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Coco Chanel, Movie made for TV, 2008 IMDB

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sixcyl FR

2012-05-20 10:59

[Image: cocochanel2.jpg]

Not bad TV film but too many scenes are shot in Italy when supposed to be set in Paris, and almost all cars are non French which is nonsense considering the story and the era :/

Many nice models though ;)
[Image: comaa.13.jpg] [Image: comac.5.jpg] [Image: comad.2.jpg] [Image: comag.1.jpg] [Image: comaj.jpg] [Image: comak.1.jpg] [Image: comba.5.jpg] [Image: combe.jpg] [Image: combi.jpg]

Barbara Bobulova (as Young Coco Chanel)
[Image: comcd.jpg] [Image: comcg.jpg] [Image: comci.jpg]

Excellent Shirley McLaine (as Old Coco Chanel)
[Image: comcl.jpg] [Image: comcm.jpg]

Valentina Lodovini
[Image: comec.jpg] [Image: comed.jpg]

Marine Delterme
[Image: comgb.jpg] [Image: comgf.jpg] [Image: comgh.jpg]

Archive navy footage of the WWI
[Image: bateauaa.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2012-05-20 11:11:36

sixcyl FR

2012-05-22 20:10

Aircraft at:

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