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El dinero tiene miedo, Movie, 1970 IMDB

Pictures provided by: s13a

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Also known as:

  • The Money is Afraid
  • Cómo atrapar a un Don Juan (Mexico)
  • Como conquistar a Don Juanm (Mexico)

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s13a LT

2022-04-10 23:35

[Image: movietitle.193.jpg] [Image: direc.12.jpg] [Image: cast1.192.jpg] [Image: cast2.133.jpg] [Image: cast3.96.jpg]

Filmed in Switzerland & Spain.

s13a LT

2022-04-10 23:35

Car park in Spain :

[Image: carpark2.1.jpg]
(a Toyota Corona, below on the right, looks like an unusual sight at that time in E?)

[Image: carpark3.1.jpg]

s13a LT

2022-04-10 23:36

Motorola record player :

[Image: record.jpg]

s13a LT

2022-04-10 23:36

Aircraft for IMPDb :

[Image: impdbii1.40.jpg] [Image: impdbii2.22.jpg]

[Image: impdbi1.67.jpg] [Image: impdbiii1.21.jpg]

[Image: impdbiv1.6.jpg] [Image: impdbiv2.4.jpg]

[Image: impdbv1.4.jpg]

Gongora ES

2022-04-11 22:59

s13a wrote Car park in Spain :

[Image: carpark2.1.jpg]
(a Toyota Corona, below on the right, looks like an unusual sight at that time in E?)

[Image: carpark3.1.jpg]

Yes, japanese cars were rare in Spain until 1980s, although the first to be imported date back to the 50's when some Datsun and Minsei were imported... Hino trucks and Toyopet passenger cars were also imported in the early 60's
[Image: barcelona1.jpg] [Image: barcelona2.jpg] [Image: nissanzumaiaa.jpg]

Corkeyandpals US

2022-10-13 00:44

Aircraft at:

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