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1963 Mercedes-Benz LP 1418 SWF Ackermann [LP]

1963 Mercedes-Benz LP 1418 [LP] in 1. Trimester: Zur Hölle mit den Paukern, Movie, 1968 IMDB

Class: Trucks, Simple truck — Model origin: DE

1963 Mercedes-Benz LP 1418 SWF Ackermann [LP]

[*][*] Minor action vehicle or used in only a short scene

Comments about this vehicle


sixcyl FR

2009-08-12 08:52

Ackermann body, it seems ... nice lorry :)

DynaMike NL

2009-08-12 12:16

Strange to see such a big truck for transport of rare stamps (seltene Briefmarken)...

chris40 UK

2009-08-12 16:23

I thought that, too. Maybe Herr Nietnagel has display cabinets inside to show the stamps to potential customers? Sort of a mobile sales exhibition.

Tönz DE

2009-08-12 20:05

Afaik Mr. Nietnagel is the main character's father, so the van was labelled just for this screwball comedy. Don't know if the size of the truck is part of the joke or if they even wondered about that.

Ingo DE

2009-08-12 22:01

Yes, fake company - I grew up in Hannover and I've collected stamps as a child. There was no "Nietnagel" in this business...

andrepa DE

2012-05-08 00:11

the car seems to have been a Ü-wagen more than removal van
with it´s side diverse doors
look at the blue color and the white emty circle
suspiciously looking like one of NDR isn´t it?!

-- Last edit: 2012-05-08 00:12:56

Ingo DE

2012-05-08 10:10

No, the NDR always had other logos: Link to ""

Their Ü-Wagen back then was
before: Link to ""

andrepa DE

2012-09-15 03:14

could be Ü-Wagen of WDR than, found similar one in "das Millionenspiel"

andrepa DE

2018-05-06 17:24

finally: LP 1418 = late LP 327 of SWF Baden-Baden ( in Butler Parker we can see the broadcastinbg station with Ü-wagen that color)
[Image: 3sat2018-05-0615-45-29.jpg]

tore-40 NO

2018-05-06 19:29

@andrepa; You don't have to give that much info. It's just an LP1418, isn't it? Once used by SüdWestFunk, as mentioned in the comments.

andrepa DE

2018-05-12 00:25

with one info still missing, who made that Ü-wagen : Ackermann as sixcyl has mentioned before; but can we exclude Kässbohrer and Doll ?

-- Last edit: 2018-05-12 00:27:46

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