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2002 Ford Explorer XLS [U152]

2002 Ford Explorer [U152] in The Walking Dead, TV Series, 2010-2022 IMDB Ep. 1.02

Class: Cars, Off-road / SUV — Model origin: US

2002 Ford Explorer XLS [U152]

[*] Background vehicle 

Owner of this vehicle: rjluna2

Comments about this vehicle


Neptune US

2010-11-19 01:37

2002-2004 Ford Explorer XLS

Also another white one nearby in the far background (also a XLS), fleet vehicles for a company perhaps?

rjluna2 US

2010-11-19 03:33

Yes, these are fleet vehicles that is being used where I work :whistle:

The blue 2003 Ford Taurus is the car that I have driven during my remote work.

At last, there is a vehicle that I have driven that is being shown on TV show! :sun:

-- Last edit: 2011-05-03 21:53:47

Ingo DE

2010-11-20 01:28

But you aren't visible in this movie, or? :think:

antp BE

2010-11-20 10:37

rjluna2 wrote
The blue 2005 Ford Taurus is the car that I have driven during my remote work.

So as Ingo suggested by posting the link in the related topic on the forum, you could be considered as "owner" of this vehicle for the site :D

rjluna2 US

2010-11-20 21:57

antp wrote So as Ingo suggested by posting the link in the related topic on the forum, you could be considered as "owner" of this vehicle for the site :D

Actually, I am not the owner of the car, but it belongs to the company that I drove. Sorry, Antoine :/

-- Last edit: 2010-11-20 22:01:06

antp BE

2010-11-23 17:49

Yes, I understood that, but if you drive it it is kind of your car :p
If "my" 206 is seen in a movie, I'll put me as owner on the site, even if the car is not actually mine :D (it also belongs to the company)

rjluna2 US

2010-11-24 01:47

Thanks, Antoine :)

aaronpour US

2012-01-05 05:20

I am the owner of the TOYOTA COROLLA that was used in the 2004 DAWN OF THE DEAD i got it in a auction plus i got the wisconsin prop plate to

Ford_Guy US

2012-01-05 07:22

Why are you posting this info here instead of on the page for the Toyota? :??:


I can see you had a previous account with us before. Why a new one?

Ingo DE

2012-05-07 19:50

@rjluna2: the next weekend this series will be aired in the German TV (at late night and very probably cutted). My wife want to watch it, so I told her "Have a look for the blue Ford behind the fence" :)

We are still very irritated, that in the USA this splatter-stuff was running over the day in the free TV :wow: Impossible over here. And we are also irritated, that many US-kids are allowed to watch it. A Californian lady told me in a motel-pool in Florida City (I waited there for the end of it, before going back to the room) "Oh, my kids love that. My 10-year-old boy is sitting now at home and watch it with the nanny. And my 13-year-old daughter is already back in the room that she will not miss it" :wow:

rjluna2 US

2012-05-07 20:06

30 to 40 years ago, these blood splatter would not even shown on TV. It is really sad that the violence is much more prevalant on TV show [:halalala]

It was many years ago that they have aired Dirty Harry, Movie, 1971 on TV. Then, there an article about children imitate the violence scene from the said movie with loaded gun on his hand and one of them end up dead :wow:

P.S. Did you show this page to you wife? ;)

Ingo DE

2012-05-07 20:08

rjluna2 wrote P.S. Did you show this page to you wife? ;)

Yes, but she dislike it. It's a stomping ground for nerds, smart alecks and nutballs, she says. We are this in her opinion.

-- Last edit: 2012-05-07 20:08:55

Andre Malraux

2012-05-07 20:12

deleted comment

rjluna2 US

2012-05-07 20:14

ingo wrote Yes, but she dislike it. It's a stomping ground for nerds, smart alecks and nutballs, she says. We are this in her opinion.

I guess we are all oddball here ;)

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