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Never Say Never Again, Movie, 1983 IMDB

Pictures provided by: antp, LH2, wickey, garco, police car fan

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Also known as:

  • Never Say Never Again [James Bond]
  • James Bond 007 - Sag niemals nie (Germany)
  • Nunca digas nunca jamás (Spain)
  • Jamais plus jamais (France)
  • 鐵金剛勇奪巡航導彈 (Hong Kong SAR)
  • Mai dire mai (Italy)
  • 巡弋飛彈 (Taiwan)

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Comments about this movie

See all comments about this movie and its vehicles


antp BE

2005-10-04 13:41

Merci pour l'info ;)
Pour la Camaro, dans les commentaires de celle-ci quelqu'un dit justement qu'elle a la vitre des modèles d'avant 75 (d'ailleurs pour les commentaires relatifs à un véhicule, il vaut mieux les poster directement sur la page du véhicule en question)

-- Last edit: 2005-10-04 13:42:43

Hiergehts CH

2006-01-14 08:14

In the scene in the tunnel w/ Bond on his bike, the bad guys also use a dark coloured Peugeot 504. I can't remember if it' used in the car chase though...

antp BE

2006-01-14 12:01

Not in the chase, but I may have missed it if it was visible for a short time (I made captures without watching the whole movie, I only search for cars used in main chases).

Hiergehts CH

2006-09-19 00:43

Bond and Felix Leiter are picked up at the airport on the Côte d'Azur by a woman driving a brown Peugeot 505 sedan which is in several scenes.

Excalibur SE

2006-12-23 23:36

Bond is seen driving to Shrublands clinic in an old Bentley, should´nt you list that? And in the beginning of the casino sequence, Fatima Blush is sitting in an Citroën CX. Though not well visible, I think it deserves at least one star. The Bentley should get two, since James Bond is the driver. And as hiergehts said, you should list the Peugeot 505, and give it three stars.

wickey SK

2006-12-24 00:22

I will watch the movie tommorow and add them ;)

Red Grant US

2007-11-09 21:09

You know, there's a mini moke in the background in one of the scenes were Sean was talking to Rowan Atkinson

cibup ES

2010-01-23 02:22

AKA: "Nunca digas nunca jamás" (Spain)

-- Last edit: 2010-01-28 01:23:19

police car fan NL

2014-09-25 17:51

[Image: snap1813.12.jpg]

Aircrafts and rockets:

[Image: snap1816.12.jpg] [Image: snap1835.6.jpg]

[Image: snap1818.11.jpg] [Image: snap1819.8.jpg] [Image: snap1827.9.jpg] [Image: snap1828.6.jpg] [Image: snap1834.9.jpg]

[Image: snap1825.6.jpg] [Image: snap1826.10.jpg]

[Image: snap1840.8.jpg] [Image: snap1841.8.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2014-09-25 17:51:39

Corkeyandpals US

2014-11-01 22:49

Aircraft at:

Maximus Panin RU

2022-04-02 01:08

Chevrolet Camaro Type LT

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