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The Great Mint Swindle, Movie made for TV, 2012 IMDB

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GodzillaFan54 CA

2023-10-19 16:43

[Image: 2023-10-18.jpg][Image: 2023-10-186.jpg]
2012 Australian TV movie based on the true story of the Perth Mint Swindle, touted in promotional material as "the most daring heist Australia's ever seen", where 49 gold bars worth a total of $653'000 in Australian money was stolen and the thieves were never identified. However, the heist is more infamous for the fact that three brothers, Ray, Peter, and Brian Mickleberg were falsely accused of the robbery by an Australian cop and they were sentenced to 20, 16, and 12 years respectively in jail for the robbery. Brian was freed on appeal in 1986 but sadly later died in a plane crash when his Twin Aero Commander ran out of fuel in mid-air. However in 2002, the arresting officer, one Tony Lewandwoski, confessed that the brothers were actually 100% innocent and they were forced to confess by being beaten during interrogations. An investigation revealed the evidence that "proved" the Mickleberg brother's guilt was incredibly flimsy and circumstantial at best. The surviving brothers, Ray and Peter, were cleared of all charges in 2004 and later compensated $950'000 and $750'000, respectively. A judge attempted to have some of the money taken back, but this attempt was shot down.

Officer Lewandowski, by this time retired, was to be charged with a number of crimes for his dishonesty, but when arresting officers arrived at his home, he was found dead from an apparent suicide. Whether it was done out of guilt or spite, or he was in on the heist and his confession of the Mickleberg's innocence made one of the actual thieves a bit jumpy and the resulting murder was made to look like a suicide, is unknown. Another officer involved with framing the Micklebergs who also did the beatings, Don Hancock, was killed by a car bomb outside his home in September of 2001. The Perth Mint Swindle remains unsolved to this day.

[Image: 2023-10-184.jpg][Image: 2023-10-193.jpg][Image: the-great-mint-swindle-josh-quong-tart-todd-lasance-shane-bourne-grant-bowler-john-batchelor.jpg]
This telemovie stars Grant Bowler, Todd Lasance, and Josh Quong Tart as Ray, Peter, and Brian Mickleberg. Don Hancock and Tony Lewandowski are played by Shane Bourne and John Batchelor. Ray and Peter Mickleberg also appear at the end of the film as themselves where they discuss their experiences. Actress Caroline McKenzie previously appeared in an earlier 1984 telemovie also about the Great Mint Swindle, playing a detective in that film where here, she plays Peg Mickleberg.

This is also my first contribution from Australia!

Set from 1980 to 2001.

Airdate: March 11th, 2012

-- Last edit: 2023-10-19 16:47:10

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