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Aniol w Krakowie, Movie, 2002 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Weasel1984

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Weasel1984 PL

2008-05-18 23:36

[Image: snapshot20080518204729ds2.3289.jpg]

Some pics of the title Kraków for Chris (aka Chris40 ;) ):
[Image: snapshot20080518233514rg4.231.jpg] [Image: snapshot20080518212114iu1.3710.jpg]

chris40 UK

2008-05-19 09:09

Bardzo dziękuję, Michał! (1) Rynek Głowny, Sukiennice, Wieża Ratuszowa; (2) Kościół Mariacki. [(1)Main Square, Cloth Hall, Town Hall Tower; (2) St Mary's Church.]

Weasel1984 PL

2008-05-20 00:00

You are welcome.

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