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Yoyo, Movie, 1964 IMDB

Pictures provided by: sixcyl

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Also known as:

  • Yoyó (Spain)
  • Jo-Jo (Finland)
  • Yo-Yo (Portugal)
  • Yo Yo (USA)

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sixcyl FR

2011-01-01 23:20

[Image: 278930-YOYO_3.jpg]

[Image: 278931-COM_BA.jpg] [Image: 278932-COM_BC.jpg]

[Image: 278935-JOU_AC.jpg]
[Image: 278933-JOU_AA.jpg] [Image: 278934-JOU_AE.jpg]
Nice set of Norev plastic scale-models of the early 60's...the ones I used to play with when I was kid.
One can see:
Fiat 600-Renault Ondine-Peugeot 404-Simca Aronde P60 Océane-Panhard PL17-Simca Marly Ambulance-Renault 4L-Simca 1000 Coupé-Renault 4 Fourgonnette-Renault Estafette-VW 1200-Simca Vedette Chambord-Ford Consul Classic-Alfa Romeo Giulietta Sprint-Simca Trianon-Ford Taunus 17M-Morris 850-VW 1500-Ford Anglia-Citroën Ami 6- Volvo P1800-Opel Kapitän-Citroën H-Citroën 2CV AZLP-Mercedes Benz 220 SE-Renault 8-Ford Vedette Dépanneuse-Simca 1000-Citroën DS19...

Another nice toy...
[Image: 278937-BATEAU_AE.jpg] [Image: 278938-BATEAU_AF.jpg] [Image: 278939-BATEAU_AG.jpg]

sixcyl FR

2011-01-01 23:36

By the way... Happy New Year to everybody on this beloved site ! [Image: alc0021.gif]

bref FR

2011-01-02 15:59

Happy new year too!

"effectivement, un certain nombre de nos compatriotes sont parfois un peu surpris quand ils voient de très grosses cylindrées tirer des caravanes, alors qu'on peut s'interroger sur les revenus." Brice H. July 2010

Weasel1984 PL

2011-01-02 16:46

Happy and better than the previous one...
Hard to find film.

sixcyl FR

2011-01-03 13:50

I was very happy to watch at this film. I had same age than "Yoyo" when I saw it for the 1st time, and it had printed many good souvenirs in my little boy's mind ... so? 45years ago! that let me less happy :/

Aircrafts in this film at:

sixcyl FR

2011-01-03 18:27

Weasel1984 wrote Happy and better than the previous one...
Hard to find film.

Be positive Michal, many of the worst films are already on line so you won't have to watch at them :D

sixcyl FR

2011-01-03 18:31

dis moi Bref? excuse-moi de te demander pardon mais citer l'hortefeu-au-poudre sur la page d'un film aussi beau et poétique, c'est de la provocation ou j'me trompe? :D

bref FR

2011-01-03 20:08

En voyant cette sublime et plantureuse Hispano tracter une carlo, je n'ai pu m'empêcher de penser à quelques raccourcis Auvergnats :D

sixcyl FR

2011-01-04 18:16

Ah oui, quand il y en a une ça va...mais c'est quand il y en a 10 qu'il y a problème? ... :think:

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