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Robbery, Movie, 1967 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Star Wars Fanatic, Sandie, rattle on

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Also known as:

  • Überfall (Austria)
  • Millionen-Raub (Germany)
  • El gran robo (Spain)
  • Trois milliards d'un coup (France)
  • Rapina al treno postale (Italy)
  • O Maior Roubo de Sempre (Portugal)

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Star Wars Fanatic EN

2006-08-01 23:11

The opening chase in this film is the one that led director Peter Yates to direct Bullitt a year later...

dsl SX

2011-05-10 20:41

Star Wars Fanatic wrote The opening chase led director Peter Yates to direct Bullitt a year later...

... supposedly because Steve McQueen saw this film, according to a mention I've just read in a car mag. Also the prototype for The Sweeney's documentary style and realistic car chases (thinks - did they crash through stacks of empty cardboard boxes which just happen to be conveniently lying around in this film as well?). Apparently lots of flat-out tyre-screeching Jag S-type and Mk2 chases, and a Vanden Plas 4-litre R crashes into a skip.

Sandie SX

2011-05-10 20:44

Didn't this involve huge amounts of product placement for BMC?

I keep meaning to get this and add pictures but never seem to get round to it.

dsl SX

2011-05-10 21:08

It's in Classic & Sportscar magazine Top 5 list of "obscure but brilliant" car films, so sounds as if worth investigating. No idea about the BMC product placement, but why not? The other 4 are The Man Who Haunted Himself, Il Sorpasso, The Driver (1978 version of course) and The Swiss Conspiracy; not ranked from 1-5, but has honourable mentions for Vendetta For A Saint (double TV episode), Week End, Villain, Brannigan, and The Mechanic (June 2011 issue, p79).

-- Last edit: 2011-05-11 14:15:26

dsl SX

2011-05-11 14:24

The list is part of a feature "101 Things To do with Your Classic". No.61 is "Find your car in a film" using imcdb which makes it "possible to waste literally days of your life researching films that feature your choice of classic car". There is also another list of their top 5 car chase films - Ronin, Bullitt, Italian Job (original), French Connection (and its Seven Ups sequel), and Gone in 60 Seconds (original). Runner-up mentions are The Last Run, Dirty Mary Crazy Larry, Vanishing Point (presumably original), The Wrong Arm Of The Law, and Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill! (which apparently has extreme cleavage and lots of violence - does not sound like our sort of film then). Any gaps to fill?

Sandie SX

2011-05-17 16:28

Great film...

[Image: Robbery.jpg][Image: Robbery_Poster.jpg]

Unidentifiable [*][*] car and a background Lotus Elan:
[Image: Unidentifyable.jpg][Image: LotusElan.jpg]

Car chase: /vehicle_399479-Jaguar-MKII-1964.html and /vehicle_45263-Jaguar-S-Type-1964.html See:

Watch, boat and the train they robbed:
[Image: Watch.jpg][Image: Boat.1.jpg][Image: Train.jpg]

Football stadium seen in a scene also seen in Austin Somerset and Morris J4 pages:
[Image: Stadium.jpg][Image: Stadium3.jpg]

IMPDb - Robbery

-- Last edit: 2011-09-04 22:47:06

Gag Halfrunt UK

2011-05-17 16:31

Filmed in the UK, USA and Ireland.

dsl SX

2011-05-17 16:44

Sandie wrote Great film... Unidentifiable [*][*] car and a background Lotus Elan

Definitely a good selection of cars. Unidentifiable ** looks Cortina Mk1. And behind the Elan is a Singer Chamois. Great chase scene - easy to see how much it influenced others ...

dsl SX

2011-05-17 16:51

Irish filming locations might explain some of the odd plate dates - eg Westminster, Corsair, Gipsy, Jag S-type ALU 220 - to simulate British settings? Also perhaps the green Mini Minor in thumb on the Cooper page, its companion Bedford S lorry, and the Bedford CA police van??

-- Last edit: 2011-05-17 22:50:21

Sunbar UK

2017-04-04 13:01

I believe the Unidentifiable [*][*] car:

[Image: unidentifyable.jpg]

Is an Austin or Morris 1800 MkI.

[Image: 37-26.jpg] [Image: m1800mki.jpg]

Grab handle, door capping and door glass shape without quarter-lite all match.

-- Last edit: 2017-04-04 13:03:02

fred1969 FR

2021-09-19 22:20

great movie !

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