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Sarnie zniwo czyli pokusa statuetkowego szlaku, PL Movie, 2006 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Weasel1984

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Weasel1984 PL

2007-09-26 19:53

[Image: snapshot20090911025816.5152.jpg]
No IMDB entry - more info and link to video with cult chase :whistle: (Omega vs. Scirocco) on the forum.

[Image: 401af6.2213.jpg]
[Image: unknown2fq0.2310.jpg] [Image: unknown3qv4.2613.jpg]
The exterior views are of BMW 5 [E39]:
[Image: bmw51nc2.2237.jpg] [Image: bmw52yd9.2374.jpg] [Image: bmw53ny0.7722.jpg] [Image: bmw54uo3.3042.jpg]
I saw something similar in one of stronghold's TV series. :D

-- Last edit: 2009-09-11 03:00:12

CarChasesFanatic ES

2007-09-26 22:09

Thanks for showing the chase Weasel :p , it was nice to see for me, we cant say its not realistic, plus i like hearing the real sounds of the hits, i liked it :king:

Dj_Sergio ES

2007-09-28 01:30

pedazo de nombre de pelicula xDDD

Weasel1984 PL

2007-09-28 15:33

carchasesfanatic wrote Thanks for showing the chase Weasel...

You are welcome.
carchasesfanatic wrote ... we cant say its not realistic...

Yes, we can say a lot about it, but definitely not this. :D

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