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The Triangle Factory Fire Scandal, US Movie made for TV, 1979 IMDB

Pictures provided by: GodzillaFan54

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GodzillaFan54 CA

2024-04-22 20:00

[Image: 2024-04-223.jpg]
1979 made-for-TV disaster drama about the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire where nearly 150 workers perished due to certain emergency exits being locked to prevent theft, a common practice at the time. An emergency stairway provided a way out, but unfortunately collapsed after too many people pile onto it, desperately attempting to reach safety from the flames. With 146 people dead, it remains one of the deadliest building fires in the United States and remains New York's deadliest industrial disaster.

Even for a film taking place in 1911, I'm surprised there aren't more cars, since they had already replaced horses for the most part in big cities on the East Coast by 1911.

A horse-drawn fire engine.
[Image: 2024-04-226.jpg][Image: 2024-04-225.jpg][Image: 2024-04-2210.jpg]

Airdate: January 30th, 1979

-- Last edit: 2024-04-22 20:01:20

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