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Balul de Sâmbătă seara, Movie, 1968 IMDB

Pictures provided by: petacchi

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Also known as:

  • Balul de sîmbata seara
  • The Saturday Night Dance
  • Ball am Samstagabend (Germany)

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petacchi RO

2011-02-19 23:57

[Image: balul-de-sambata-seara_1680_1273230909.jpg]

chicomarx BE

2011-02-20 00:06

I used imdb's title, unless "sîmbata" is wrong?

petacchi RO

2011-02-20 00:07

I was just posting a clarifying message while the title of the movie was changed:

The imdb link is:

The title however is more correct in my opinion like it's listed now "Balul de Sâmbătă seara" (The ball of Saturday evening).

In imdb it's listed with the word "sîmbata", but it is not correct because it doesn't have all the diacritics and meanwhile (since 1990 I think) Romanian language changed the rule regarding letters â and î, which are the same sound in fact. Before '90 only the letter î was used, including in the middle of the words (and letter â wasn't used at all I think), now the letter â is used in the middle of the words and the letter î only as the first or the last letter of a word.

The title as it is in the image is the correct one, with Sâmbătă capitalized as it is written in the language.

...Okay thanks (Wiki explanation here:

-- Last edit: 2011-04-06 00:59:41

chicomarx BE

2011-02-20 00:10

Ok, changed. "sîmbata" as alternative title then.

antp BE

2011-02-20 19:31

IMDB uses basic latin-1 character set, which does not include ă
IMCDb uses the same actually (I should switch to unicode), so here the ă is stored as HTML entity in the database, which is not very good for title searches as I said several times (we should stick to latin-1 characters like IMDB)

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