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Приключения Кроша (Adventures of Krosh), SU Movie, 1961 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Dickkiller

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Also known as:

  • Priklyucheniya Krosha (transliterated)

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Comments about this movie

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Dickkiller RU

2010-02-17 00:16

[Image: priclychenijakrosha0030.5115.jpg][Image: priclychenijakrosha0054.1439.jpg][Image: priclychenijakrosha0056.6060.jpg][Image: priclychenijakrosha0061.2947.jpg][Image: priclychenijakrosha0138.1007.jpg][Image: priclychenijakrosha0897.4305.jpg][Image: priclychenijakrosha0965.8269.jpg]

chris40 UK

2010-02-17 15:16

MAZ-200 (the truck, that is)?

vilero ES

2010-02-18 11:38

Note for Dickkiller: When you are naming the vehicles you submit, follow the Site Classification /makes.php . If you see there the make written in Capital Letters you will write the make that way. That is, UAZ, GAZ, MAZ, ZIS, etc.. not Uaz, Gaz, Maz, Zis.

antp BE

2010-02-18 12:25

ZiS, not ZIS :D

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