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レッドアイズ 監視捜査班 (Red Eyes), JP TV Series, 2021 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Jnglmpera

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Jnglmpera JP

2021-09-06 11:09

[Image: title.78.jpg]

Bunch more [*]s were seen on the background security cam screens, but I didn't bother screengrabbing any of them unless they were plot-relevant.

[*][*] Wrangler
[Image: ep6_wrangler.jpg]

Blurry/too small/partly visible [*]s
[Image: ep1_tooblurry.jpg] [Image: ep1_too-small-background.jpg] [Image: ep1_too-small-yaris.jpg] [Image: ep2_tanto-ng.jpg] [Image: ep3_traffic.jpg] [Image: ep3_minicab-toosmall.jpg] [Image: ep4_wagonr.jpg] [Image: ep4_voxy-ng.jpg] [Image: ep5_car.1.jpg] [Image: ep5_too-blurry-backhoe.jpg] [Image: ep6_prius.jpg] [Image: ep7_box-only.jpg] [Image: ep7_quon.jpg]

Arm only Tadano
[Image: ep1_tadano-armonly.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2021-09-06 11:13:34

Jnglmpera JP

2021-09-06 11:15

Odakyu? Sotetsu? train
[Image: ep8_train.jpg]

Nikon camera
[Image: ep1_nikon.jpg]

Yokohama traffic lights and xmas lights for rjluna... :)
[Image: ep3_light.jpg] [Image: ep3_light2.jpg]
[Image: ep1_xmas-lights.jpg] [Image: ep1_xmas-lights2.jpg]

rjluna2 US

2021-09-06 15:46

Jnglmpera wrote Yokohama traffic lights and xmas lights for rjluna... :)

Scheduled to post a comment on 2022-7-17.

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