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1957 Bedford SB Duple Vega

1957 Bedford SB in Mining Review, Documentary, 1947-1983 IMDB Ep. 16.06

Class: Bus, Single-deck — Model origin: UK

1957 Bedford SB Duple Vega

Pos: 00:09:08 [*][*] Minor action vehicle or used in only a short scene

Comments about this vehicle


dsl SX

2019-02-11 01:11

This one is messy because there's some cheating going on. There are 3 coaches in this item, one of which has a separate page and can be disregarded here. One coach is presented as the main featured vehicle in a supposedly continuous sequence, with the main above being the only proper front shot. So the main and selection below are presented as the same one, although they are in fact 2 different ones fudged together.

Edit: all the definitely-not-this-one pics now moved to a new page, which leaves these 2 orphans

[Image: 07-44coachb.jpg] [Image: 07-44coachf.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2019-02-14 01:17:40

johnfromstaffs EN

2019-02-11 09:22

The problem here is the number of chassis which found themselves under this range of Duple bodies, and the fact that Duple tended to change names quite frequently. While the design tended to be used on cheapish lightweights, there are a few Leyland and at least one Daimler known to have existed. I think we can eliminate Guy and Atkinson, but you never know!

-- Last edit: 2019-02-11 09:23:31

zodiac SE

2019-02-11 12:21

I might be wrong, but isn't that a Bedford badge Link to "" (the red one) where two halves of the grille is joined?

-- Last edit: 2019-02-11 12:21:59

johnfromstaffs EN

2019-02-11 12:37

Looks right to me, but there is more than one bus shown here.

dsl SX

2019-02-11 13:01

OK chaps - I have a plan!
- keep the main with its butterfly front on this page as Bedford whatever - ideas welcome
- move the "helpful" boot photo with Commer Duple badge to the Commer Avenger page
- run a new page for the maun featured coach, although no decent front view

-- Last edit: 2019-02-14 00:57:15

johnfromstaffs EN

2019-02-11 13:31

Thumbs [now moved - dsl].... aren’t even a Vega, but a Super Vega, and I think are all the same bus. So if we have identified the main as a Bedford SB/Duple Vega, there’s a start. Most of the Super Vega pictures on the interweb seem to be Bedfords, but I wouldn’t like to make that leap without further information.

-- Last edit: 2019-02-14 01:22:32 (dsl)

johnfromstaffs EN

2019-02-11 13:43

Read this lot and weep. I nearly did.

Link to ""

Sunbar UK

2019-02-11 17:12

johnfromstaffs wrote Read this lot and weep. I nearly did.

Link to ""

I had a read, normally I love all the detail. It started off well but I soon gave up.

I will copy the link as I know I will have a use for it some day should I ever get to be a centenarian.

johnfromstaffs EN

2019-02-12 09:37

Sunbar wrote

I had a read, normally I love all the detail. It started off well but I soon gave up.

I will copy the link as I know I will have a use for it some day should I ever get to be a centenarian.

So you’re unlikely to go through all the Commers, Fords, Dennises et al and re-classify them then? Perhaps dsl has the necessary nit-pickery frame of mind to attack it, plus his being able to pull the levers of the database.

I’m not going to volunteer, at my time of life I may not have long enough left!

-- Last edit: 2019-02-12 09:41:22

johnfromstaffs EN

2019-02-12 09:45

dsl 👋 about your cunning plan.

Go for it, but deleting the suspect thumbs might be a way ahead.

dsl SX

2019-02-12 15:00

johnfromstaffs wrote Perhaps dsl has the necessary nit-pickery frame of mind to attack it, plus his being able to pull the levers of the database.

I think I'll dodge that bullet. Too much of a strange world where I don't really understand the rules. But if someone else wants to attack it, I'm happy to follow behind and obediently pull the appropriate levers.

johnfromstaffs EN

2019-02-12 17:51

Is it possible to write what we used to call a sub-routine to search the database for the words “Duple Vega” and if they are not immediately preceded by “Bedford SB” insert after Vega the word “Lookalike”?

Sunbar UK

2019-02-13 12:31

Other than the recent Commer Avenger in the same movie here /vehicle.php?id=1233456#Comment2459706 , I made a quick search for Duple Vega bodies on non-Bedford SB chassis and unless I missed something or searched wrongly found nothing?

johnfromstaffs EN

2019-02-13 14:41

Looks like there is nothing. If we are vigilant in the future this should cause no further strife, hopefully.

The chances of stumbling across one of the oddball makes like TSM are probably minimal.

dsl SX

2019-02-14 01:32

[Image: 09-08coacha.jpg] [Image: 09-08coachb.jpg]
Page now split up and comments edited to make some sense without the previous thumbs.

Sunbar UK

2019-02-17 12:13

dsl wrote ....

Edit: all the definitely-not-this-one pics now moved to a new page, which leaves these 2 orphans

[Image: 07-44coachb.jpg] [Image: 07-44coachf.jpg]

Both thumbnails with the flat quarter-lite and trim without a 'kick-up' belong to the 1959 Bedford SB Super Vega here /vehicle_1234336-Bedford-SB-1959.html

The main picture does have (an early) Bedford badge therefore Bedford SB; any other chassis C-type or other Bedford truck chassis would be unlikely on a Duple Vega.

-- Last edit: 2019-02-17 12:14:29

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