street scenes 3:14 & 4:00
[Image: streetscene314.jpg] [Image: streetscene400.jpg]

Model A assembly line 6:43 - 6:48
[Image: modelaassemblyline643.jpg] [Image: modelaassemblyline644.jpg] [Image: modelaassemblyline645.jpg] [Image: modelaassemblyline647.jpg] [Image: modelaassemblyline648.jpg]

Coney Island Wharf 9:07
[Image: coneyislandwharf907.jpg]

Parked Bonus Army vehicles 10:05
[Image: parkedbonusarmyvehicles1005.jpg]
Virtually all vehicles from 9:40 until 11:30 have to do with either the Bonus Army getting to DC or being dispersed from DC.

FDR's inauguration motorcade, 1933 17:24
[Image: fdrsinaguartionmotorcade1724.jpg]

Street scenes, West Oakland, California 30:45 & 31:25
[Image: streetscenewestoaklandcalifornia3045.jpg] [Image: streetscenewestoaklandcalifornia3125.jpg]

Golden Gate Bridge construction 32:56 - 33:22
[Image: goldengateconstruction3256.jpg] [Image: goldengateconstruction3301.jpg] [Image: goldengateconstruction3311.jpg] [Image: goldengateconstruction3319.jpg] [Image: goldengateconstruction3322.jpg]

19 of the 30 who fell during construction were saved by the safety net. 34:00
[Image: 19ofthe30whofellweresavedbythegoldengatessafetynet3400.jpg]

First traffic across the Golden Gate 34:16 & 34:23
[Image: firsttrafficacrossthegoldengate3416.jpg] [Image: firsttrafficacrossthegoldengate3423.jpg]

FDR's second inauguration motorcade 34:44
[Image: fdrssecondinaguartionmotorcade3444.jpg]

Street scene, workers on strike during Roosevelt's recession 41:13
[Image: streetsceneworkersonstrikeduringrooseveltsrecession4113.jpg]

Street scene, Warner Bros. Theater, Hollywood 44:47
[Image: streetscenewarnerbrotherstheaterhollywood4447.jpg]

Unfinished Mount Rushmore 25:28 & 25:31
[Image: unfinishedmountrushmore2528.jpg] [Image: unfinishedmountrushmore2531.jpg]

skywatcher68 US

2018-04-07 08:36

Episode 2 airplanes

Machine Gun Kelly in handcuffs disembarking from American Airways plane 22:51
[Image: machinegunkellyinhandcuffsdisembarkingfromamericanairwaysplane2251.jpg]

NC15603 38:08
[Image: nc156033808.jpg]

Amelia Earhart and her Lockheed Electra 37:52 - 38:43 (38:16 & 38:24 are from home movie footage shot by her brother)
[Image: ameliaearhartandherlockheedelectra3752.jpg] [Image: ameliaearhartandherlockheedelectrainhomemoviefootagebyherbrotherjohn3816.jpg] [Image: ameliaearhartandherlockheedelectrainhomemoviefootagebyherbrotherjohn3824.jpg] [Image: ameliaearhartandherlockheedelectra3831.jpg] [Image: ameliaearhartandherlockheedelectratakeoffrun3836.jpg] [Image: ameliaearhartandherlockheedelectratakeoffrun3840.jpg] [Image: ameliaearhartandherlockheedelectratakeoffrun3843.jpg]

Howard Hughes and his Lockheed Super Electra 39:22 - 40:04
[Image: howardhugheslockheedsuperelectranx189733922.jpg] [Image: howardhughespressconfrenceathislockheedsuperelectra3934.jpg] [Image: howardhugheslockheedsuperelectrashowingnoseart3936.jpg] [Image: howardhughestaxiing3939.jpg] [Image: howardhughesinflight3941.jpg] [Image: howardhugheslandinginparis3949.jpg] [Image: howardhughesreturningtonewyork4004.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2018-04-08 18:18:03

sixcyl FR

2018-04-07 09:26

Nice pics Skywatcher68 :king:

skywatcher68 US

2018-04-07 17:53


-- Last edit: 2018-04-07 17:53:47

skywatcher68 US

2018-04-07 22:10

Miscellaneous images from Episode 3, the 1940s:

Street scene, Chinatown, San Francisco 3:58
[Image: streetscenechinatownsanfrancisco358.jpg]

Street scene, Japantown, San Francisco 4.40
[Image: streetscenejapantownsanfrancisco440.jpg]

War wreckage 5:32
[Image: warwreckage532.jpg]

Street scenes with draft protesters 7:04 & 7:10
[Image: streetsceneprotestingthedraft704.jpg] [Image: streetsceneprotestingthedraft710.jpg]

Street scene, Elwood, Indiana 7:45
[Image: streetsceneelwoodindiana745.jpg]

Ford's Willow Run B-24 plant 9:52 & 9:56
[Image: fordswillowrunb24plant952.jpg] [Image: fordswillowrunb24plant956.jpg]

Street scenes, workers on strike demanding CIO contract 11:25 & 11:27
[Image: streetsceneworkersonstrikedemandingciocontract1125.jpg] [Image: streetsceneworkersonstrikedemandingciocontract1127.jpg]

Street scene, LAPD attempts to break through some 4000 picketers outside the North American Aviation plant 11:52
[Image: streetscenelapdattemptstobreakthrough4000-strongpicketline1152.jpg]

Street scenes, FDR has ordered the Army to take over the plant 12:02 & 12:09
[Image: streetscenefdrhasorderedthearmytotakeovertheplant1202.jpg] [Image: streetscenefdrhasorderedthearmytotakeovertheplant1209.jpg]

USS Arizona on maneuvers 15:35
[Image: ussarizonaonmaneuvers1535.jpg]

Street scene, possibly 8 December 1941 15:40
[Image: streetscene1540.jpg]

Street scene with a newly recruited dentist 16:45
[Image: streetscenewithanewlyrecuirteddentist1645.jpg]

Street scenes, salvage drive 17:40 & 17:55
[Image: streetscenesalvagedrive1740.jpg] [Image: streetscenesalvagedrive1755.jpg]

Walt donates Bambi for salvage 18:08
[Image: waltdonatesbambi1808.jpg]

Street scenes, San Francisco, supposedly Summer of '42 21:43 & 21:46
[Image: streetscenesanfranciscopresentedassummerof422143.jpg] [Image: streetscenesanfranciscopresentedassummerof422146.jpg]

Street scene, Alabama Dry Dock and Shipbuilding Co., Mobile 25:37
[Image: streetscenealabamadrydockshipbulidingcomobile2537.jpg]

Street scene, trailer park for war workers 25:41
[Image: streetscenetrailerpark2541.jpg]

Street scenes, Los Alamos, New Mexico 27:50 & 27:52
[Image: streetscenelosalamosnewmexico2750.jpg] [Image: streetscenelosalamosnewmexico2752.jpg]

Street scene, the first nuclear test 33:00
[Image: streetscenethefirstnucleartest3300.jpg]

Presented as wreckage from Hiroshima or Nagasaki 34:20
[Image: presentedaswreckagefromanatomicblast3420.jpg]

Street scene, V-J Day 35:21
[Image: streetscenev-jday3521.jpg]

Street scenes, V-J Day in North Platte, Nebraska 35:36 & 35:42
[Image: streetscenev-jdayinnorthplattenebraska3536.jpg] [Image: streetscenev-jdayinnorthplattenebraska3542.jpg]

Street scene, San Francisco, supposedly October of '45 36:38
[Image: streetscenesanfranciscopresentedasoctoberof453638.jpg]

Street scene with a quiet post-war factory 37:38
[Image: streetscenewithpostwarfactory3738.jpg]

Street scene with striking workers 39:15
[Image: streetscenewithstrikingworkers3915.jpg]

Street scene, probably Truman visiting Congress 39:25
[Image: streetsceneprobablytrumanvistingcongress3925.jpg]

Street scenes, post-war 39:45 - 40:39
[Image: streetscene3945.jpg] [Image: streetscene4035.jpg] [Image: streetscene4037.jpg] [Image: streetscene4039.jpg]

Fremont Street, Las Vegas 40:48 & 40:56
[Image: fremontstreetlasvegas4048.jpg] [Image: fremontstreetlasvegas4056.jpg]

Street scene, Las Vegas church 41:01
[Image: streetscenelasvegaschurch4101.jpg]

Street scenes from Dewey's campaign film 44:28 & 44:33
[Image: streetscenedeweyscampaignfilm4428.jpg] [Image: streetscenedeweyscampaignfilm4433.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2018-04-09 04:06:31

skywatcher68 US

2018-04-09 03:19

Episode 3 airplanes (and airplane parts)

Ford's Willow Run B-24 assembly line 10:01 - 10:29
[Image: fordswillowrunb24assemblyline1001.jpg] [Image: fordswillowrunb24assemblyline1008.jpg] [Image: fordswillowrunb24assemblyline1013.jpg] [Image: fordswillowrunb24assemblyline1017.jpg] [Image: fordswillowrunb24assemblyline1019.jpg] [Image: fordswillowrunb24assemblyline1022.jpg] [Image: fordswillowrunb24assemblyline1027.jpg] [Image: fordswillowrunb24assemblyline1029.jpg]

[Image: 1032.jpg]

Army inside the North American Aviation plant 12:15
[Image: armyinsidenorthamericanaviationplant1215.jpg]

Pearl Harbor 13:19
[Image: pearlharbor1319.jpg]

Pearl Harbor attack 13:45 & 13:56
[Image: pearlharborattack1345.jpg] [Image: pearlharborattack1356.jpg]

Pearl Harbor aftermath 15:02 - 15:22
[Image: pearlharboraftermath1502.jpg] [Image: pearlharboraftermath1506.jpg] [Image: pearlharboraftermath1513.jpg] [Image: pearlharboraftermath1516.jpg] [Image: pearlharboraftermath1522.jpg]

Presented as Transcontinental and Western Air Douglas DST carrying Carole Lombard 19:30
[Image: presentedastranscontinentalandwesternairdouglasdstcarryingcarolelombard1930.jpg]

Carole Lombard wreckage 19:47 - 19:52
[Image: carolelombardwreckage1947.jpg] [Image: carolelombardwreckage1948.jpg] [Image: carolelombardwreckage1952.jpg]

Ford's Willow Run B-24 assembly line 24:47 - 26:13
[Image: fordswillowrunb24assemblyline2447.jpg] [Image: fordswillowrunb24assemblyline2456.jpg] [Image: fordswillowrunb24assemblyline2502.jpg] [Image: fordswillowrunb24assemblyline2613.jpg]

Enola Gay 33:55
[Image: enolagay3355.jpg]

Presented as Enola Gay and escorts headed for Japan 34:01
[Image: presentedasenolagayandescortsheadedforjapan3401.jpg]

American Airlines 40:27
[Image: americanairlines4027.jpg]

[Image: 4029.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2018-04-09 03:23:01

skywatcher68 US

2018-04-10 05:47

Miscellaneous images from Episode 4, the 1950s:

Reade Street, Manhattan 3:00
[Image: readestreetmanhattan300.jpg]

Traffic light, Washington, DC 8:50
[Image: trafficliightdc850.jpg]

Street scenes 9:12 9:18 & 9:19
[Image: streetscene912.jpg] [Image: streetscene918.jpg] [Image: streetscene919.jpg]

Street scene & Chevy dealer 9:39
[Image: streetscenechevydealer939.jpg]

Street scenes, Levittown construction 10:47 11:19 & 11:21
[Image: streetscenelevittownconstruction1047.jpg] [Image: streetscenelevittownconstruction1119.jpg] [Image: streetscenelevittownconstruction1121.jpg]

Street scenes, Levittown 11:51 & 11:52
[Image: streetscenelevittown1151.jpg] [Image: streetscenelevittown1152.jpg]

Fremont Street, Las Vegas, supposedly March of '53 12:05 12:10 & 12:26
[Image: fremontstreetlasvegaspresentedasmarchof531205.jpg] [Image: fremontstreetlasvegaspresentedasmarchof531210.jpg] [Image: fremontstreetlasvegaspresentedasmarchof531226.jpg]

Street scene, vehicles on their way to be used in the first atomic blast broadcast on live TV 12:57
[Image: streetscenevehiclestobeusedinthefirstatomicblastbroadcastedonlivetv1257.jpg]

Vehicles and house to be used in the first atomic blast broadcast on live TV 13:00
[Image: vehiclesandhousetobeusedinthefirstatomicblastbroadcastedonlivetv1300.jpg]

Street scene 14:04
[Image: streetscene1404.jpg]

Street scene, Capitol Building 17:12
[Image: streetscenecapitolbuilding1712.jpg]

Street scene with Bogie & Bacall on their way to testify in front of McCarthy 17:46
[Image: streetscenewithbogieandbacallontheirwaytotestifyinfrontofmccarthy1746.jpg]

Street scene, McCarthy going after the Army 18:28
[Image: streetscenemccarthygoesafterthearmy1828.jpg]

1956 New York International Auto Show 23:20
[Image: 1956newyorkinternationalautoshow2320.jpg]

Street scenes 23:37 & 23:40
[Image: streetscene2337.jpg] [Image: streetscene2340.jpg]

Street scenes, New Jersey Turnpike 23:46 - 24:27
[Image: streetscenejerseyturnpike2346.jpg] [Image: streetscenejerseyturnpike2355.jpg] [Image: streetscenejerseyturnpike2358.jpg] [Image: streetscenejerseyturnpike2401.jpg] [Image: streetscenejerseyturnpike2410.jpg] [Image: streetscenejerseyturnpike2425.jpg] [Image: streetscenejerseyturnpike2427.jpg]

Street scene, Money, Mississippi 27.26
[Image: streetscenemoneymississippi2726.jpg]

Street scene, outside the funeral for Emmett Till in Chicago 28:01
[Image: streetsceneoutsidethefuneralforemmetttillinchicago2801.jpg]

Street scenes, Sumner, Mississippi, 1955 29.39 - 31.11
[Image: aslongasheswhite2939.jpg] [Image: streetscenesumnermississippi2945.jpg] [Image: streetscenesumnermississippi3007.jpg] [Image: streetscenesumnermississippi3108.jpg] [Image: streetscenesumnermississippi3111.jpg]

Street scenes with bus boycotters, Montgomery, Alabama 32:14 32:33 & 32:44
[Image: streetscenewithbusboycottersmontgomeryalabama3214.jpg] [Image: streetscenewithbusboycottersmontgomeryalabama3233.jpg] [Image: streetscenewithbusboycottersmontgomeryalabama3244.jpg]

Beach scene 33.42
[Image: beachscene3342.jpg]

Street scenes, Little Rock, Arkansas, 1957 38:02 & 38:13
[Image: streetscenelittlerockarkansas19573802.jpg] [Image: streetscenelittlerockarkansas19573813.jpg]

Street scenes, Army in Little Rock, Arkansas, 1957 40:37 41:22 & 41:24
[Image: streetscenearmyinlittlerockarkansas19574037.jpg] [Image: streetscenearmyinlittlerockarkansas19574122.jpg] [Image: streetscenearmyinlittlerockarkansas19574124.jpg]

NASA vehicles 44:49
[Image: nasavehicles4449.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2018-04-10 18:09:08

skywatcher68 US

2018-04-10 05:55

Episode 4 aircraft

Truman arriving on Wake Island to meet with MacArthur 5:23
[Image: trumanarrivingonwakeislandtomeetwithmacarthur523.jpg]

[Image: delta3339.jpg]

45:02 & 45:05
[Image: 4502.jpg] [Image: 4505.jpg]

45:06 & 45:14
[Image: 4506.jpg] [Image: 4514.jpg]

[Image: 4511.jpg]

[Image: 4516.jpg]

X-15 45:24 & 45:45
[Image: x-154524.jpg] [Image: x-154545.jpg]

X-15 & B-52 45:39
[Image: x-15b-524539.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2018-04-10 05:56:08

130rapid PL

2018-04-10 08:03

Skywatcher68 wrote Beach scene 33.42
[Image: beachscene3342.jpg]

The red one is (probably) Crosley Super Sports.

skywatcher68 US

2018-04-10 17:10

130rapid wrote The red one is (probably) Crosley Super Sports.


-- Last edit: 2018-04-10 17:13:14

skywatcher68 US

2018-04-11 08:47

Miscellaneous images from Episode 5, the 1960s:

Street scene, JFK campaign ad 2:44
[Image: streetscenejfkcampaignad244.jpg]

Street scene, Election Day 1960 6:02
[Image: streetsceneelectionday1960602.jpg]

Street scene, Times Square 6:45
[Image: streetscenetimessquare645.jpg]

Street scene with coastal defenses 12:12
[Image: streetscenewithcoastaldefenses1212.jpg]

Street scenes, Birmingham, Alabama 14:49 17:08 19:53 & 19:55
[Image: streetscene1449.jpg] [Image: streetscene1708.jpg] [Image: streetscene1953.jpg] [Image: streetscene1955.jpg]

Street scenes with protesters, Birmingham 20:09 20:12 20:17 & 20:42
[Image: streetscenewithprotestersbirmingham2009.jpg] [Image: streetscenewithprotestersbirmingham2012.jpg] [Image: streetscenewithprotestersbirmingham2017.jpg] [Image: streetscenewithprotestersbirmingham2042.jpg]

Street scene with protesters' arrests, Birmingham 20:59
[Image: streetscenewithprotestersarrestsbirmingham2059.jpg]

Street scenes, MLK arrives in Birmingham 21:07 & 21:11
[Image: streetscenemlkarrivesinbirmingham2107.jpg] [Image: streetscenemlkarrivesinbirmingham2111.jpg]

Street scene, marchers following MLK in Birmingham 21:42
[Image: streetscenemarchersfollowingmlkinbirmingham2142.jpg]

Street scenes, police dispersing protesters in Birmingham 22:52 & 22:56
[Image: streetscenepolicedispersingprotestersinbirmingham2252.jpg] [Image: streetscenepolicedispersingprotestersinbirmingham2256.jpg]

Street scene, Alabama Army National Guard mobilized in Tuscaloosa 24:30
[Image: streetscenealabamanationalguardmobilized2430.jpg]

Street scene, Alabama Army National Guard removes Gov. Wallace from the schoolhouse door 24:41
[Image: streetscenealabamanationalguardremovingwallace2441.jpg]

Street scene 27:17
[Image: streetscene2717.jpg]

Street scene, JFK's funeral procession 30:36
[Image: streetscenejfksfuneralprocession3036.jpg]

Street scene, random freeway in Los Angeles, California 34:20
[Image: streetscenelafreeway3420.jpg]

Street scene, Los Angeles, Summer of '65 36:20
[Image: streetscenelosangeles19653620.jpg]

Street scenes, firefighting in Watts, August of '65 36:29 & 36:33
[Image: streetscenefirefightinginwatts19653629.jpg] [Image: streetscenefirefightinginwatts19653633.jpg]

Burned out sedan in Watts, probably too damaged to identify 36:44
[Image: burnedoutsedaninwatts3644.jpg]

Street scenes, California Army National Guard mobilized in Watts 36:56 & 37:05
[Image: streetscenecalifornianationalguardinwatts3656.jpg] [Image: streetscenecalifornianationalguardinwatts3705.jpg]

Street scene with Woodstock traffic 43:59
[Image: streetscenewoodstocktraffic4359.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2018-04-11 21:49:30

skywatcher68 US

2018-04-11 19:48

Episode 5 aircraft

JFK campaigning 2:58
[Image: jfkcampaigning258.jpg]

JFK getting help for his bad back 3:31
[Image: i001132601.jpg]

[Image: usaf1002.jpg]

12:32 & 12:41
[Image: 1232.jpg] [Image: 1241.jpg]

Carrier launch 13:06 & 13:09
[Image: carrierlaunch1306.jpg] [Image: carrierlaunch1309.jpg]

Army One and Kennedy clan 25:46 25:50 26:00 26:36 & 26:44
[Image: armyone2546.jpg] [Image: armyone2550.jpg] [Image: armyone2600.jpg] [Image: armyone2636.jpg] [Image: armyone2644.jpg]

Air Force One and Kennedys arrive in Dallas 27:28 27:39 27:46 & 27:47
[Image: airforceonelandingindallas2728.jpg] [Image: airforceonelandingindallas2739.jpg] [Image: kennedysdisembarkingindallas2746.jpg] [Image: kennedysdisembarkingindallas2747.jpg]

Pan Am Boeing 707-331 N704PA 31:46 & 31:54
[Image: panamboeing707-331n704pa3146.jpg] [Image: panamboeing707-331n704pa3154.jpg]

Supposedly South Vietnam in '65 37:38 & 37:41
[Image: southvietnam19653738.jpg] [Image: southvietnam19653741.jpg]

USAF bombing North Vietnam 37:58
[Image: usafbombingnorthvietnam3758.jpg]

Air Cav 40:05 40:07 & 40:12
[Image: aircav4005.jpg] [Image: aircav4007.jpg] [Image: aircavdowned4012.jpg]

USAF 64375 40:27
[Image: usaf64375insouthvietnam4027.jpg]

USAF in South Vietnam 40:30
[Image: usafinsouthvietnam4030.jpg]

Series complete.

-- Last edit: 2018-04-11 21:02:48

Ddey65 US

2018-04-11 21:15

Skywatcher68 wrote
Street scenes, post-war 39:45 - 40:39
[Image: streetscene3945.jpg] [Image: streetscene4035.jpg] [Image: streetscene4037.jpg] [Image: streetscene4039.jpg]

Three of these look like a parkway in either Queens or Nassau County, but the road configuration leaves me with some doubts.

skywatcher68 US

2018-12-06 05:39

Smithsonian Channel has started showing a second season, this one covers specific subjects such as "Titans of Industry", "Organized Crime", and "Playtime".

sixcyl FR

2019-02-17 18:46

Aircraft at

skywatcher68 US

2019-02-21 00:03

I have the second season ready for captures; can't work Saturday so will probably start then.

sixcyl wrote Aircraft at


skywatcher68 US

2019-02-23 01:21

Miscellaneous images from S2 Episode 1, The Wild West:

Street scene, Phoenix, Arizona 6:37
[Image: streetscenephoenix637.jpg]

Pancho Villa 9:32
[Image: panchovilla932.jpg]

Bullet holes from Pancho Villa's attack on Columbus, New Mexico 9:44
[Image: bulletholesfrompanchovillasattackoncolumbusnm944.jpg]

General Pershing 10:05
[Image: generalpershing1005.jpg]

Street scene, Los Angeles 11:35
[Image: streetscene1135.jpg]

Skywatcher68 wrote [Image: streetscene725.jpg] [Image: streetscene729.jpg]

Reappears at 11:43, presented as Los Angeles in 1920.

Street scenes, S Broadway, Los Angeles 11:47 & 11:48
[Image: streetscene1147.jpg] [Image: streetscene1148.jpg]

Assembly line 11:55
[Image: assemblyline1155.jpg]

William Mulholland 12:17
[Image: williammulholland1217.jpg]

NW Marshall Street, Portland, Oregon 13:43
[Image: nwmarshallstreetportlandor1343.jpg]

Street scene, Portland 13:44
[Image: streetsceneportlandor1344.jpg]

Street scenes, Pawhuska, Oklahoma 16:11 & 16:24
[Image: streetscene1611.jpg] [Image: streetscene1624.jpg]

Home movie from a dude ranch vacation 21:02
[Image: homemoviefromaduderanchvacation2102.jpg]

Street scenes, 6th Annual Inter-Tribal Ceremonial, Gallup, New Mexico 21:38 & 21:41
[Image: streetscene6thannualinter-tribalceremonialgallupnm2138.jpg] [Image: streetscene6thannualinter-tribalceremonialgallupnm2141.jpg]

Street scenes, Tombstone, Arizona; before & after promoting tourism 22:33 & 23:04
[Image: streetscenetombstoneaz2233.jpg] [Image: streetsceneokcorralreenactment2304.jpg]

Wyatt Earp 23:36
[Image: wyattearp2336.jpg]

Mine parking 25:52
[Image: mineparking2552.jpg]

Street scenes, Boulder City, Nevada 25:26 25:35 & 25:38
[Image: streetscenebouldercity2526.jpg] [Image: streetscenebouldercity2535.jpg] [Image: streetscenebouldercity2538.jpg]

Hoover Dam construction 25:09 - 26:26
[Image: hooverdamconstruction2509.jpg] [Image: hooverdamconstruction2610.jpg] [Image: hooverdamconstruction2612.jpg] [Image: hooverdamconstruction2626.jpg]

Parking for FDR's dedication of Boulder Dam, as it was originally known 27:06
[Image: streetsceneparkingforfdrsboulderdamdedication2706.jpg]

Opening the outlet valves for the first time 27:30
[Image: openingtheoutletvalvesforthefirsttime2730.jpg]

Edwin B. Hopkins and, um, something 28:29
[Image: edwinbhopkinsandsomething2829.jpg]

Money from nearby oil companies helped pay for this school 28:43
[Image: schoolparking2843.jpg]

The school was heated by natural gas piped directly from the wells; this explosion prompted the addition of that odor we all know 29:43
[Image: sameschoolafteranaturalgasexplosion2943.jpg]

Arizona National Guard preparing machine guns at the Parker Dam site; Arizona never has been very happy with their share of the water 32:39
[Image: arizonanationalguardpreparingmachinegunsattheparkerdamsite3239.jpg]

Street scene, FDR visiting Congress 34:23
[Image: streetscenefdrvisitingcongress3423.jpg]

Henry J. Kaiser at the launch of the Robert E. Peary 35:32 & 35:34
[Image: henryjkaiservisitingoneofhis7shipyards3532.jpg] [Image: contestwinningrobertepeary3534.jpg]

Aftermath of the Port Chicago disaster 36:33 - 37:28
[Image: portchicagowreckage3633.jpg] [Image: portchicagodamage3648.jpg] [Image: portchicagodamage3652.jpg] [Image: portchicagowrecakge3728.jpg]

Debris was found two miles away 36:56
[Image: portchicagodebristwomilesaway3656.jpg]

The explosion prompted munitions loaders to go on strike 37:39
[Image: munitionsloadersgoonstrike3739.jpg]

DuPont's Hanford Site 39:35 39:43 & 40:01
[Image: bulldozeratdupontshanfordsite3935.jpg] [Image: dupontshanfordsite3943.jpg] [Image: dupontshanfordsite4001.jpg]

Street Scene, Hanford, Washington 39:46
[Image: streetscenehanfordwa3946.jpg]

Street scenes, Phoenix 42:24 42:27 & 42:41
[Image: streetscenephoenix4224.jpg] [Image: streetscenewithtrafficlightphoenix4227.jpg] [Image: streetscenephoenix4241.jpg]

John Wayne at Knott's Berry Farm, 1968 47:22
[Image: johnwayneatknottsberryfarmin19684722.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2019-02-23 21:08:29

skywatcher68 US

2019-02-23 07:38

S2E1 Aircraft & parts

Pershing's biplanes 10:09
[Image: biplanes1009.jpg]

Some members of the Osage Nation used their oil proceeds to learn to fly 17:07
[Image: biplanewithanosagenationpilot1707.jpg]

[Image: hooverdamfromtheair2741.jpg]

[Image: 3346.jpg]

34:09 & 34:11
[Image: 3409.jpg] [Image: 3411.jpg]

34:48 & 34:49
[Image: assemblyline3448.jpg] [Image: assemblyline3449.jpg]

USN K-3 42:55 & 42:58
[Image: usnavyk-34255.jpg] [Image: usnavyk-34258.jpg]

46:08 & 46:10
[Image: 4608.jpg] [Image: 4610.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2019-02-23 09:44:32

skywatcher68 US

2019-02-23 08:39

Skywatcher68 wrote NW Marshall Street, Portland, Oregon 13:43
[Image: nwmarshallstreetportlandor1343.jpg]

Same street all lit up:
[Image: 78ebbf74-664d-4095-90e9-ba8485ddff77-orglot151_pge138-50.jpg]

The Hippodrome was an ice arena at NW 20th Ave & NW Marshall.

-- Last edit: 2019-02-23 08:40:19

skywatcher68 US

2019-02-24 03:34

Miscellaneous images from S2 Episode 2, Titans of Industry:

Inaugural running of the Indianapolis 500 1:42 - 3:24
[Image: firstindy500142.jpg] [Image: firstindy500158.jpg] [Image: firstindy500202.jpg] [Image: firstindy500206.jpg] [Image: firstindy500212.jpg] [Image: firstindy500247.jpg] [Image: firstindy500infield324.jpg]

Street scene 3:54
[Image: streetscene354.jpg]

Canal Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 4:10
[Image: canalstreetneworleans410.jpg]

Load of Firestone tires for Ford 5:51
[Image: firestonetires551.jpg]

Street scene, S Broadway, Los Angeles 9:13
[Image: streetscenesbroadwaylosangeles913.jpg]

Aftermath of the Edison factory fire, East Orange, New Jersey 10:56
[Image: aftermathofedisonfactoryfirewestorangenj1056.jpg]

Street scenes, Edison Day at the Panama–Pacific International Exposition 11:47 & 11:50
[Image: streetsceneedisondayatthepanamapacificinternationalexposition1147.jpg] [Image: streetsceneedisondayatthepanamapacificinternationalexposition1150.jpg]

Street scene, presented as NYC, 1915 13:47
[Image: streetscenepresentedasnycin19151347.jpg]

Army Trucks 18:21
[Image: 1821.jpg]

[Image: 2119.jpg]

Army convoy from DC to San Francisco stops at Harvey Firestone's home for a chicken dinner 23:20
[Image: armyconvoyfromdctosanfranciscostopsatfirestoneshomeforchickendinner2320.jpg]

Street scene, Firestone Park section of Akron, Ohio 31:22 & 31:36
[Image: streetscenefirestoneparkakronoh3122.jpg] [Image: streetscenefirestoneparkakronoh3136.jpg]

Army convoy arrives on the West Coast 62 days after departing DC 24:59
[Image: armyconvoyfromdctosanfranciscoreachesthewestcoastafter62days2459.jpg]

Assembly line 40:40 & 40:57
[Image: assemblyline4040.jpg] [Image: assemblyline4057.jpg]

Sit-down strike at GM's plant in Flint, Michigan 41:03
[Image: sit-downstrikeatgmsflintplant4103.jpg]

Street scene, police trying to break the strike 41:37
[Image: streetscenepolicetryingtobreakthestrike4137.jpg]

The union wins 41:48
[Image: theunionwins4148.jpg]

UAW picketers descend upon Ford's River Rouge plant 42:39
[Image: uawpicketersdescenduponfordsriverrougeplant4239.jpg]

Ford V8 assembly line 46:20 & 46:25
[Image: fordv8assemblyline4620.jpg] [Image: fordv8assemblyline4625.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2019-02-27 00:25:32

skywatcher68 US

2019-02-24 03:53

S2E2 airplanes, airplane parts & airplane-related equipment:

15:19 & 15:23
[Image: 1519.jpg] [Image: 1523.jpg]

Donald Douglas 15:33
[Image: donalddouglas1533.jpg]

Assembly lines 15:35 - 15:58
[Image: 1535.jpg] [Image: 1538.jpg] [Image: 1540.jpg] [Image: 1542.jpg] [Image: 1545.jpg] [Image: 1548.jpg] [Image: 1558.jpg]

16:34 & 16:37
[Image: 1634.jpg] [Image: 1637.jpg]

[Image: 1653.jpg]

17:13 & 17:16
[Image: 1713.jpg] [Image: 1716.jpg]

Ruggles Orientator 17:55 & 18:04
[Image: rugglesorientator1755.jpg] [Image: rugglesorientator1804.jpg]

Ruggles Orientator operator 18:00
[Image: rugglesorientatoroperator1800.jpg]

Douglas DT 38:37 - 29:00
[Image: douglasdt2837.jpg] [Image: douglasdt2844.jpg] [Image: douglasdt2850.jpg] [Image: douglasdt2900.jpg]

Ford Flivver 29:06 - 29:58
[Image: fordflivver2906.jpg] [Image: fordflivver2911.jpg] [Image: fordflivver2919.jpg] [Image: fordflivver2926.jpg] [Image: fordflivver2938.jpg] [Image: fordflivver2958.jpg]

Ford Trimotor 29:33
[Image: fordtrimotor2933.jpg]

B-24 45:36
[Image: b-244536.jpg]

[Image: 4603.jpg]

[Image: 4608.1.jpg]

skywatcher68 US

2019-03-11 03:36

Skywatcher68 wrote [Image: streetscene6thannualinter-tribalceremonialgallupnm2138.jpg]

That might be a GMC Model 16 in the center.

-- Last edit: 2019-03-11 03:37:19

skywatcher68 US

2019-03-30 04:15

Miscellaneous images from S2 Episode 3, Organized Crime:

Street scene, Times Square, 1931 6:29
[Image: streetscene-timessquare1931629.jpg]

Loading Canadian booze - narrator says 1600 cases at $65/case; US street value $400/case 8:00
[Image: loadingcanadianbooze-halfmillionprofit800.jpg]

Street scene, border crossing 10:53
[Image: streetscene-bordercrossing1053.jpg]

Parking lot 13:11
[Image: parkinglot1311.jpg]

Street scenes, Biscayne Boulevard, Miami, supposedly 1931 21:16 & 21:18
[Image: streetscene-biscayneboulevardmiamisupposedly19312116.jpg] [Image: streetscene-biscayneboulevardmiamisupposedly19312118.jpg]

West 125th Street, Harlem 26:23
[Image: west125thstreetharlem2623.jpg]

LaGuardia's Mayor's Office tossing confiscated weapons & slot machines into the East River 29:32
[Image: laguardiasmayorsofficetossingseizedweaponsslotmachinesintotheeastriver2932.jpg]

A literal floating casino - according to narration, this operated in International Waters off Catalina Island for a year before the California legislature got wise and extended the zone in which gambling is forbidden 33:04
[Image: aliteralfloatingcasino3304.jpg]

Only one airplane in this episode - Jimmy Walker campaigning for Mayor of NYC; shaking hands with Governor of California Friend Richardson 12:13
[Image: jimmywalkercampaigning1213.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2019-04-01 02:04:48


2019-03-30 14:11

Skywatcher68 wrote Miscellaneous images from S2 Episode 3, Organized Crime:
Only one airplane in this episode - Jimmy Walker campaigning for Mayor of NYC; shaking hands with Governor of California Friend Richardson 12:13
[Image: jimmywalkercampaigning1213.jpg]

IMPDB upgraded with S2E3 (and soon with S2E1 & S2E2).
Many Thanks !

skywatcher68 US

2019-03-30 21:03


antp BE

2019-07-09 09:21

ep 2.1:
[Image: i001237318.jpg] [Image: i001237317.jpg]
00:26:06 [*][*]
mike962 wrote I don't think this should be listed !!

looks electrical with a power cable behind it so it's range is limited by the cable lengh....

dnroamhicsir wrote You're right. We can see the generator in the back.

johnfromstaffs EN

2019-07-09 09:35

Surely it’s a motor, or maybe a rotary converter, the electricity having been generated at the other end of the cable........

skywatcher68 US

2019-10-05 10:19

All vehicles for season 2 have been submitted. Will add misc images & aircraft later.

skywatcher68 US

2019-10-05 22:41

Miscellaneous images from S2 Episode 4, Playtime:

Boarding school girls arriving at Coney Island, 1905 1:50
[Image: boardingschoolgirlsatconeyisland1905150.jpg]

Gehrig & Ruth with Nisei League players, 1927 10:13
[Image: gehrigruthwithniseileagueplayers19271013.jpg]

Camping trailer showroom 24:38
[Image: campingtrailershowroom2438.jpg]

Basic camping trailer interior 24:59 - 25:07
[Image: campingtrailer2459.jpg] [Image: campingtrailer2500.jpg] [Image: campingtrailer2502.jpg] [Image: campingtrailer2503.jpg] [Image: campingtrailer2506.jpg] [Image: campingtrailer2507.jpg]

High-end camping trailer interior 25:11
[Image: high-endcampingtrailer2511.jpg]

First "Mobile Home" 26:21
[Image: firstmobilehome2621.jpg]

Trailer park, Hampton Beach, New Hampshire, 1945 26:43
[Image: trailerparkhamptonbeachnh19452643.jpg]

1945 Rockford Peaches 36:56
[Image: 1945rockfordpeaches3656.jpg]

Harlem Globetrotters & Minneapolis Lakers in Chicago 43:17
[Image: harlemglobetrottersminneapolislakersplayinginchicago4317.jpg]

Players arriving for 1956 bowling championships 44:33
[Image: arrivingforbowlingchampionships4433.jpg]

skywatcher68 US

2019-10-05 23:16

S2E4 airplanes & airplane parts:

Fokker Trimotor that was carrying Knute Rockne 14:06 14:09 & 14:10
[Image: knuterocknefokkertrimotorwreckage1406.jpg] [Image: knuterocknefokkertrimotorwreckage1409.jpg] [Image: knuterocknefokkertrimotorwreckage1410.jpg]

Wing walker Lillian Boyer 14:49 14:51 & 16:46 - 17:32
[Image: biplane1449.jpg] [Image: biplane1451.jpg] [Image: biplane1646.jpg] [Image: biplane1700.jpg] [Image: biplanes1712.jpg] [Image: biplanes1718.jpg] [Image: biplanes1725.jpg] [Image: biplanes1731.jpg] [Image: biplanes1732.jpg]


[Image: biplane1618.jpg]

16:27 - 16:38
[Image: biplane1627.jpg] [Image: biplane1630.jpg] [Image: biplane1631.jpg] [Image: biplane1633.jpg] [Image: biplane1636.jpg] [Image: biplane1638.jpg]

1929 Women's Air Derby, Cleveland, Ohio

17:58 & 18:04
[Image: biplane1758.jpg] [Image: biplane1804.jpg]

[Image: i001303986.jpg]

18:20 & 18:26
[Image: biplane1820.jpg] [Image: biplane1826.jpg]

TWA 46:12
[Image: twa4612.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2019-10-05 23:17:12

skywatcher68 US

2019-10-06 00:12

Miscellaneous images from S2 Episode 5, American Royalty:

John D. Rockefeller at his estate 4:07
[Image: johndrockefellerathisestate407.jpg]

Rockefeller's coal mine in Colorado 7:22
[Image: coalmine722.jpg]

Mine workers go on strike 7:54
[Image: mineworkersonstrike754.jpg]

Rockefellers bring in the National Guard 8:06
[Image: rockefellersbringinnationalguard806.jpg]

[Image: 840.jpg]

A retaliatory mail bomb intended for John D. Rockefeller went off during manufacture 9:05
[Image: nyc1914retaliatorybombtobesenttojohndrockefellerwentoffduringmanufacutre905.jpg]

Titanic 12:40
[Image: titanic1240.jpg]

William Randolph Hearst at his estate 15:49
[Image: williamrandolphhearstathisestate1549.jpg]

Charlie Chaplin clowning around at Hearst Castle 16:29
[Image: charliechaplinclowningaroundathearstcastle1629.jpg]

Street scene, Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles 22:57
[Image: streetscene-hollywoodboulevardlosangeles2257.jpg]

Street scene, Hollywood & Highland 23:14
[Image: streetscene-cornerofhollywoodboulevardhighlandavenuelosangeles2314.jpg]

Street scene, Embassy Theater, Times Square 24:23
[Image: streetscene-embassytheatertimessquare2423.jpg]

The first Rockettes, then called the Roxyettes, at the Radio City Music Hall 26:23
[Image: thefirstrockettes2623.jpg]

FDR motorcade, 1936 34:00
[Image: fdrmotorcade19363400.jpg]

Street scene, Buckingham Palace 35:45 & 35:47
[Image: streetscene-buckinghampalace3545.jpg] [Image: streetscene-buckinghampalace3547.jpg]

Street Scene, RKO Palace Theater, Times Square 38:08
[Image: streetscene-rkopalacetheatertimessquare.jpg]

USS Plymouth, formerly the Vanderbilts' private yacht 39:39
[Image: ussplymouth3939.jpg]

George H. W. Bush rescued in the South Pacific, sole survivor of an attack on his squadron 41:06
[Image: georgehwbushbeingrescuedinthesouthpacificsolesurvivorofanattackonhissquadron4106.jpg]

skywatcher68 US

2019-10-06 00:25

S2E5 aircraft:

21:11 & 21:25
[Image: 2111.jpg] [Image: 2125.jpg]

Graf Zeppelin 23:40 - 24:18
[Image: grafzeppelin2340.jpg] [Image: grafzeppelin2345.jpg] [Image: grafzeppelin2349.jpg] [Image: grafzeppelin2358.jpg] [Image: grafzeppelin2402.jpg] [Image: grafzeppelin2407.jpg] [Image: grafzeppelin2418.jpg]

Training biplane with Joe Kennedy, Jr. 39:56 & 39:58
[Image: trainingbiplanewithjoekennedyjr3956.jpg] [Image: trainingbiplanewithjoekennedyjr3958.jpg]

Test flight for sneaking Joe Kennedy, Jr., behind enemy lines - he was to jump out and let the plane crash 40:07 & 40:09
[Image: 4007.jpg] [Image: 4009.jpg]

40:26 - 40:34
[Image: 4026.jpg] [Image: 4029.1.jpg] [Image: 4030.jpg] [Image: 4034.jpg]

[Image: 4101.jpg]

skywatcher68 US

2019-10-06 01:04

Miscellaneous images from S2 Episode 6, Hollywood's Golden Age:

Street scene, Hollywood Boulevard, circa 1910 4:01
[Image: streetscene-hollywoodboulevardca1910401.jpg]

Hollywood in 1906 4:11
[Image: hollywood1906411.jpg]

Universal Studios 4:58
[Image: universalstudios458.jpg]

Street scene 6:03
[Image: streetscene603.jpg]

Street scene, Warner Bros. Studio, Sunset Boulevard 10:07
[Image: streetscene-warnerbrosstudiosunsetboulevard1007.jpg]

Market Street, San Francisco 14:26 & 14:32
[Image: marketstreetsanfrancisco1426.jpg] [Image: marketstreetsanfrancisco1432.jpg]

St. Francis Hotel, Powell Street, San Francisco 14:55
[Image: stfrancishotelpowellstreetsanfrancisco1455.jpg]

Street scene, Valentino's funeral 17:10
[Image: streetscene-valentinosfuneral1710.jpg]

Traffic light, Hollywood & Vine 17:41
[Image: trafficlight-hollywoodvine1741.jpg]

Street scene, Hollywood & Orchid 17:56
[Image: streetscene-hollywoodorchid1756.jpg]

Street scene, El Capitan Theater, Hollywood & Orchid 18:00
[Image: streetscene-elcapitantheaterathollywoodorchid1800.jpg]

Street scene, Grauman's Chinese Theater, Hollywood & Orchid 18:01
[Image: streetscene-graumanschinesetheaterathollywoodorchid1801.jpg]

Mary Pickford & Douglas Fairbanks - the first hand prints at Grauman's Chinese 18:37
[Image: marypickforddouglasfairbanks-thefirsthandprintsatgraumanschinese1837.jpg]

Street scene, Times Square 19:24
[Image: streetscene-timessquare1924.jpg]

Warner Bros. Studios (shown while narrator talks about MGM) 22:38
[Image: warnerbrosstudios2238.jpg]

Street scenes, motorcade for Gone With the Wind world premiere in Atlanta 31:08 - 31:16
[Image: streetscene-motorcadeforgwtwworldpremiere3108.jpg] [Image: streetscene-motorcadeforgwtwworldpremiere3109.jpg] [Image: streetscene-motorcadeforgwtwworldpremiere3112.jpg] [Image: streetscene-motorcadeforgwtwworldpremiere3116.jpg]

Hollywood Canteen 36:14 & 36:19
[Image: hollywoodcanteenentrance3614.jpg] [Image: hollywoodcanteen3619.jpg]

Street scene, Hollywood Palladium Theater, Sunset Boulevard, 1956 41:20
[Image: hollywoodpalladiumtheater-sunsetboulevard19534120.jpg]

Street scene, random freeway in Los Angeles 42:37
[Image: streetscene-randomfreewayinla4237.jpg]

Marilyn Monroe - no clues as to what she's riding in 44:34
[Image: marilynmonroewaving4434.jpg]

Street scene, Times Square, 8 November 1956 47:36
[Image: streetscene-timessquare8november19564736.jpg]

skywatcher68 US

2019-10-06 01:17

S2E6 airplanes & airplane parts:

Ryan Brougham flying lion cage 20:49 20:54 & 21:18
[Image: ryanbroughamflyinglioncage2049.jpg] [Image: ryanbroughamflyinglioncage2054.jpg] [Image: ryanbroughamflyinglioncagewreckage2118.jpg]
The lion and pilot survived.

Clark Gable & Carole Lombard arriving in Atlanta for GWTW world premiere 30:27 30:32 & 30:53
[Image: clarkgablecarolelombardarrivinginatlantafortheworldpremiereofgwtw3027.jpg] [Image: clarkgablecarolelombardarrivinginatlantafortheworldpremiereofgwtw3032.jpg] [Image: clarkgablecarolelombardarrivinginatlantafortheworldpremiereofgwtw3053.jpg]

Vivien Leigh & Olivia de Havilland arriving in Atlanta for GWTW world premiere 30:39
[Image: vivienleigholiviadehavillandarrivinginatlantafortheworldpremiereofgwtw3039.jpg]

[Image: warbirds3321.jpg]

[Image: warbirds3325.jpg]

Jimmy Stewart encouraging enlistment 33:29 & 34:09
[Image: jimmystewartencouragingenlistment3329.jpg] [Image: jimmystewartencouragingenlistment3409.jpg]

John Ford footage of Midway attack aftermath 35:39
[Image: johnfordfootageofaftermathofattackonmidway3539.jpg]


2019-10-06 08:22

Many thanks Skywatcher68 for all those aviation screenshot !
IMPDB update coming soon ...

skywatcher68 US

2019-10-11 21:38

Skywatcher68 wrote
40:26 - 40:34
[Image: 4026.jpg] [Image: 4029.1.jpg] [Image: 4030.jpg] [Image: 4034.jpg]

NB: these are all the same plane.


2019-10-11 23:14

A close look says NO (check the chin turret seen of the first screenshot but missing on the second one; same thing with the upper turret).
Or maybe it's the same one coming in as a B-17G and departing some time later once converted as a ...
Well ... read IMPDB to know what ;-) : update with season TWO

-- Last edit: 2019-10-11 23:15:44

skywatcher68 US

2019-10-12 06:24

Well, it all looked to me like one continuous take off roll.

skywatcher68 US

2019-11-05 23:46

A third season is starting on Smithsonian Channel later this month.

skywatcher68 US

2019-11-25 06:06

Smithsonian Channel recently started "Britain in Color" as well.

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