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El águila descalza, Movie, 1971 IMDB

Pictures provided by: owlman

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owlman US

2010-03-09 03:40

Funny movie :)
[Image: 226981-title.jpg]

Some sixcyl-style thumbnails... ;)

German-born Miss Austria 1962, Christa Linder
[Image: 226982-a1.jpg] [Image: 226983-a2.jpg] [Image: 226984-a3.jpg] [Image: 226985-a5.jpg]

Ofelia Medina
[Image: 226986-b1.jpg] [Image: 226987-b2.jpg] [Image: 226988-b3.jpg]

[Image: 226989-c1.jpg]

owlman US

2010-03-09 03:46

Also, IMDB says 1971, but I have seen several other pages listing the year as 1969. Not sure what's right.

sixcyl FR

2010-03-09 08:06

owlman wrote Some sixcyl-style thumbnails... ;)

I like your style owlman [Image: sol.gif]

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