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のんき裁判; 극장전; 경주; 무도실무관; 高橋留美子劇場 人魚の森; Breath of Love; The One I Trust; Zombie Killers: Elephant's Graveyard; Love and Betrayal; Старики-полковники; United; 雄霸四海; Des vents contraires; Automania; Alles gelogen; (more...)

آباء وأبناء (Aba' Wa Abna'), OM Mini-Series, 1991

Pictures provided by: Bahraini Carguy

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Bahraini Carguy BH

2024-08-22 15:10

Omani drama series
El Cinema's Link
16 Episodes exists in total.

Some of the main cars were provided by their local BMW, Lexus and Mercedes-Benz distributors.
[Image: credits.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2024-08-27 20:48:53

Bahraini Carguy BH

2024-08-27 21:31

Series complete!

IMCDB but it's too dark to use :/
[Image: gf0.jpg][Image: gf.jpg]
Back when Gulf Air was still jointly owned by 4 Gulf States.

-- Last edit: 2024-08-28 23:11:46


2024-08-28 08:18

Bahraini Carguy wrote
IMPDB but it's too dark to use :/
[Image: gf0.jpg][Image: gf.jpg]
Back when Gulf Air was still jointly owned by 4 Gulf States.

Thanks for the effort.
Well... if other significant aircraft are seen, we could put such 'night quizz' on an IMPDB page.
Just this action is of too little interest (*)... and you said all about it !

BTW, for subject from a TV Series, it will be appreciated to know in which episode the plane is seen.

(*) and there's so much more to do !

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