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ルパン三世 ルパンVS複製人間 (Lupin III: The Mystery of Mamo), JP Animation Movie, 1978 IMDB

Pictures provided by: opal, moff

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Also known as:

  • Rupan Sansei: Rupan tai Kurōn (transliterated)
  • Lupin the 3rd: The Mystery of Mamo
  • 魯邦三世 魯邦 VS 複製人 (Taiwan)

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Comments about this movie

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opal TH

2016-10-31 10:38

Movie complete.
[Image: bike.8.jpg] [Image: gv.26.jpg] [Image: gv2.24.jpg] [Image: gv3.22.jpg] [Image: gv4.20.jpg] [Image: gv5.16.jpg]

antp BE

2016-11-13 16:20

opal wrote [Image: i972446.jpg] [Image: i972443.jpg] [Image: coupe.13.jpg]


2018-01-27 18:51

The white car in the middle of the picture looks like a Ferrari 250 GT.

[Image: vlcsnap-error656.jpg]

dsl SX

2018-01-27 19:23

moff wrote The white car in the middle of the picture looks like a Ferrari 250 GT.

[Image: vlcsnap-error656.jpg]

White on right looks a bit Triumph Herald 1200

opal wrote [Image: gv3.22.jpg]

Black on right maybe Daimler Limousine [DS420]

San US

2024-02-01 20:39

[Image: screenshot2024-02-01112515am.jpg] [Image: screenshot2024-02-01112516am.jpg]
Possbily an GMC Old Look?

[Image: screenshot2024-02-01112600am.jpg]

[Image: screenshot2024-02-01112717am.jpg] [Image: screenshot2024-02-01112720am.jpg] [Image: screenshot2024-02-01112722am.jpg]
[Image: screenshot2024-02-01112844am.jpg] [Image: screenshot2024-02-01112826am.jpg] [Image: screenshot2024-02-01112823am.jpg]

San US

2024-02-01 20:42

In JP it was originally called: ルパン三世 ルパンVS複製人間 (Lupin III: Lupin vs. the Clone)

San US

2024-02-27 18:23

Spoiler - click here to see it

Other titles:
Lupin III: The Secret of Mamo
Lupin the 3rd: The Secret of Mamo
Lupin vs the Clone
Arsene Lupin knock-out'er alt (Danish)
Edgar de la Cambriole : Le secret de Mamo (French)
Lupin III (Italian)
Lupin III, De Gentleman Inbreker (Dutch)
Lupin III: La pietra della saggezza (Italian)
Lupin III: O Segredo de Mamo (Portuguese)
Люпен III: Тайна Мамо (Russian)

San US

2024-09-04 00:41

Sedan that was in a scene that was cut in the final film, Lincoln?
[Image: screenshot2024-09-0333341pm.jpg]

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