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TAKRAF ES 1120 Chain Excavator

TAKRAF ES 1120 in Der Schweigende Stern, Movie, 1960 IMDB

Class: Others, Construction & Engineering vehicle — Model origin: DR

TAKRAF ES 1120 Chain Excavator

[*] Background vehicle 

Comments about this vehicle


stronghold EN

2008-08-08 22:11

Do these things move.?

chris40 UK

2008-08-08 22:36

They appear to have 'feet', like a walking dragline:
[Image: 1499333747de1c02bf2aek3.5992.jpg]
They do move, but very, very slowly.

stronghold EN

2008-08-08 22:38

Thanks, so can be considered as vehicles ;)

DynaMike NL

2008-08-08 22:45


chris40 UK

2008-08-08 22:50

More than likely, Mike, given the East German contribution to the movie; this may well be DDR library footage. Question is, what VEB made the things?

mm CH

2008-08-09 00:42

chris40 wrote More than likely, Mike, given the East German contribution to the movie; this may well be DDR library footage. Question is, what VEB made the things?

Quite a lot of them came from TAKRAF in / around Leipzig.

garco NL

2008-08-09 12:15

stronghold wrote Thanks, so can be considered as vehicles ;)

We only list vehicles with wheels or something like it?

See this: /movie.php?id=219400

western star trucks CA

2009-03-28 01:02

Their 2 Krupp Bucket Chain Excavators.

mike962 DE

2015-06-02 19:35

this is a sand mining excavator

here one in action

being GDR footage and overall design I would say this is an eat german one

-- Last edit: 2015-06-02 19:50:42

mike962 DE

2015-06-02 19:43

this seems to be same model
Link to ""

mike962 DE

2015-06-02 19:49

and ID image the main one is an earlier one but clearly same design so same producer

[Image: mad-max-06.jpg]

mike962 DE

2015-06-03 20:06

so can be named TAKRAF

as "VEB Förderanlagen und Kranbau Köthen" was part of it

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