Pictures provided by: Gomselmash11
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Author | Message |
Gomselmash11 ◊ 2010-06-02 13:01 |
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Gomselmash11 ◊ 2011-07-13 06:27 |
For![]() ![]() |
◊ 2011-07-13 08:38 |
This "Social Genocide" from the ultra-concervative policy of financial rentiers with instruments like IMF, Banque Mondiale and rating agencies ( Moody's,Standard and Poor's, Fitch, etc...) is worldwide spread and going on more radicaly than ever ...see what Greece, Portugal, Ireland or Spain are living today, and Italy, France, UK tomorrow? ... a global revolution is NEEDED! ![]() |
◊ 2011-07-13 09:35 |
( Moody's,Standard and Poor's, Fitch, etc...) are only the messengers, the problems are already there. I know Italy have big financial problems, but these firms are not to be blamed for this, the Italian government is. |
◊ 2011-07-13 13:16 |
Mackster is correct. The rating agencies are telling, what's wrong (o.k., in their opinion), but the general problems are caused by others. Mainly by all them, who are living beyond their means, all those -governments, cfompanies, but definetely also millions of private persons, who are havng too high loans, debts and hypothecs. At my education, at home, also in school and my business (I'm working in an insurnce company), I've learned something absolute basic important: "Never spend money, you don't have". Never ever making reckless credits, and if you need really one ("really" = only for a house, never for cars, furniture, vacations and other consumer goods), check it hyper-carefully. If all they would have followed that basic rule of life, they wouldn't get all this trouble, they have now. ![]() |
◊ 2011-07-13 13:28 |
*provocation modus on* By what revolutioners? Salon-socialists like you? Sorry, but you aren't a poor underdog. You have a warm and comfortable life, which you surely don't want to risk. ![]() Last week I was thinking about you. There was a TV-reportage about Venezuela under Chavez (incl. spotting a Renault Fuego ![]() |
◊ 2011-07-13 13:55 |
You requested a poor underdog? |
◊ 2011-07-13 14:26 |
Rollerball, Movie, 1975. Plot Summary from IMDB: In a futuristic society where corporations have replaced countries.......The year is 2018. There is no crime and there are no more wars. Corporations are now the leaders of the world, as well as the controllers of the people........... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs. Thomas Jefferson, (Attributed) 3rd president of US (1743 - 1826) It's always been the same, same old story. (attributed to me ![]() |
Gomselmash11 ◊ 2011-07-13 18:57 |
Oh... the same discussion in the all left-wing documentaries. Venezuela, the narcosur, the pathetic Kristina K*rchner, evo "coca" Morales, Humala... and other "nice" people are the worst with the "new socialism"... Some videos... about the new "socialism" And here in my country... when Kirchner uses an Audi Link to "" "Siempre la misma milonga..." |
◊ 2011-07-13 19:43 |
As a social/socialist revolutioner rather yes - despite I know, that hisorically this was never the fact. |
◊ 2011-07-13 19:47 |
P.S. I'm old enough, that I've seen the German way of socialism by myself. And it was shit. Everytime, everywhere and everyone, who was engaged there, was shit. Only their strawberry yoghurt ws better. And the gherkins. Everthing/everyone else was trash. |
◊ 2011-07-13 22:29 |
With present global financial capitalist system (pseudo-democratic) our (your ..the youth!)future will be "Middle age era... with informatic "... -- Last edit: 2011-07-13 22:31:49 |
◊ 2011-07-15 21:13 |
Excellent quote - well found. |
◊ 2011-07-16 22:08 |
Maybe it's worth to think about the fact, that it takes two. From where got the banks the money, eeh? From their customers. So from everyone, also from the honourable Sirs sixcyl, vileiro and dsl. So don't whine around, your Cents and Pennies are also twirling around there ![]() |
◊ 2011-07-16 22:23 |
Not much from me - I've even had to let the servants go and reduce the spoon collection. But we should have one state-owned bank in each country, offering straightforward accounts, mortgages and loans for the benefit of the people of that country and only attempting to break even, not make a profit. Private banks would continue to exist alongside, doing whatever they do to make profits and take risks, and they could rise and fall without causing economic crises for the rest of us. In UK we now have several state-owned banks after government buyouts, but these are still managed to achieve free-market capitalist targets, not to provide economic benefits and move us out of recession. The Jefferson quote is real because it is the only system and choice we are offered, so there is no control mechanism to provide stability for the little people and their circumstances, so when the elephant jumps on the trampoline, we are all thrown in the air. |
◊ 2011-07-16 22:39 |
This is not good. In Germany we have some of them ( ) - they have caused the worst problems in Germany, concerning the financial crisis ![]() One very important reason was the fact, that during decades, they had been fuel cooling installations and residual waste dumps for redundant and outsourced politicans. The percentage of educated bankers and other economical professions was very small there. ![]() Otherwise in Germany the cooperatively organized banks and are widespreaded and anchored in every villge. Indeed an important reason, why we don't have really serious problems with the global crisis here. |
◊ 2011-07-16 22:48 |
It should not to be forgotten, that mostly they aren't totally innocent victims. Why millions took too big loans, credits and debts, where with just a trace of intelligence you would have know before, that there will be never a chance to pay them back? Sure, some were fooled by smart bankers - but not all! Often the own greer pushed them up. Not really a reason for too much mercy. |
◊ 2011-07-16 23:37 |
So the state-owned Landesbank forgot its purpose and tried to play the wrong game?? Your point about the co-operatively organised banks being an effective defence is exactly the message Jefferson was warning about (and the principle is the same as "the state-owned for the benefit of the people" idea). But your merciless attitude to people who don't have the "trace of intelligence" necessary to spot the deep hole they're being led into is too severe - people can't help their (lack of) intelligence, especially when there is constant free-market propaganda from every source without any hint that caution is needed. |
◊ 2011-07-17 00:21 |
One thing is also worth to add. To think that corporate interests dominate today above everything (above interests of the countries and their citizens) you do not have to be any anarchist or even minor lefty activist, even some conservative liberals - those "nasty fascists" - blame for today situation bankers. And of course people, those "ordinary" ones aren't innocent, but, like dsl wrote, the cultural pressures is also high. "You need to have", "it is nice to have", "not right not to have" and you get such "education" from an early age. Who animates this consumerist culture? This is also crisis of the values. On theo ther hand, I do not see solution in any next revolution, especially another global experiment - someone would say - those are results of one ![]() |
◊ 2011-07-17 00:45 |
To be able to handle this problem, is a question of everyones only character. For me it was never a question, all the time I gave a sh.t on such opinions (resp. on any other opinions...). Clothings, new electronic goods, at least none fashion and other life-style-features at all, ever got my interest. Ignoring all the public hypes and trands and become a happy fellow ![]() And isn't it nicer to have a reputation as an nonconformistic eccentric, than being just someone confusable among the faceless masses? ![]() The sentence "Das macht man nicht!" ( = "One doesn't do that!" in English) has always provoked me ![]() |
◊ 2014-02-01 21:38 |
Aircraft at: |