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1968 Jeep M-35 A2 C [G742]

1968 Jeep M-35 A2 C [G742] in Jeremiah, TV Series, 2002-2004 IMDB Ep. 1.03

Class: Trucks, Simple truck — Model origin: US

1968 Jeep M-35 A2 C [G742]

Pos: 00:41:16 [*][*][*] Vehicle used by a character or in a car chase

Owner of this vehicle: Wolfbrat

Comments about this vehicle


Robi DE

2010-01-23 21:56

AM General?

Wolfbrat CA

2012-06-30 08:14

This is one of ours ( as we did most of them for 'Jeremiah'. This one is an M35A2C with the 'dropsides' cargo box, though it's a non-turbo version as you can see from the diameter of the exhaust stack (thin = naturally aspirated; thick = turbo.) Depending on the year, you'll see data plates with AM General, Kaiser, Studebaker or no manufacturer listed at all if they have new data plates courtesy of some depot rebuild somewhere (which most of them have after 40 years of service.) Nice trucks to drive. The whistle of the turbo on the turbo-equipped ones drives the sound guys insane, so for awhile they had a hate on for the turbo ones. As it is - even on shows today - we have to roll into our end-marks and shut the engines off immediately for sound, or even roll into the end-mark after having shut off the engine.

I *think* this particular one was a 1968 or 1969 truck. Earlier ones had the headlights mounted in the 'low' position with them mounted as pictured only for the winch-equipped trucks. At some poing they changed it up so the headlights would be in the upper position regardless of whether a winch was fitted or not. The bridge plate on the front (disk with the numbers) is the weight class of the truck, but the running joke is making it read '69' which you'll see on a ton of shows.


2015-12-12 02:43

If a 1968 model, then a Kaiser-Jeep, as the Defense and Government Products Division of Kaiser-Jeep became AM General in April 1971 only.

-- Last edit: 2015-12-12 02:43:49

mike962 DE

2024-08-29 22:16

^ the should Be Kaiser-Jeep not just Jeep

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