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Witness for the Prosecution, Movie, 1957 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Sunbar, vilero

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Also known as:

  • Zeugin der Anklage (Germany)
  • Anklagerens vidne (Denmark)
  • Testigo de cargo (Spain)
  • Todistaja (Finland)
  • Témoin à charge (France)
  • Martys katigorias (Greece)
  • A vád tanúja (Hungary)
  • Ed Ha-Tvi'a (Israel)
  • Testimone d'accusa (Italy)
  • Swiadek oskarzenia (Poland)
  • Testemunha de Acusação (Portugal)
  • Martorul Acuzarii (Romania)
  • Åklagarens vittne (Sweden)

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vilero ES

2011-09-22 19:52

[Image: WitnessProse00001.jpg] [Image: WitnessProse00002.jpg] [Image: WitnessProse00003.jpg]

[Image: WitnessProse00004.jpg] [Image: WitnessProse00005.jpg]

I thought this movie was done and after I rewatched the movie last week-end I see three more vehicles, all 2[*][*], are worth to be submitted and leave completed this Wilder's Master Piece.

[Image: WitnessProse00005bis1.jpg] [Image: WitnessProse00005bis2.jpg] [Image: WitnessProse00005bis3.jpg] [Image: WitnessProse00005bis4.jpg] [Image: WitnessProse00005bis5.jpg]

The management of this theatre suggests that for the greater entertainment of friends who have not yet seen the picture,you will not divulge to anyone the secret of the ending of "Witness For The Prosecution".

Billy Wilder filmography on IMCDB:

1934 Mauvaise graine (Bad Seed) /movie_25480-Mauvaise-graine.html
1944 Double Indemnity /movie_36775-Double-Indemnity.html
1945 The Lost Weekend /movie_37884-The-Lost-Weekend.html
1948 A Foreign Affair /movie_40367-A-Foreign-Affair.html
1950 Sunset Boulevard /movie_43014-Sunset-Blvd.html
1951 Ace in the Hole /movie_43338-Ace-In-The-Hole.html
1954 Sabrina /movie_47437-Sabrina.html
1955 The Seven Year Itch /movie_48605-The-Seven-Year-Itch.html
1957 The Spirit of St. Louis /movie_51003-The-Spirit-of-St-Louis.html
1957 Love in the Afternoon /movie_50658-Love-in-the-Afternoon.html
1957 Witness for the Prosecution /movie_51201-Witness-for-the-Prosecution.html
1959 Some Like It Hot /movie_53291-Some-Like-It-Hot.html
1960 The Apartment /movie_53604-The-Apartment.html
1961 One, Two, Three /movie_55256-One,-Two,-Three.html
1963 Irma la Douce /movie_57187-Irma-la-douce.html
1964 Kiss Me, Stupid /movie_58265-Kiss-Me-Stupid.html
1966 The Fortune Cookie /movie_60424-The-Fortune-Cookie.html
1972 Avanti! /movie_68240-Avanti!.html
1974 The Front Page /movie_71524-The-Front-Page.html
1978 Fedora /movie_77539-Fedora.html
1981 Buddy Buddy /movie_82111-Buddy-Buddy.html

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