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The Looking Glass War, Movie, 1969 IMDB

Pictures provided by: sixcyl, dsl

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Also known as:

  • Susan (Brazil)
  • Krieg im Spiegel (Germany)
  • Spejlkrigen (Denmark)
  • El espejo de los espías (Spain)
  • Peilisota (Finland)
  • Le Miroir aux Espions (France)
  • Tükörútvesztő (Hungary)
  • Lo specchio delle spie (Italy)
  • Speilkrigen (Norway)
  • Cudzymi rekoma (Poland)
  • Spegelkriget (Sweden)
  • Casuslar mücadelesi (Türkiye)

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dsl SX

2014-01-24 16:23

[Image: title.34.jpg]
Strange film adaptated from one of Le Carre's less remembered books (although when I first read it, I thought it was even better than The Spy Who Came In From The Cold). Starts as a fairly standard 60's claustrophobic spy thriller, but then switches to becoming a bleak but beautifully filmed scenic road movie for the second half, with substantial deviation from the book. For me and some imdb critics it makes that jump very effectively, but lots of others don't like it for abandoning Le Carre's careful construction - George Smiley for instance is a book character, but written out of the film. So an oddball "inspired by ...." more than a faithful adaptation - its mood of doomed inevitability reminded me of Vanishing Point (but without the cars) more than a spy film.

imdb says filmed in London and Spain, closing credits say London and "various locations in Europe". The airport in "Finland" during early part (the Citroen and VW pages) is probably Heathrow (reprise in final sequence without snow). Main part is supposed to be "East Germany" but fairly sure it's indeterminate Scottish Highlands to start with (the Landie is the only entry from this portion) and then could easily be Spain for the remainder of the road trip. Not sure about end sequences in town/city at night - might be UK, Spain, somewhere else - or a mixture.

Have added some entries and timings and lots of comments pictures to those already here, but have not replaced the mains as I'm not sure mine are better quality - even after 8 years from original posting.

1] red tractor after 01-08-30 - would be a 2* for its presence affecting the plot, but I doubt if identifiable. Probably filmed in Spain.
[Image: 1-08-31tractora.jpg] [Image: 1-08-31tractor.jpg]

[Image: 1-08-31tractorb.jpg] [Image: 1-08-31tractorc.jpg]

[Image: 1-08-31tractord.jpg]

2] two military/police bikes at "E German" checkpoint (probably Spain) at 01-18-36 - folk keep standing in front of them preventing any better capture:
[Image: 1-18-36blackbike.jpg]

3] rocket transporter near end at 01-35-28 - this is the only view, but will give it a page if anyone reckons it's identifiable and not made-for-movie mock-up
[Image: 1-35-28rockettransskoda.jpg]
Because the Skoda's alongside, I think it could be Spain.

4] 2* collection of 4 military vehicles as the "East Germans" close in on our hero - radio wagon, troop lorry and 2 bikes. No real idea where filmed, but might be UK?? No better views, but could be given pages if IDable:
[Image: 1-39-04militarycollection.jpg] [Image: 1-39-04militarycollectiona.jpg]

[Image: 1-39-04militarycollectionb.jpg] [Image: 1-39-04militarycollectionc.jpg]

[Image: 1-39-04militarycollectiond.jpg] [Image: 1-39-04militarycollectione.jpg]

Gag Halfrunt UK

2014-01-24 16:40

If I had to guess, I'd say the "rocket launcher" was a water cannon truck or an airport fire engine.

dsl SX

2014-01-24 19:04

Planes for impdb - @sixcyl - I guess there was no impdb in 2005??

1] intro sequence - a Caravelle (???) with red stripes
[Image: 02-48plane.jpg] [Image: 02-49plane.jpg]

2] long sequence 21-10, supposed to be Finland. Another Caravelle?
[Image: 21-09plane.jpg] [Image: 21-10plane.jpg]

[Image: 21-11plane.jpg] [Image: 21-12plane.jpg]

[Image: 21-20plane.jpg] [Image: 21-24plane.jpg]

3] maybe Heathrow - VC10??
[Image: 27-02plane.jpg] [Image: 27-03plane.jpg]

4] another VC10 with possible RAF emblem on tailplane - perhaps clearer onscreen than in captures
[Image: 52-40planerafvc10.jpg] [Image: 52-40planerafvc10b.jpg]

[Image: 52-40planerafvc10c.jpg]

5] distant assortment at film end, possibly Heathrow again:
[Image: 1-45-19plane.jpg] [Image: 1-45-49plane.jpg]

[Image: 1-45-49planeb.jpg]

Gag Halfrunt UK

2014-01-24 20:21

The Finnair plane is actually two different Finnair Caravelles, OH-LSC "Turku" and OH-LSG "Jyväskylä".

Link to ""

(DSL edit to get the link working properly after collective effort)

I imagine that the simplest way to get shots of a Finnair plane in a snowy environment was to send a crew to Finland. :)

-- Last edit: 2014-01-25 18:12:35 (dsl)

Ingo DE

2014-01-24 21:01

dsl wrote
2] two military/police bikes at "E German" checkpoint (probably Spain) at 01-18-36 - folk keep standing in front of them preventing any better capture:
[Image: 1-18-36blackbike.jpg]

:beer: for my collection :)

Ingo DE

2014-01-24 21:06

dsl wrote
4] 2* collection of 4 military vehicles as the "East Germans" close in on our hero - radio wagon, troop lorry and 2 bikes. No real idea where filmed, but might be UK?? No better views, but could be given pages if IDable:
[Image: 1-39-04militarycollection.jpg]

Huh, now everything is mixed up :D Look at the license plate: it shall be a DDR one, made in the British colour sheme with letters and ciphers, which are looking Dutch and has the "Y" as first and only letter, as the West German Bundeswehr has :lol:

sixcyl FR

2014-01-25 18:00

dsl wrote Planes for impdb - @sixcyl - I guess there was no impdb in 2005??

Indeed, there was no IMPDb and it seems I did not collect screenshots of airplanes at this time neither. Thanks a lot dsl! :king:
Nice pictures of those Finnair Caravelles ...Super Carabelle 10B... one of favourites with the Caravelle 12 ;)
The other airplanes are Caravelle III, Trident 1 , DC-9 and 707.

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