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AM General DJ-5 Dispatcher

AM General DJ-5 Dispatcher in Fargo, TV Series, 2014-2025 IMDB Ep. 1.08+

Class: Cars, Off-road / SUV — Model origin: US

AM General DJ-5 Dispatcher

Pos: 00:30:48 [*][*] Minor action vehicle or used in only a short scene 

Comments about this vehicle


Sandie SX

2015-07-28 17:32

From: /vehicle.php?id=831521

eLMeR wrote 5-hole "rounded" grille of a 1970-84 AM General DJ-5x model, with x = B to M as it is a a closed truck, the letter depending on the year and on the engine. The "flat grille" 1968-70 DJ-5A was only sold as a Jeep model, as AMC bought Kaiser in 1970 only.

@ carcrasher88: the "Jeep" in your 2nd link is an AM General model.

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