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Frances, Movie, 1982 IMDB

Pictures provided by: vilero

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vilero ES

2010-11-29 18:52

[Image: 273406-Frances00001.jpg] [Image: 273407-Frances00002.jpg] [Image: 273408-Frances00003.jpg] [Image: 273409-Frances00003bis.jpg]

Case US

2010-12-02 07:05

Good movie I haven't seen in a while, The shot of the Rolls seems almost identical to the one from Mulholland Dr(just noticed this). However it's no longer on the page there.

Edit: My mistake I guess in Mulholland Dr. it's not a Rolls? anyway check out the similar shots:

Neat, maybe a homage or maybe an accident/coincidence.

final edit:
similar situation in sunset boulevard, i'm done!

-- Last edit: 2010-12-02 07:13:59

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