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Primitive London, Documentary, 1965 IMDB

Pictures provided by: stronghold

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stronghold EN

2007-11-23 11:40

[Image: prinitivelondon2ad7.4913.jpg] [Image: prinitivelondon71pi4.2198.jpg] [Image: prinitivelondon53xb2.3205.jpg] [Image: prinitivelondon54ey0.6013.jpg] [Image: prinitivelondon1hw9.9156.jpg]
(Singer) Billy.J.Kramer,(comedian/writer) Barry Cryer, (wrestler) Mick McManus + a light aircraft for sixcyl :)

stronghold EN

2007-11-23 12:19

a delicately balanced background sedan :)
during this scene we are told that on 17th August 1896 the first person (woman) was killed in a motoring accident (at an exhibition in Crystal Palace ..where I live.! ;) )
They say it was the first of ten million accidents (till that time) and that more people had been killed in the last ten years through cars, than people killed during all the air-raids in WWII (I'm guessing they're just talking about London/GB?)

-- Last edit: 2007-11-23 12:28:49

greybear EN

2007-11-23 14:34

Probably just the UK. Until late 1943 there were more British World War II casualties (i.e. deaths and injuries) caused by road accidents than by enemy action. This was mostly due to the banning of all lights except very feeble vehicle lights because of bombing raids. In 1942 my father was driving through East London at night when he hit something in the road. There was a loud clattering noise and he could feel something scraping along the bottom of the car. He stopped, went back and found a metal sign lying in the road. He took it to the front of the car so he could read it in the headlights. It said: DANGER - UNEXPLODED BOMB. He put it back and drove home VERY quickly!


2007-11-23 17:12

But then didn't very few people drive during WWII, due to the shortage of petrol?

-- Last edit: 2007-11-23 17:13:36

greybear EN

2007-11-23 19:44

Not many people had cars before the war and to start with petrol was rationed so that private cars got enough for about 200 miles per month. By 1942 no petrol was available for private motoring. Great efforts were made to maintain public transport services so there were still buses and taxis on the roads. Most casualities were pedestrians run over during the 'blackout' when there were no street lights or visible lights from buildings.

-- Last edit: 2007-11-23 19:53:27

sixcyl FR

2011-07-18 12:53

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