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1960 Mercedes-Benz O 322 Biamax LP

1960 Mercedes-Benz O 322 in For Your Eyes Only, Movie, 1981 IMDB

Class: Bus, Single-deck — Model origin: DE — Built in: GR

1960 Mercedes-Benz O 322 Biamax LP

Pos: 00:24:04 [*][*] Minor action vehicle or used in only a short scene 

Comments about this vehicle


sixcyl FR

2005-10-31 08:19

Il ressemble à un O321 allemand, mais la carrosserie n'est pas d' origine Mercédès-Benz, et pourrait bien être espagnole


2005-10-31 18:41

The front is similar to the O321H (Heckmotor) I agree on that,
but it seems to be slightly smaller than that one and above all it looks like it´s riding on on a front engine chassis since there is no overhang on it.

These chassis could be called OF1313 for example,Omnibus Front 13 tons 130 hp.

But I´m afraid I don´t know the correct number for this one.

power600 FR

2005-11-02 00:28

C'est bien un 0321, y a eu des dizaine de variantes de carrosserie avec ces bus qui ont connu une longue carrière.

chapita AR

2005-11-16 19:32

Je suis d'accord, c'est un 0321H

John GR

2008-03-13 13:00

A l'epoque dans la plupart des pays du tiers monde les autobus avaient la meme carosserie et... les memes couleurs!


2008-03-13 14:26

Still, not an O321H since it´s obviously riding on a front engine chassis. More likely an LP 322.
It does though have a resembling design of the body.

andrepa DE

2015-01-15 22:43

1960 Mercedes-Benz O 322 Biamax LP

Robi DE

2015-01-17 12:36

andrepa is right with his suggestion, and the "made for E" should be removed, as these scenes were filmed in Greece.

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