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Love & Death, Mini-Series, 2023 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Truck_Guy

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Truck_Guy US

2023-05-04 23:52

Mostly set in 1978-79, in Wylie, Texas. Select scenes set in 1980.

Filming was down mostly around Austin, Texas, with the bulk being done on a soundstage in Kyle, Texas.

[*] Green station wagon (possibly something Japanese?) and red F-350 tow truck. Both from the series intro.
[Image: screenshot14454.jpg] [Image: screenshot14455.jpg]

[*] Chevy van from Ep. 3
[Image: screenshot14689.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2023-05-07 20:57:56

Ddey65 US

2023-05-08 05:47

You know, I can't help but think of a certain song by The Stills when I see this title.

rjluna2 US

2023-05-26 13:54

Truck_Guy wrote [*] Green station wagon (possibly something Japanese?)
[Image: screenshot14454.jpg]

Looks like /vehicle_1785006-Opel-Sportwagon-1974.html :think:

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