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Métamorphoses du paysage, Documentary, 1964 IMDB

Pictures provided by: sixcyl

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Also known as:

  • Changing Landscapes

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sixcyl FR

2007-12-07 07:51

[Image:] [Image:] [Image: titre3hl3.9187.jpg]

Interesting pictures in this documentary of the french Eric Rohmer cineast.
The transformation of the rural and urban lanscape since the 19th century.
I’m eager to compare it with “Manufactured Landscapes” the new documentary visible at the moment from canadian Jennifer Baichwal about Edward Burtynsky’s photography works 

[Image: paysageabvv9.4845.jpg] [Image: paysageaogy6.5126.jpg] [Image: paysageapza8.3631.jpg] [Image: paysageatjw1.1994.jpg] [Image: paysageauhu2.7845.jpg] [Image: paysageavwp2.6195.jpg]
[Image: paysageawzc9.1826.jpg] [Image: paysagebaam5.4052.jpg] [Image: paysagebbzc7.7066.jpg] [Image: paysagebdcb9.6512.jpg]
“Pas de Calais ‘s slag heaps...brothers of Auvergne’s volcanos . Here the earth works”

[Image: paysagebfhy9.1263.jpg]
the make of “boulevard periphérique” (ring) of Paris in the early 60’s

[Image: paysagebmai5.3042.jpg] [Image: paysagebtnc3.5944.jpg] [Image:] [Image: paysagebxvw9.3355.jpg] [Image: paysagebzko3.9758.jpg] [Image: paysagecady0.9039.jpg] [Image:] [Image: paysagecgeo1.7615.jpg] [Image:]

[Image: paysagecpsb5.3223.jpg] [Image: paysagecquo6.7555.jpg] [Image: paysagecrwd0.684.jpg] [Image: paysagecszk8.2517.jpg] [Image: paysagectdg7.5066.jpg]
“Bassin de l’Ourcq” an “eiffel” japanese bridge

[Image: paysagecutu9.6191.jpg] [Image: paysagecvde4.5998.jpg] [Image: paysagecxqv2.3850.jpg] [Image: paysagecyvh7.3606.jpg]
“rue de Crimée”

[Image: paysagedcka0.3876.jpg] [Image: paysagedfyw6.5205.jpg] [Image: paysagedgoe0.9793.jpg]

these landscapes inspired the artists very early...
[Image: peintureabit1.6089.jpg]
Van Gogh

[Image: peintureackp4.2742.jpg]


[Image: peintureaenf4.4923.jpg]


[Image: peintureajmw6.6470.jpg]


[Image: peintureanso5.6738.jpg]

[Image: peintureapxp5.9620.jpg]

sixcyl FR

2007-12-07 08:19

Aircrafts in this film at:

[Image: trainabrk9.2857.jpg] [Image: trainadie7.989.jpg] [Image:]
I think of a 141 TC

[Image: trainbbll2.6135.jpg] [Image: trainbazk8.3774.jpg]
Rames 750V DC 3ème rail type Z1301+ZR1301 du Réseau Ouest (St Lazare)

[Image: trainmetrobasi1.7408.jpg] [Image: trainmetrobbue1.5817.jpg]
Rames Sprague du Métropolitain .... I remember the smell and the noise , and global uncomfort ( wooden seats...)

-- Last edit: 2011-02-09 23:23:04

Alexander DE

2007-12-07 22:05

Very interesting pictures, Jean-Marc!

sixcyl FR

2007-12-07 22:45

Thank you , I loved them too.. and it's always a pleasure to share what we like, isn'it?

Alexander DE

2007-12-07 22:58

It is, indeed! :)

garco NL

2007-12-07 23:15

I like the ones with the (elevated) Métro.
Do you now the book 'Un siècle de Métro en 14 lignes', I have it, it's a great book!

-- Last edit: 2007-12-07 23:15:57

sixcyl FR

2007-12-16 22:02

garco wrote Do you now the book 'Un siècle de Métro en 14 lignes', I have it, it's a great book!

... crual question! ...[Image: cry.gif]
When my father died in 2004, I had grouped togother all its library of books and magazines about trains, metros, buses in 2 big trunks, to be moved from his house to my sister's as I hadn't possibilties to take them with me at the moment... she understood that fact as a non-interest on these books and she didn't paid attention about the junk-dealer who was mandated to empty the rest of the house ... he took the 2 trunks of course [Image: mitraille.gif] ,which contained a big book about the Metropolitain that I would have kept for me [Image: grr.gif] . I don't remember the exact title, but it sounds as the same ... maybe the date of edition could tell something?

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