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Mute Witness, Movie, 1995 IMDB

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Gamer DE

2019-09-23 16:37

The filming dates of 1984-85 given on IMDb are probably not correct since no Westerner would shoot films in Moscow at that time, and the police cars would have completely different liveries, not to mention the ZAZ and Aleko which wren't introduced until 1988...

Baube QC

2019-09-23 16:41

my guess is : hit the 8 key instead of 9 and not looking the screen after...

-- Last edit: 2019-09-23 16:41:50

Gag Halfrunt UK

2019-09-24 20:13

But one scene was filmed in 1985.
Quote Writer, Producer, and Director Anthony Waller met Sir Alec Guinness quite by chance in Hamburg in 1985, where he asked him if he was interested in doing a one-scene cameo. To his surprise, Guinness said he'd be delighted and that he would do it for free. The problem was that Guinness was fully booked for the next eighteen months, so Waller suggested they shoot the scene the following morning in an underground car park. Guinness readily agreed and, true to his word, took no payment.

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