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Mrs Wilson, Mini-Series, 2018 IMDB

Pictures provided by: SM99, dsl

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Baube QC

2021-06-06 21:15

Dennis the Menace : " Mrs. Wilsooooon ! " ... :D

dsl SX

2021-06-20 02:38

[Image: title.602.jpg]

An unusual story based on real events - a woman's husband dies, and she discovers he had 3 other wives and families. Sensitively told, with sympathetic characters, including the serial bigamist. Also slightly poignant as the lead actress (Ruth Wilson) who discovers all her late husband's marriages is the real-life grand-daughter of the actual widow (Alison Wilson).

Main "modern" date is 1963 (with WW2/1940s flashbacks and a brief 1966 postscript) which means there's a lot of witchcraft to disguise inappropriate later 60s and 70s cars with dummy/fake plates, particularly so that suffix plates are not seen. Plus it was filmed in Northern Ireland pretending to be London, so any local NI plates would look weird. Some screenplates are reused on several different cars.

Have redone ep1 and added eps 2 & 3 from scratch. Frustrating inability to find a good quality copy to work from - there seem to be 2 versions - one of which is letter-boxy and chops off lower part of pictures, the other being full height but fuzzy. Plus the cars are rarely properly focussed by the (sloppy/lazy??) camera techniques used and/or drift off focus quickly.

-- Last edit: 2021-06-21 16:41:05

Ddey65 US

2021-06-21 14:01

Baube thought of Dennis the Menace. I thought of that too, and Optiganally Yours:

dsl SX

2021-06-21 15:54


- black and maroon - Morris/Wolseley??
[Image: r12-11maroon.jpg] [Image: r12-11maroonb.jpg]

- green mid-50s Rover P4
[Image: r37-25rover.jpg]
Goof - the Imp has vanished from next shots
[Image: r37-25roverb.jpg] [Image: r37-25roverc.jpg]

- black saloon in WW2 flashback
[Image: r11-27car.jpg]

- ambulance in "1963"
[Image: r17-41amb.jpg]

- biggish black saloon - Hillman/Humber??
[Image: r19-16black.jpg] [Image: r19-16blackb.jpg]

[Image: r19-16blackc.jpg]

- whatever these foregrounds are
[Image: 02-20prisontruck.jpg]

1960s gizmos

- TVs
[Image: tv.8.jpg] [Image: tv2.1.jpg]

- wireless, slide projector (which looks 1990s rather than "1963")
[Image: radio.7.jpg] [Image: projector.2.jpg]

johnfromstaffs EN

2021-06-21 16:34

Biggish black saloon, come on dsl, it’s a Wolseley.

johnfromstaffs EN

2021-06-21 16:35

Black & maroon, Morris/Wolseley? Yes.

The tendency was for Wolseleys to be all black, and Morris to be duotone, but no doubt some smartie pants could find an exception.

-- Last edit: 2021-06-21 16:40:19

johnfromstaffs EN

2021-06-21 16:42

Foreground cars, facing camera, no idea unless it’s an Austin Sixteen, crossing from east to west, Austin Cambridge.

-- Last edit: 2021-06-21 16:48:58

Sunbar UK

2021-06-21 18:52

Black & maroon saloon an old friend probably 1937 Morris Ten-Four - Series II

Ambulance - Morris LD Ambulance Wadham 'Serene'

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