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Carl Jung or Lapis Philosphorum, Documentary, 1950

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Also known as:

  • Dr. Carl G. Jung by Jerome Hill or Lapis Philosophorum

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chicomarx BE

2011-03-23 20:09

[Image: CarlGJung4.jpg] [Image: CarlGJung2.jpg] [Image: CarlGJung3.jpg]

No imdb entry, synopsis at Link to ""

Quote # DIRECTOR: Hill/Mekas
# LENGTH: 29 min.
# RELEASE_DATE: 1950/1991
# GENRE_MAIN: Documentary
# GENRE_SECOND: Biography
# GENRE_THIRD: Avant Garde
In the Summer of 1950, Hill went to Zurich with the intention of making a film about Dr. Carl G. Jung. After following Dr. Jung for a few weeks with his camera, Hill decided that Jung was not a good subject for cinema and abandoned the film. Instead, he went to Africa to film Dr. Albert Schweitzer, whom he found a more "photogenic" subject, and made a film which brought him an Academy Award. After Hill's death in 1972 the unfinished film was deposited with the Anthology Film Archives. Jonas Mekas, filmmaker and close friend of Jerome Hill, edited the Jung footage into this film. The film focuses on Jung as a person and on his stone sculpture at Bollingen, near Zurich. Hill recorded for posterity unique and revealing fragments of the daily life of one of the twentieth century's key spiritual and intellectual figures. We see Jung at work, during his leisure hours, and we hear him expound on the poetry and eternity of stones. Mekas edited the footage with the help of Buffie Johnson, scholar and author, a close friend of both Dr. Jung and Jerome Hill. Other historical figures who appear in the film are Mrs. Emma Jung and Olga Froebe-Kapteyn who ran the famous Eranos Seminar/Conference in Ascona, near Zurich, Jung's favorite Summer escape place.

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