
Last completed movie pages

Baywatch, US TV Series, 1989-2001 IMDB

Pictures provided by: wickey, coopey, mike962, MisterZ

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Also known as:

  • Baywatch: guardianes de la bahía
  • Los Guardianes de la Bahía
  • Спасители на плажа (Bulgaria)
  • S.O.S. Malibu (Brazil)
  • Pobřežní hlídka (Czech Republic or ex-Czechoslovakia)
  • Baywatch - Die Rettungsschwimmer von Malibu (Germany)
  • Los vigilantes de la playa (Spain)
  • Los vigilantes de la playa en Hawái (Spain)
  • Alerte à Hawaii (France)
  • Alerte à Malibu (France)
  • Spasilačka služba (Croatia (Hrvatska))
  • ベイウォッチ (Japan)
  • Gelbetojai (Lithuania)
  • Pludmales patruļa (Latvia)
  • Słoneczny patrol (Poland)
  • Marés Vivas (Portugal)
  • Baywatch Salvamarii (Romania)
  • Чувари плаже (Serbia)
  • Спасатели Малибу (Russia)
  • Pobrežná hliadka (Slovakia)
  • 海灘遊俠 (Taiwan)
  • 霹靂游龍 (Taiwan)
  • Baywatch Hawaii (USA)

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Comments about this movie

See all comments about this movie and its vehicles


wickey SK

2007-09-02 21:32

I loved also this series as a kid :)


[Image: snapshot20070902190402fo7.5673.jpg] [Image: snapshot20070902190500xf9.4672.jpg] [Image: snapshot20070902190508dh8.1562.jpg] [Image: snapshot20070902190519ye3.1560.jpg] [Image: snapshot20070902190527mz8.4364.jpg] [Image: snapshot20070902190541yk7.3563.jpg] [Image: snapshot20070902190550al8.1844.jpg]

wickey SK

2007-09-05 17:58

since 1.01 all the previous exzcept for the title and added

[Image: snapshot20070905164248ex2.4754.jpg] [Image: snapshot20070905175711jt6.5283.jpg]

stonecoldfan100 US

2010-03-28 03:14

I loved those Lifeguard trucks. They were light but awesome trucks.

mike962 DE

2012-03-01 16:13

nice bonus shot :D
[Image: snapshot20120229195814q.jpg]

Yasmin Bleeth was the ultimate Babe IMO, looked stunning but not over the top and she was the best actress out of them !!! too bad she ruined her career (and almsot the whole life) with drogs which also deprived us to see more of heer (:

-- Last edit: 2012-03-05 17:14:19

DynaMike NL

2012-03-01 17:26

No dogs, only pussies ?

Lateef NO

2012-03-01 17:29


unless, of course: Link to ""

mike962 DE

2012-03-01 18:50

bonus shots Nicole Eggert. Unfortunatly she stayed just in season 3 and season 4 to pursue big movie roles which never came... . And she also could act , not just been a pretty girl !! I think her HEIGHT was main problem , she is quite short
[Image: aa1.jpg]
[Image: snapshot20120229195814q1.jpg]

she summarized the show best in a quote
I love meeting "the Odd Man Out" - like fans of "Baywatch" (1989) who regret, as I do, that Tower 12 Productions didn't put nearly as much energy into writing and directing the show as they put into photographing and editing it.

-- Last edit: 2012-03-05 17:13:44

sixcyl FR

2012-03-01 19:26

DynaMike wrote No dogs, only pussies ?

Eh bien Mike? tu te lâches? :D

mike962 DE

2012-03-01 19:29

WHOLE series can be bought on DVD from Germany , is in german but also has ENGLISH audio option !!!

DynaMike NL

2012-03-02 00:08

@Sixcyl: c'était trop évident de ne pas le dire :)


2012-03-02 00:29

From wikipedia - Commenting on her cocaine addiction, Bleeth said, "It was almost like falling in love... It became my boyfriend, my best friend, my family." Powerful quote.

jettalover US

2012-03-02 03:21

Yes, very powerful.

mike962 DE

2012-03-02 19:19

bonus shot from season 7 , you might think they are actually sisters

[Image: aa4.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2012-03-05 17:04:36 (antp)

Nightrider RU

2012-03-03 17:36

WTF,man, we already had 2 pictures of her!

Sandie SX

2012-03-03 17:47

You can never have enough of a good thing...

Though I say that admitting I tend not to be a fan of blondes.

Nightrider RU

2012-03-03 17:54

From these pictures I'm really not sure about "good" thing...

mike962 DE

2012-03-03 21:25

bonus shot from Season 8 Carmen Electra ! , I also noticed in season 8 the reduced budget shows cos they reused quite a few footage from earlier seasons (traffic shots, stunts etc )!!!!

Now if you thought Pamenla is over the top and has really bad acting ,well Carmen is even WORSE !!! :)

[Image: aa3.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2012-03-05 16:57:41

mike962 DE

2012-03-04 12:49

Ok I have tried this trick , seems to work thanks !! Bonus shot from season 7 , this is different type of boat than the one which appers in the intro, it has 2 ski jets on the back ! and more of a catamaran shape

[Image: aa.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2012-03-05 16:55:55

mike962 DE

2012-03-04 18:44

something which only now I noticed , the lifeguard logo is a BEAR :) even if Bear's aren't associated with oceans and such

[Image: aa2.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2012-03-05 16:56:52

Ford_Guy US

2012-03-04 22:54

As for your thumbnails, you shouldn't use imageshack. You should read antp's message at the top of the page.

CougarTim US

2012-03-04 23:28

The bear is one of California's state symbols, appearing prominently on the state flag and other official logos: Link to ""

antp BE

2012-03-05 14:41

Ford_Guy wrote As for your thumbnails, you shouldn't use imageshack. You should read antp's message at the top of the page.

yes and no, as chicomarx said:

chicomarx wrote Upload at /upload.php but it's not normally for that stuff. ;) There are other free hosting sites like Photobucket, Flickr...

It is rather for additional shots of the cars than actresses etc. :p (but it is not much a problem to use it for everything posted in comments, as long that there aren't excesses)

-- Last edit: 2012-03-05 14:42:02

mike962 DE

2012-03-05 16:28

antp wrote

It is rather for additional shots of the cars than actresses etc. :p (but it is not much a problem to use it for everything posted in comments, as long that there aren't excesses)

you really think anybody watched the show for other reason than the actresses??? :D

Personally rewatching it on DVD I do think it did have some other qualites to it, there are always 2 to 3 montages per episode with some nice pop songs (many of them I didn't even know) and its just FUN to watch specially at those nice locations and they didn't do a too bad job with scripts when the basic premise of lifeguards is very limited to work with compared to Cops/ detective shows for example , I personally take Baywatch anyday over the crime Dramas we are flodded this days on TV like CSI (and its clones), Flashpoint, Law and Order or Vampire shit shows or Supernatural !!!!

I think we are forced over all this dramas where nothing really happens and its just talk because they are far CHEAPER to produce !!

-- Last edit: 2012-03-05 16:41:19

antp BE

2012-03-05 16:45

mike962 wrote
you really think anybody watched the show for other reason than the actresses??? :D

No, I mean the server for uploading pictures, not the show :p

mike962 DE

2012-03-05 17:00

ok all links updated , are now IMCDB, if there is interest on some of the boats , jet skies (most are YAMAHA) or the Dauphine coast guard helicopter let me know

mike962 DE

2012-03-05 17:12

season 3 will follow soon

Sandie SX

2012-03-05 18:34

The helicopter may be of interest for IMPDB

mike962 DE

2012-03-05 20:58

Sandie wrote The helicopter may be of interest for IMPDB

here a good shot of it from season 3
[Image: snapshot20120305215621.jpg]

also from season 3 Pamela (her first season) at her most "natural"
[Image: snapshot2012022.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2012-03-05 21:00:40

mike962 DE

2012-03-24 13:00

Bonus shots from season 9
[Image: snapshot20120324130907.jpg]
[Image: snapshot20120324135304.jpg]

mike962 DE

2012-03-26 20:15

bonus shot from season 1
[Image: snapshot20120326211208.jpg]

Nightrider RU

2012-03-26 20:28

@mike962: Stop it. Now. Or I'll kill you with my brain.

Weasel1984 PL

2012-03-26 20:32

Nightrider wrote @mike962: Stop it. Now. Or I'll kill you with my brain.

Good that not with AK-47. :D
Come on! E. Eleniak was OK. ;)

Lateef NO

2012-03-26 20:42

mike962 wrote bonus shot from season 1
[Image: snapshot20120326211208.jpg]

:wow: check out those nice tiles in the background :king: :love:

rjluna2 US

2012-03-26 20:46

Lateef wrote :wow: check out those nice tiles in the background :king: :love:

Something for Internet Movie Ceramic Title Database :lol:

Gag Halfrunt UK

2012-03-26 20:48

@Nightrider: Were you quoting Firefly?

Lateef NO

2012-03-27 15:38

Season one complete, courtesy of mike962

Nightrider RU

2012-03-27 18:09

Weasel1984 wrote
Come on! E. Eleniak was OK. ;)

Yep, just an average jane of pretty mild design. Something for IMOnceTheyWereConsideredSexyDB. Also this shot isn't even aesthetically good.

Nightrider RU

2012-03-27 18:10

Gag Halfrunt wrote @Nightrider: Were you quoting Firefly?

Almost. After all I can't kill him with anyting else.

Ingo DE

2012-03-27 19:00

Nightrider wrote Also this shot isn't even aesthetically good.

But it's according the US-rules.
Plus the fact, that a nice coverage animates the phantasy than bare facts :p

mike962 DE

2012-03-27 19:03

Erika has aged very gracefully (unlike many of the other actress) , see a recent interview with her

I'm shooked when she revelaed that they actually shot in winter time instead of summer

and from her other intervieews she gives dumb blondes a bad name :) :lol: she seems to be very intelligent and can argue very well her views

-- Last edit: 2012-03-27 19:06:25

Gag Halfrunt UK

2012-03-27 19:56

Nightrider wrote Almost. After all I can't kill him with anyting else.


walter IT

2012-03-28 22:29

mike962 wrote
From Ep. 2.20 [*][*][*]
[Image: 1.2.jpg] [Image: 2.1.jpg]

chicomarx BE

2012-03-29 00:53

ingo wrote there are locations, where you ask yourself, just by walking along the streets, if this is a permanent model contest around you.

Sweden? It's definitely not Belgium.

Sandie SX

2012-03-29 00:56

Edinburgh in the wonderful early summer we have been having this week might be one. :sun:

jettalover US

2012-03-29 03:58

The bear on the lifeguards shoulder logo is a brown bear. Also known as a grizzly bear. It's the most common bear in the world. But not in Calif. where it went extinct in 1922. It went exinct in Mexico 50 years before Calif.

-- Last edit: 2012-03-29 03:58:53

mike962 DE

2012-03-29 09:38

now the whole Baywatch seasons 1 to 9 are listed !!!! very few cars got damaged/ destroyed.

Regarding Baywatch Hawai I remember only few cars apperead and they were very common!! , simply put California >>>>>> Hawai , specially in car terms so not really worth getting that

-- Last edit: 2012-03-29 09:50:53

Ingo DE

2012-03-29 14:01

@chicomarx: yes, but the Baltic States much more. The absolute top location ;)
@Sandie: well, the UK belongs in that class rather to the other side of the range... :whistle: Only one time I've seen a cutie in Edinburgh, that makes you think "Whoah!" :wow: In 2001, one of the salesgirls at the ice cream-stand (the former circus-trailer, not the Commer Van, nor the Bedford CF) down in the Princess Street Gardens.

antp BE

2012-03-29 17:47

chicomarx wrote
Sweden? It's definitely not Belgium.

from what I saw, it seemed often the case for Croatia & Kosovo (so I guess Serbia and other countries around there too)

-- Last edit: 2012-03-29 17:47:49

mike962 DE

2012-03-29 21:07

from season 2
[Image: snapshot20120328155801.jpg]

Andre Malraux

2012-04-02 13:25

deleted comment

antp BE

2012-04-02 14:33

:??: what do you mean? I didn't delete comments on that subject here; indeed if cleaning is done it must be all or nothing, not just a part of the discussion.

Andre Malraux

2012-04-02 15:41

deleted comment

antp BE

2012-04-02 16:04

Yes, I remember the start of that discussion, but as I said it is not me who deleted that (at least not on purpose :D)

Andre Malraux

2012-04-02 16:44

deleted comment

BongoJ2 KR

2012-05-19 05:24

Is there a coming episode of the Chase and accident scene?


2013-10-23 20:46

This has to be the best, most realistic lifeguard action/drama series ever to grace my console television set! Fantastic acting too. Very convincing and realistic.


2014-01-20 23:11

It's unbelievable that there's not a first-generation Ford Bronco in this :wow: It would fit perfectly.

Corkeyandpals US

2014-07-03 23:38

Aircraft at:

shlc647 US

2016-01-25 23:12

Pamela Anderson was hot, so was Carmen Electra but I have to say that Nicole Eggert is my favorite Baywatch girl. I mostly watched the show on reruns.

mike962 DE

2017-01-17 21:26

shlc647 wrote Pamela Anderson was hot, so was Carmen Electra but I have to say that Nicole Eggert is my favorite Baywatch girl. I mostly watched the show on reruns.

what about Yasmine Bleeth ?

mike962 DE

2017-01-17 22:44

Season 10 and 11 complete !!

10.18 2 stars
[Image: untitled.1792.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2017-01-18 15:04:16

shlc647 US

2017-01-18 07:11

mike962 wrote
what about Yasmine Bleeth ?

She is pretty cute too, but so is about every other chick that appeared on the show. ;)

mike962 DE

2017-01-18 18:33

shlc647 wrote

She is pretty cute too, but so is about every other chick that appeared on the show. ;)

:D Perry was dating Yasmine at that time

-- Last edit: 2017-01-18 18:34:48

Reg1992 US

2017-04-28 03:50

Any explanation for why the 1980 Toyota Corolla pic I submitted was rejected? :think:

mike962 DE

2018-01-05 21:35

some of those famous cheesy Baywatch montages :D
Link to ""

mike962 DE

2018-02-21 23:59

Nightrider wrote @mike962: Stop it. Now. Or I'll kill you with my brain.

what do you think of this ? :D girls were so great back in the days, no tattos , no feminist crap ... (at least on TV)

or this

-- Last edit: 2018-02-22 00:14:15

mike962 DE

2019-04-09 19:17

the serie is now REMASTERED in HD !!! and it looks great !!

comapare, you do see more on the sides

[Image: i482826.jpg]

[Image: untitled.4011.jpg]

the only major downside is mass music replacement which is a major letdown and completely ruins it !!!! [:kiki]

so if someone wants to redo it go ahead

the red suits are very striking

[Image: untitled.4012.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2019-04-09 19:24:17

mike962 DE

2019-04-12 19:06

this cropping up for widescreen thing is terrible for this old TV shows in many shots this happens top of heads misisng, they simply were meant to be viewed in 4:3

they did the same thing with Dukes of Hazzard [:kiki]

[Image: untitled.4023.jpg]

[Image: untitled.4024.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2019-04-12 19:16:35

rjluna2 US

2019-04-12 19:32

mike962 wrote this cropping up for widescreen thing is terrible for this old TV shows in many shots this happens top of heads misisng, they simply were meant to be viewed in 4:3

they did the same thing with Dukes of Hazzard [:kiki]

Yep, they did the same thing with In the Heat of the Night TV series [:kiki]

Now, all I need to find a DVD title with 4:3 NTSC ratio out there :think:

MisterZ AU

2019-10-10 10:27

HD upgrade complete.

For IMPDb:

[Image: 314.jpg] 3.14

[Image: 619.jpg] 6.19

[Image: 820.jpg] 8.20

[Image: 912.jpg] 9.12

[Image: vlcsnap-2021-06-09-06h33m30s419.jpg] 10.18

-- Last edit: 2023-01-21 04:23:07

mike962 DE

2024-10-23 16:43

RIP Michael Newman

the genuine life guard on the show , he was in main cast during first 10 seasons

[Image: 4u65wx44bff7rctjkb2phpq45y.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2024-10-23 16:48:33

UKboy205 EN

2024-10-23 17:36

:( :cry:

Kartkidbut US

2024-10-23 18:46


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