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La dame dans l'auto avec des lunettes et un fusil, Movie, 2015 IMDB

Pictures provided by: asaakim, Baskingshark, JB

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Also known as:

  • Uma Dama de Óculos Escuros Com uma Arma no Carro (Brazil)
  • The Lady in the Car with Glasses and a Gun (USA)

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electra225 IT

2018-05-12 12:37

I remember the 1969 film with the same title. What can you tell me about this remake ? Disappointing as usually remake are ?


2018-05-12 19:56

electra225 wrote I remember the 1969 film with the same title. What can you tell me about this remake ? Disappointing as usually remake are ?

This movie:

electra225> I don't know, I did not see the original to be able to compare, but that there is long and without suspense with three small action scenes.

Baskingshark EN

2018-11-01 02:19

electra225 wrote I remember the 1969 film with the same title. What can you tell me about this remake ? Disappointing as usually remake are ?

It's not as good as the 1969 version, but not too bad at all.

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