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The Haunting, Movie, 1999 IMDB

Pictures provided by: coopey, stronghold, Terra

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Also known as:

  • Das Geisterschloß (Germany)
  • La guarida (Spain)
  • Hantise (France)
  • Gli invasati (Italy)
  • Haunting - Presenze (Italy)

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Comments about this movie

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Kooshmeister US

2009-02-09 20:19

Isn't there background SUV too?

Skid US

2009-05-14 07:03

Yeah, as I recall, Owen Wilson's character has a green and tan Eddie Bauer edition Ford Bronco.

stronghold EN

2011-10-26 20:32

[Image: haunting1.5131.jpg] [Image: haunting21.5646.jpg]

Replacing All previous pics (which were small approx. 400x160) with full size 720x306.
I will also be correcting the star ratings (Two are wrong) & adding a missing two-star car.

Far background-
[Image: haunting2.6752.jpg] [Image: haunting11.3102.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2011-10-26 20:49:57

Gag Halfrunt UK

2011-10-26 20:47

Filmed in the UK and the USA.

Terra US

2015-01-16 00:45

[Image: 8.3.jpg] [Image: 9.1.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2015-07-02 14:11:21

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