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Zamboni Model 446

Zamboni Model 446 in Canadian Bacon, Movie, 1995 IMDB

Class: Others, Sweeper/Resurfacer — Model origin: US

Zamboni Model 446

Pos: 00:34:19 [*] Background vehicle

Comments about this vehicle


Bravada PL

2007-12-22 21:18

All I want for Christmas is a Zamboni!

Ingo DE

2007-12-22 21:32

Ahem, please apologize my question, but: Why?

Bravada PL

2007-12-23 00:48

It's the coolest thing, it's obvious!

Ingo DE

2007-12-23 20:03

Wouldn't the cruising around with it a little bit boring? You don't see much of the world.

Bravada PL

2007-12-23 20:35

Who says I'd cruise around in it? Perhaps Germans don't get it...

Ingo DE

2007-12-23 20:58

Bravada wrote Perhaps Germans don't get it...

Me not. This is true.

Buc84 US

2007-12-23 21:42

Must be an Ice Skater or a Hockey Player? (Never could skate...always fell on my butt just trying to stand up? Hurts,but fun to watch,I'm sure!!)

Bravada PL

2007-12-23 22:14

Me? Nope, though I like watching figure skating (myself I can remain on ice without hitting it with my buttocks too often) - a Zamboni is cool in itself, you don't need any "setting" to appreciate its coolness.

[Image: zambonisnoopy.gif]
[Image: snoopycomic2.gif]

Charlie Brown said it best: "There are three things in life that people like to stare at: a flowing stream, a crackling fire, and a Zamboni clearing the ice."

Alexander_097 RU

2016-12-16 13:47

446, not 700: http://zamboni.com/machines/zamboni-446/

Alexander_097 RU

2016-12-25 12:10

Alexander_097 wrote 446, not 700: http://zamboni.com/machines/zamboni-446/

Rename the page. 700 looks like this: http://zamboni.com/fuel-powered-machines/#700

Baube QC

2016-12-25 12:22

white part seems quite high... option ? ( i usually watch the hockey games, not the Zamboni... ;) )

found a Chevy one.. :D

-- Last edit: 2016-12-25 12:27:43

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