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La segunda oportunidad, Non-fiction TV, 1978-1979 IMDB

Pictures provided by: CarChasesFanatic, Lastinpurple, J-2, Bonnascope, pedro_94

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CarChasesFanatic ES

2006-06-15 20:07

This was a TVshow/program in the seventies about a man that explained you how not to have accidents in certain situations, like in a curve, or when the pavement is wet or at night time, etc etc, its name is La Segunda Oportunidad because they showed you how the crash would be if u didnt drive propertly, then the presenter always said, it would be good if we had a second opportunity which is what the title means (La Segunda Oportunidad=The Second Opportunity, so the accident goes backwards and this time is shown what would happen if u did it well.

The Videos are in www.youtube.com, if you write La Segunda Oportunidad you can see them all, well the ones that are in youtube for the moment.

The program always used to start with the Daimler Double Six crashing into the rock, fantastic.

-- Last edit: 2006-06-15 20:09:31

Raul1983 FI

2006-06-15 23:34

Thanks for the tip, Chasefanatic. I just watched the video clips from Youtube and they are very interesting to look at. Though it's sad to see old cars get destroyed :(

CarChasesFanatic ES

2006-06-21 22:40

Yeah, its also a shame that they are not in english cause is interesting to listent at what he exaplains, but well its a Spanish program so unless you know spanish ;)

ProwlerX US

2006-07-16 22:51

Interesting clips you've set up CCF. So they're like movies for driving schools. Correct?

J-2 ES

2006-08-01 15:54

ProwlerX wrote Interesting clips you've set up CCF. So they're like movies for driving schools. Correct?

Yeah, first, the driver make a mistake that makes him killed, and then, they gives him the "segunda oportunidad" (second chance) for avoid the mistake promptly and continue without a injury.

CarChasesFanatic ES

2006-09-18 09:20

Yes Prowler exactly, that is, sorry i didnt respond you ive been out...

car nerd US

2007-06-04 20:01

Interesting clips on YouTube. Love the music...very euro-70's :lol:

J-2 ES

2010-08-08 20:37

I´m updating this, with the last episodes.


2010-08-08 21:02

Very great series.

Wicio PL

2010-08-09 00:30

I agreed also.Very good series,even after 30 years.Teaching how use the brain on road :)

-- Last edit: 2010-08-17 01:00:16

night cub US

2024-01-13 22:29

@pedro_94 - The last 11 added need episode numbers

pedro_94 ES

2024-01-13 22:40

night cub wrote @pedro_94 - The last 11 added need episode numbers

I know, sorry! But they are from two episodes without number called "Culpable, la máquina" (Guilty, the machine) and "Resumen" (Summary) which were aired before the first episode.

night cub US

2024-01-13 23:08

Wikipedia lists the first one as Ep 2:

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