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1967 Ford Mustang Fastback 2+2

1967 Ford Mustang in American Dad!, Animation Series, 2005-2024 IMDB Ep. 2.05

Class: Cars, Coupé — Model origin: US

1967 Ford Mustang Fastback 2+2

[*][*][*] Vehicle used by a character or in a car chase

Comments about this vehicle


Skid US

2007-03-31 00:52

Seems to be an amalgam of various 1960s Mustangs, including the "new" Eleanor from that crap GISS remake, plus a few riceboy parts thrown in for good measure.

car nerd US

2007-03-31 01:00

Skid, watch it with the racial slurrs please.

Skid US

2007-03-31 01:14

car nerd wrote Skid, watch it with the racial slurrs please.

"Riceboy" is not a racial slur. Please consult one of the many anti-rice websites for further information. www.ricecop.com is a good starting point.

car nerd US

2007-03-31 01:22

Skid, I don't want to start a debate but here's what the the Urban Dictionary states:


"an asian or any other race[sic] who modifies or "soupes up" their car (usually a japanese import) by any means to make it faster, louder, or better looking. Often times these modifications are extreme."

I believe you didn't mean to use the term in a negative way. While I'm open to alternative definitions, it's safe to say that in US slang vernacular of the last 20+ years, "rice..." is a derogatory term for someone of Asian descent or of Asian culture. If a white guy like me knows this, it's probably not cool.

CarChasesFanatic ES

2007-03-31 01:25

car nerd dont get upset with me but, you make it worse by going further with this :/

car nerd US

2007-03-31 01:26

You make a good point carchasefanatic

Skid US

2007-03-31 01:28

1. Urban Dictionary usually has several definitions for any given term, and they're user-submitted, making them less than reliable. I have personally submitted definitions to that site before.

2. The "anti-rice" community is pretty big on the internet, and if you frequent automotive forums for any length of time, you'll run across the word "riceboy" at some point. Almost without fail, it will be in the context I'm using it in. Heck, "Car and Driver" magazine not too long ago made reference to the "Riceboy taillights" on the U.S. spec Lancer Evolution.

3. The definition you quote says "An asian or any other race." That doesn't sound too race-specific.

4. The term originates from "rice rocket," a term used to describe Japanese motorcycles. Today "rice" refers to any tastelessly modified car from the "modern street racer" school of customization. While it might have had racist origins, many other terms we use in everyday speech also had racist origins. These old definitions are simply no longer relevant.

In short, if you wish to not use the term, be my guest. However, I do not believe in falling into the pitfall of euphemistic language to avoid offending small groups of people. Everything is offensive to someone.

car nerd US

2007-03-31 01:30


CarChasesFanatic ES

2007-03-31 01:31

Nah, i dont think anyone got offended whatsoever

stpaulcarguy US

2007-04-30 04:38

Guys, Guys, Guys, . . . Enough with this pointless pickering, lets just get back to the cars ok. Thats why were all here right? . . . . . . . . . BTW I think your right carfan it looks like it might be a GT350 w/a ground fx kit.

incog CA

2007-05-03 20:05

Well put Skid - I enjoyed reading your response. Increasing levels of argument can be halted completely by a clear, logical, reasonable contention. I'm glad to see these boards aren't full of poorly-spoken, slang-headed, unreasonable bigots. car_nerd, it's always great to see mature opinions based on reasonable conclusions, but the automobile is much too important and ingrained in North American culture to not have the majority of enthusiasts vent some sort of distaste for dissimilar automotive styles at times (it's selfish nature -- we are all controlled by it, even in our most courteous motivations). The term 'rice' may be used as a harsh expression of one's own disgust with said generation of automotive styling, though it's unharmful racially now as many, many caucasian individuals are guilty of this 'rice' style, which has lessened the original intention for using the term (some people even 'rice' Cavaliers, or Neons, etc., so 'rice' applies to a style of automotive customizing). And yeah the Mustang does look like some amalgamation of various styles.

-- Last edit: 2007-05-03 20:06:47

disturbed145 AS

2009-03-29 06:59

wow this conversation is very intelligent im going to go ahead and put in a ya'll for some slang and a fo'shizzle and maybe a misspelled word misizipy


2010-03-06 01:10

The Explorer turned into a Mercury Mountaineer.

mister car from 971

2010-10-26 00:28

During the chase, this Mustang looses its roof because of a truck, and it crashes into a shop!And the Explorer's body was removed by the alien!

opal TH

2016-03-28 13:18

[Image: ford25.jpg] [Image: ford225.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2016-03-28 13:28:47 (walter)

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