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Black, Movie, 2009 IMDB

Pictures provided by: saxoblue, humungus

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Comments about this movie

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Ingo DE

2010-02-16 21:06

Filming location? Due the background, the plates and the visible Peugeot 205 and 305, I guess it's in a francophone North African country.

chris40 UK

2010-02-16 21:27

From IMDB and, apparently Senegal.

saxoblue FR

2010-02-19 12:05

ingo wrote Filming location? Due the background, the plates and the visible Peugeot 205 and 305, I guess it's in a francophone North African country.

The film was maked in Paris (France) and in the Senegal (Africa)

garco NL

2010-02-20 19:45

Please provide a new picture for the Megane (I deleted the 206 because it's the same picture).
There is a big black border (same for the 307).

antp BE

2010-02-20 19:59

If both cars have a role but are visible only together, it is not a crime to have the same pics for the two :p

garco NL

2010-02-21 15:14

With such common cars, it's not really interesting I think.

vilero ES

2010-02-22 11:00

saxoblue, it would be better if you submit all the pics in one go. I remember this movie was updated two weeks ago and now it has been added a two star car so, if you are submiting pics from a movie, do it uploading the whole movie or leave a comment saying the movie is already unfinished

antp BE

2010-02-22 17:39

garco wrote With such common cars, it's not really interesting I think.

I think it is, if they have a role :p

ChasingX KR

2025-02-28 03:31

@humungus, anyone wants to update this one? :D

humungus SI

2025-02-28 23:31

On it.

humungus SI

2025-03-01 11:50

[Image: blacktitle.jpg]

Not a biopic of the "Wonderful Life" singer... The first ten minues are set in Paris, the rest in Senegal.

Now this is what I call an upgrade! Added a metric crapton of missing vehicles.

bonus [*][*] taxi in Dakar, Senegal:
[Image: bonus002900.jpg] [Image: bonus002905.jpg]

bonusmobile in France:
[Image: bonus000549.jpg]

bonus traffic in Senegal:
[Image: bonus001044.jpg] [Image: bonus002530.jpg] [Image: bonus002536.jpg]

wagons, wagons everywhere:
[Image: bonus011832.jpg] [Image: bonus011822.jpg] [Image: bonus011840.jpg] [Image: bonus011841.jpg]
[Image: bonus011845.jpg] [Image: bonus011848.jpg] [Image: bonus011853.jpg] [Image: bonus011856.jpg]
[Image: bonus011859.jpg] [Image: bonus011916.jpg] [Image: bonus011947.jpg] [Image: bonus011953.jpg]

goof - crew/equipment reflected in a car:
[Image: goof.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2025-03-01 13:59:13

humungus SI

2025-03-01 13:50

Thanks, walter & Bux_48!

Bux_48 IT

2025-03-01 13:55

You're welcome! Great job as always :king:


2025-03-01 15:22

humungus wrote wagons, wagons everywhere:
[Image: bonus011832.jpg] [Image: bonus011822.jpg] [Image: bonus011840.jpg] [Image: bonus011841.jpg]
[Image: bonus011845.jpg] [Image: bonus011848.jpg] [Image: bonus011853.jpg] [Image: bonus011856.jpg]
[Image: bonus011859.jpg] [Image: bonus011916.jpg] [Image: bonus011947.jpg] [Image: bonus011953.jpg]

Only 505 Break, can be transferred here:

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