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Dezertir, Movie, 1933 IMDB

Pictures provided by: s13a

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Also known as:

  • Der Deserteur (Germany)
  • Karkuri (Finland)
  • Szökevény (Hungary)
  • Il disertore (Italy)
  • Dessertøren (Norway)
  • Dezerter (Poland)
  • Дезертир (USSR)
  • The Deserter (United Kingdom)
  • Deserter (USA)

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Comments about this movie

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s13a LT

2022-02-18 22:56

[Image: movietitle.170.jpg] [Image: director.181.jpg] [Image: cast0.jpg] [Image: cast1.171.jpg]

Set in Weimar Germany & USSR.
Filmed mostly in Germany, presumably in Hamburg, where the story is set.

-- Last edit: 2022-02-20 20:52:15

s13a LT

2022-02-18 22:56

Traffic conductor :

[Image: traffic.jpg]

s13a LT

2022-02-18 22:56

Aircraft for IMPDb :

[Image: impdbi1.59.jpg]

sixcyl FR

2023-10-06 00:43

Aircraft at by courtesy of https://www.impdb.org/index.php?title=Dezertir_(1933) s13a who provided these pictures.

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