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1965 Bolens Lawn Keeper

1965 Bolens Lawn Keeper in The Prisoner, TV Series, 1967-1968 IMDB Ep. 1.00

Class: Others, Farming vehicle — Model origin: US

1965 Bolens Lawn Keeper

[*][*] Minor action vehicle or used in only a short scene

Comments about this vehicle


wrenchhead US

2007-02-18 16:31

That looks more like a lawn mower or handicapped vehicle. I cerainly wouldn't call in a ground conveyor :??:


2007-02-20 00:05

Qoute From the first ep P: (Prisoner) ELEC: (electrision)

P: "Why do you Drive thows things"

Elec: "What?"

P: "the Tractors"

Elec: "there sturdy get you there eventuly"

Elec "In an emergency We Walk"

-- Last edit: 2007-02-20 00:06:45

johnny ford

2009-09-30 23:42


carcrasher88 US

2011-10-11 21:08

Could be repainted, or (at least in my opinion) an International Cadet.

CougarTim US

2011-10-11 21:24

AMC man may be on to something. This Bolens Lawn Keeper matches pretty well: http://jacqueslacasse.tripod.com/CharlesWise/BolensLK.jpg

EDIT: And I just found this page also claiming "The Prisoner" vehicle is a Bolens: http://www.theunmutual.co.uk/bolens.htm

-- Last edit: 2011-10-11 21:27:01

carcrasher88 US

2011-10-11 21:38

After seeing that, I'll agree on Bolens Lawn Keeper.

tonkatracker US

2011-10-11 22:32

Indeed. Originally headquartered in Port Washington, Wisconsin in 1850, now part of the MTD family.

-- Last edit: 2011-10-11 22:32:41

Jale PL

2021-10-17 17:50

Ep. 1.15 [*]

[Image: 3306-15.jpg] [Image: 3350-15.jpg]

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