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Happiness; 粽邪3:鬼門開; 女鬼橋2:怨鬼樓; Русский регтайм; The Happening; Miss Robin Hood; La morte viene dal pianeta Aytin; The Ladykillers; Únos domů; 증인; साँइली; 사자; 성난황소; Kabut Berduri; Zpráva o putování studentů Petra a Jakuba; (more...)

Fik mik, Movie made for TV, 1981

Pictures provided by: Weasel1984

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Weasel1984 PL

2011-04-08 22:50

[Image: 00.1.jpg]
Fik mik at the filmpolski.pl database.
Interesting moment of history seen from the point of view of the nomenclature's chauffeur(s), but unfortunately weak film.

ingo wrote *cough* Hopefully the movie-title is not a semi-correct direct German translation, or? :wow: :D

It is taken from some our old folk song. God know what they meant by that, but these songs often were about quite frivolous way of life. :p

-- Last edit: 2012-02-24 19:44:20

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