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Pedro Navaja, Movie, 1984 IMDB

Pictures provided by: owlman

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owlman US

2011-06-13 05:13

[Image: pedronavajasest20110513.8958.jpg]

Assorted background street traffic
[Image: pedronavajasest20110513.8958.jpg] [Image: pedronavajasest20110513.8958.jpg] [Image: pedronavajasest20110513.8958.jpg] [Image: pedronavajasest20110513.8958.jpg] [Image: pedronavajasest20110513.8958.jpg] [Image: pedronavajasest20110513.8958.jpg]

Union made
[Image: pedronavajasest20110513.8958.jpg]

carobserver MX

2011-06-13 21:55

I dont think this movie are from 1985. Any pic from a licence plate of any car to be sure what year is really?

Gag Halfrunt UK

2011-06-13 22:34

The story is set in the 1970s.

And the IMDB says it was made in 1984. :)

owlman US

2011-06-14 01:20

Gag Halfrunt wrote And the IMDB says it was made in 1984. :)


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